
English: as soon as what time to use?

In order for a beginner who studies English to be easier to navigate in times, use time markers. These are words that in most cases are used exclusively in 1 time. Consider such markers as the simple adverb of time soon and the compound adverb as soon as. What time to use after them, and how are such sentences translated? These are very interesting questions of English philology.

The use of as soon as in speech. Examples

The subordinate union as soon as in English refers to the unions of time, and is translated as the Russian expression - "as soon as" or "not later than". This service phrase consists of 2 words. The adverb as signifies the characterization of the mode of action. Adverb soon translated as "soon."

In speech, sometimes you can not do without such expressions in case we ask someone to fulfill an urgent matter, or when it comes to the actions of a third person.

As soon as he came home, he called her. "He called her as soon as he got home."

Or from the first person.

I will go for a walk. "I'll go for a walk as soon as I finish my work."

There is still such a turn of speech as as soon as possible - as quickly as possible. Such a union expresses an even more urgent request, or more importantly, a matter that must be fulfilled urgently.

Acceptable sentences. Unions of Time

There are proposals where the first part characterizes some condition in the present, and the second event in the future. And how the union between them stands if, when or as soon as. What time to use: present or future? In the compound sentences, there always works the rule of time harmonization, which we will discuss in more detail.

In such sentences one can use one of the allied words: if, as soon as, when. What is the difference between unions that seem to perform the same function: point to the time frame as the condition of the event? The difference is that the values they have are still different. "If" gives the choice when answering. The Union "after" indicates the order of events, but not on specific dates. But as soon as implies immediate fulfillment of the condition.

As soon as we got out the car, it started raining. - As soon as we got into the car, it started to rain.

The context of the proposal gives a clear idea: the rain went to the same minute that people hid in the car, but did not get wet. It is in this context that this compound adverb is used.

After As soon as what time?

Native speakers easily cope with the definition of time and often omit the adverbs that determine it. But the language learners can not understand all the temporary rules immediately. For example, how to understand: after the words "as soon as" what time to use - past, present or future when translating a sentence? "I'll be ready as soon as I get this yesterday's report."

In compound sentences, where there is a condition of time, we use the rule of agreement. According to this grammatical rule, after the union is put will, and then the whole sentence is built in the simple present tense.

As soon as we get off the train, I will see sister. "As soon as we get off the train, I'll see my sister."

The main part here is - I will see this phrase is composed in the future tense. And the subordinate part of the sentence is in the present.

There are cases when the wording is used in the past tense. The actions of both the subordinate and the main sentence have occurred in the past. But one of the events was earlier and served as a condition for fulfilling the second. Past simple is used to describe actions that have already necessarily ended up to the present moment of speech.

As soon as they reached the house, Tom called the girl. "As soon as they got home, Tom called the girl.

As soon as I came up, they got into a taxi and went away. "As soon as I got there, they took a taxi and left.

Sometimes I would not see Dad until I got back from Kingdom Hall on Sundays, but as soon as I ran into the house. "At times I did not see my father until Sunday until I returned from church, but as soon as I ran into the house, he began to tell me about what he had seen the day before.

All of these examples use the time "Past simple".

The design as soon as and the perfect time

But the perfect time is used to express the action that has already occurred up to a clearly specified time. This should be taken into account when there is doubt as to how to translate an English sentence with as soon as? What time to use while doing this?

How Past Perfect is formed is shown in the figure. It depicts schematically all the perfect times.

An example is this: As soon as she had got married, she became happier. "As soon as she got married, she immediately became happier."

The had had married design specifies exactly the time Past Perfect (Past completed).

This time can be called pre-passed. Perfect time emphasizes the fact that the action in the subordinate sentence was completed before the action of the main part began.

Adverb soon

Another important speech in the speech (adverb) is soon, which can be treated in a sentence in several ways, depending on the context. Russian dialects soon, early or readily - all translated as soon. These pointer words are sometimes called time markers.

So, soon: what time indicator is this adverb? Soon refers to the dialects of time, and usually indicates that the action will occur in the future. But this does not specify the date of the event.

The doctor will soon be here. "The doctor will be here soon."

However, not always the presence of this adverb reflects the future. To use the right time, it is better to rely on the context, on the meaning of the expression.

How to create a question with this adverb of time? For the construction of the interrogative sentence, put how. Then - the adverb, after him all other members of the sentence.

How soon can you finish the job? - How quickly can you finish this job?

An adverb is a marker of what time?

As already mentioned, the adverb is soon used to denote different characteristics of the time of action. And it does not always express the future. What other times can be used? Now we'll figure it out.

Here is an example of several compound dialects with the word soon. What time in English does the phrase "as soon as not" (so likely) mean the future or the present? Expression The sooner the better (The sooner, the better); Or the phrase "soon after"? All these nuances of speech need to be learned at first, as it is difficult to understand. We see examples:

She found a job soon after graduation. - She found a job after she graduated.

This time is the past, and the adverb in this sentence means not a possible future, but a short period, followed by a determined event. In this case, soon here is translated as immediately after .

How to consolidate knowledge?

Every day doing some simple exercises on the chosen topic, it is easy to learn any complicated rule. Let's imagine a few sentences where you need to use the marker soon or as soon as. What time to use when translating? Think about it.

  • As soon as it becomes dark, the street is empty. - As soon as it becomes dark, the street will empty.
  • Call me as soon as you get home. - Call me as soon as you will arrive home.
  • I'll come as soon as I have free time. "I will arrive as soon as there is free time.
  • Immediately after reading the letter, she broke it. - After she had read the letter, she tore it into pieces.

However, in the beginning it is necessary to understand Russian grammar. Then it will be easier to perceive the theoretical information concerning the harmonization of time in English. For example, how is the compound sentence constructed? What is the subject and predicate in the sentence?

In parallel studying grammar and training, translating sentences, to subdue English speech really in short terms.

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