
"Promised Land": the meaning of phraseology, its origin

Many speech speeds, which can be found in oral and written speech, came to Russian from myths and legends. The expression "the promised land" is no exception. The meaning of phraseology is easy to understand, having an idea of where it came from. So, to indicate what this stable construction is used, what is its origin?

The origin of phraseology

What is the meaning of the expression "promised land", which still occurs in written and spoken language? The sacred Hebrew texts state that God promised the prophet Moses to help him save the Jews who were languishing in Egyptian captivity. He undertook to tell the Jewish people the way to where abundance and prosperity awaits them, where honey and milk flow in place of the rivers.

"Promised Land" (the meaning of phraseology is revealed below) is not a divine gift to the Jews, as one might think. Rather, it was the subject of an agreement that was concluded between the descendants of Abraham and the Creator. The Jewish people had to follow the commandments of God precisely, refuse to worship pagan deities, lead a righteous life. For this the Jews expected the promised reward in the form of a fertile, resource-rich land, where they are expected to be calm and prosperous.

Palestine or not?

Traditionally, it is believed that under the earth, where Jews can find happiness, it means Palestine. However, some researchers are convinced that it is not a question of a specific place on the map of our planet. They believe that it was the possibility of paradise life in any part of the globe, provided that the divine commandments were followed.

What other versions are there of what the "promised land" is? There are also supporters of the theory that the Christopher Columbus expedition was organized by Jews, and they also acted as sponsors. For representatives of this people, if you believe the legend, this was another attempt to find a new land where you can escape from oppression.

What is the meaning of the expression "promised land"?

Above is told about where this mysterious phraseological turn came from in Russian . What is the meaning of the sustainable construction of the "promised land"? The value of phraseology, which is most popular, is a fantastically attractive place where a person dreams to be.

However, this phraseological construction also has a different meaning, not related to the ground. So it is possible to name the subject of passionate desires and hopes, the goal to which the person aspires to achieve.

Examples of use

So, the above is told about what the "promised land" is. The meaning and origin of phraseology is no longer a mystery. To fix in memory the obtained information will be helped by examples of its use in literary works.

For example, we can recall the epic "War and Peace", authored by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. In his famous work, the writer uses a lot of phraseological phrases, including the expression "promised land." The meaning of phraseology in this case is a desirable place. So the author calls Moscow, which Napoleon's troops seek to occupy.

It is used by the speech revolution and writer Anton Chekhov in his work "Rolling the Field". The author informs readers that one of the heroes wants to get the teacher's place so much, as if he wants to "the promised land." Appeals to him and Goncharov in his novel "Cliff". One of the characters of the piece thought that he had already reached the "promised land", where he was waiting for the river of milk and honey, where he would bathe in silver and gold, forever forget about the suffering that followed him, the need.

What else do you need to know?

How to pronounce and spell phraseology correctly, in what order should words be written? Does not play absolutely no role, whether a person says "the promised land" or "the promised land". The meaning of the word "paradise" also indicates that it is able to serve as a synonym, which can replace this phraseological turnover without the slightest detriment to the meaning. In addition, you can use the phrase "the promised land," as well as the words "Eden, Elysium, Paradise."

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