Food and drinkRecipes

Lamb (Recipes of Preparation)

For the peoples of the East, lamb is an exceptionally favorite food. Recipes of a wide variety of dishes from it are abundantly represented not only in oriental cuisine, but also in Russian cuisine. Although some consumers do not like the smell and taste of lamb fat. Therefore, meat requires the addition of fragrant greens, garlic and various sauces.

The main advantage of this meat is the fact that lamb, the recipes of which are presented to the attention of readers, is on the list of dietary dishes. It can be included in the menu even for toddlers, whereas pork is not recommended for children.

In the East, even for the preparation of the first dishes, mutton is most often used. Recipes of cooking meat soups of Russian cuisine are quite suitable for the first, cooked from mutton. But purely oriental dish can be called chihirtma.


For it, you need to take 115 grams of meat, egg, 2 medium onions, a teaspoon of flour, cream or melted oil grams 15, wine vinegar, a tablespoon, saffron and coriander a little bit.

While the mutton is brewed, the cook prepares a refueling for the chihirtm. First, a chopped onion is laid out on a skillet with butter, then flour is added to it. After 3 minutes, add a little broth in the pan, stir well and bring to a boil, then leave to stand.

After the frying has cooled down, egg yolks are carefully introduced into it, into which tincture of saffron, vinegar and chopped fresh greens is added. Refueling should be introduced into the broth only after it has cooled, so that the eggs do not curl. Chihirtmu is why you can not boil it.

Serve this dish, putting on each serving for 2 or 3 pieces of meat and abundantly sprinkled with food greens.

And for second dishes, lamb is also used frequently. Recipes for its preparation are based on both meat stewing and frying. Tasty mutton, baked in foil, is excellent in the form of cutlets and meatballs, pelmeni and samsa. Although the list of what can be made from this meat, you can continue and continue.

Lamb in foil

For this dish, four pieces of lamb are perfect, preferably if the fillet is placed on a bone. They first need to marinate for at least an hour, but it will be better if this process lasts up to a day. In some cases, you can put dishes with meat in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

Marinate lamb should be this way: the meat should be sprinkled with chopped onions, which are at the beginning of green onion feathers, pepper and chopped herbs, oregano, sprinkle with lemon juice and pour with vegetable oil. Then the dishes with meat cover with a lid and several times actively shake.

Meat is laid out in foil-lined molds, on top of the marinated pieces you can put chopped tomatoes and chopped green onions. Gourmets prefer to use also other vegetables, adding them to the form.

When the oven is heated to a temperature of 190-200 degrees, place pieces of meat sealed in foil in forms for at least an hour. You can check the readiness of lamb with a toothpick or a sharp knife: it should be soft and release clear juice.

If the chef feels that the dish is almost ready, he can sprinkle the meat with grated cheese and bake the mutton 10 minutes with the foil open.

Lamb roast

To make the meat particularly juicy and soft, and in this case it should be marinated before the heat treatment according to the previous scheme, which is described in detail in the description of the recipe for lamb in foil.

Then, again, thoroughly shake the dishes with meat and put it together with the marinade on a hot frying pan with vegetable oil. Fry mutton until cooked on low heat, from time to time stirring the contents.

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