
"Laferon" preparation: instructions for use, indications, drug description, reviews

How much is a drug such as Laferon? The price of this medication will be indicated in the materials of this article. It will also provide information on how to use the said remedy, what patients are saying about it, whether it can be given to children, in what form it is issued, etc.

Packaging, composition, form and description

In what form is the medicinal preparation Laferon manufactured? Instruction for use informs that this medication has several forms of release. Let us consider them in more detail.

  • Suppositories "Laferon". Rectal suppositories can have a color from light yellow to pure white. They have a cylindrical shape with a pointed end. The drug has a uniform consistency and is available in contour packs of 5 pieces. The active substance of the suppository is human alpha interferon-2b. They also contain auxiliary ingredients in the form of polysorbate-80, ascorbic acid and solid fat.
  • Lyophilizate Laferon. The instruction for use says that this form is intended for the preparation of an injection solution. White amorphous drug powder is readily soluble in water. The resulting solution is clear, non-palpating and sterile. Liofilizate comes on sale in plastic bottles. Its active substance is also recombinant interferon alpha-2b. As additional components, sodium chloride and dextran are used.
  • Lyophilized powder Laferon. Drops made from this form of the drug are intended for nasal administration. You can buy it in vials. The main substance of this agent is also human interferon alpha-2b. As for the additional components, they include: dextran-70, sodium chloride, anhydrous potassium dihydrogen phosphate and anhydrous disodium hydrophosphate.

Pharmacological features

What is a medicine like Laferon? The specialists' comments on this drug inform that it has antiviral and immunostimulating effects, and also activates antitumor protection.

This drug is characterized by broad bioactivity. After application of the drug, regulation occurs between the links of humoral and cellular immunity. It increases the activity of natural killer cells and speeds up their differentiation. The same applies to T-lymphocytes, which determine the strength and speed of cellular immunity reactions.

Properties of the medicinal product

What are the properties of Laferon? Nasal preparation, suppositories and injectable powder contribute to the development of inflammatory mediators. They stimulate phagocytosis, influence migration at the site of infection, and also normalize the dynamics of inflammatory phenomena.

Specialists have established that the drug in question directly affects the main stages of the appearance of harmful pathogens within cells.

During therapy with "Laferon", patients have high antiviral and antichlamydia activity.

When using this drug in the complex treatment of various infectious and inflammatory diseases that are chronic, it is permissible to reduce the dosages of antibacterial and other drugs used for treatment.

Indications for use

Injection form of the drug is used for monotherapy, as well as in the complex treatment of viral, bacterial and infectious diseases.

These include:

  • Septic diseases of viral and bacterial etiology in their acute and chronic course, as well as sepsis in disseminated form;
  • Viral hepatitis C and B;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • Disorders in the work of the nervous system, which are accompanied by mono- and polyradicular pain syndromes;
  • Mixed, viral and bacterial infections (in acute course), including in newborns;
  • Papillomatosis of the larynx;
  • Infections localized in various places that were caused by the herpes simplex virus (genital herpes, herpetic keratoconjunctivitis and keratouveitis, herpes zoster, herpetic rashes on the skin multiple);
  • Urogenital chlamydia (with chronic course);
  • Malignant neoplasms;
  • Hemoblastoses (malignant non-Hodgkin's lymphoma, chronic myeloid leukemia, hairy cell leukemia).


The drug "Laferon" for children is purchased only by the prescription of the pediatrician. It is forbidden to use this medication for hypersensitivity to drug substances, as well as for pregnant women, but only in an injectable form. In the form of suppositories, the drug can be administered during the gestation period, but only after the 28th week.

The preparation "Laferon": instructions for use

The method of using the drug in question depends on the form of its release. As for dosages, they should be selected only by the attending physician, depending on the type of disease, the condition of the patient, his age, and so on.

To use the medicine "Laferon" at its discretion is not recommended, especially for serious diseases. Hepatitis B, whose treatment should be prescribed only by a doctor, is treated with injectable solutions. With regard to respiratory and viral diseases, their therapy is carried out through nasal drops and rectal suppositories.

Side Effects of Solution for Injection

Hepatitis B, the treatment of which must be strictly controlled by a doctor, requires the mandatory use of the injection form of the drug. As a rule, the introduction of this drug is accompanied by an influenza-like syndrome, which is characterized by chills, fever, joint pain, lethargy, headache and muscle pain. These disorders are dose-dependent and are observed only in the first days of therapy.

Side effects of rectal suppositories and nasal drops

If the dosages of the suppositories are met, side effects are not observed in patients. However, prolonged use of this drug in high doses can change the composition of the blood (lead to the development of leukopenia, thrombocytopenia and anemia), increase the level of aspartate aminotransferase, alkaline phosphatase and alanine aminotransferase, as well as disrupt sleep and disbalance blood pressure.

As for nasal drops, they do not cause side effects.

Cases of overdose

When an overdose of the drug in question, patients sometimes experience prostration, impaired consciousness, and even lethargy. Normalization of the patient can be done by canceling the drug, as well as symptomatic treatment.

Drug Interactions

Is Laferon compatible with other drugs? Instruction for use informs that this medication can be used simultaneously with cytostatic, hormonal and antibiotic drugs, which are prescribed for the treatment of viral, viral-bacterial, tumor and autoimmune diseases.

Terms and conditions of storage

Store the preparation "Laferon" in a place protected from the sun and inaccessible to children at an air temperature of 2-8 degrees. The period of its validity depends on the form of release:

  • Rectal suppositories - 12 months.
  • Lyophilizate for the preparation of nasal drops and solution for injection-3 years.

It should be specially noted that after the preparation of the solution for injection, it must be used immediately. As for the solution for intranasal application, it retains its properties throughout the day, but only if the temperature regime is observed in 2-8 degrees.

Nasal drops can be stored in the refrigerator for 5 days, and at room temperature in a dark place - 2 days.

The preparation "Laferon": price and analogy

The main analogues of the drug considered include such medications as "Interferon" and "Laferobion." It should also be noted that similar actions have "Viferon" and "Amiksin."

As for the cost, the "Laferon" drug is not very high. The price of this drug can vary between 100-250 rubles, depending on the form of release, pieces per package, the manufacturer, the mark-up of the pharmacy network and other things.

Reviews about the drug

There are many reviews of patients about the drug Laferon. They are both positive and negative. In most cases, there are negative responses. They are associated with adverse reactions, which are often observed in the treatment of this drug.

Some patients report that within two hours after using the medication they felt a real "breaking", which was accompanied by a feverish condition, an increase in body temperature and painful sensations. To reduce such manifestations, doctors recommend taking the tablet "Paracetamol" or other means from the flu.

It should also be noted that there are often reviews that describe the process of developing the strongest allergy caused by the treatment of Laferon. Some people even needed medical help. Although after a reduction in the dose, their condition was still normal.

The only form that does not cause any side effects is nasal drops. Therefore, they are often prescribed even to the smallest patients.

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