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Day regimen in kindergarten and its main characteristics
Each parent experiences how the child feels after getting into the kindergarten. All mums and dads pass through it, even despite their professional employment. Of course, all this is quite natural, because each of us has to worry about his child and about his well-being.
Typically, such fears arise because the parents do not exactly know what the child is doing in the garden and what he does. Our task is to tell what the daily routine is in the kindergarten in order to dispel unnecessary worries and anxieties.
Most of the children come to the kindergarten at about 7.30 - 8.00. Educators by that time are already at their workplace. When a child is left alone, without a mom and dad, often he begins to cry. And to reassure him in this case is the main task with which, oddly enough, all the teachers cope. Because a few minutes later the kid is already playing and communicating with peers.
The regime of the day in kindergarten begins with the charging, which is its integral part. The smallest it helps to learn how to coordinate movements, but for those who are engaged in older groups, charging is necessary to maintain the tone of the muscular system.
However, parents should understand that this physical culture does not contain traditional sports teams, because children are not yet able to understand them. It is held in a playful form and resembles, in general, a theatrical performance. Educators, explaining to the kids what needs to be done, uses an associative array (the frogs jump, the ducks walk, the turtles crawl). As a rule, all movements are accompanied by merry children's music, which makes this process fun and exciting. As practice shows, many children quickly get used to the garden because of the morning exercise.
In general, the regime of the day in the kindergarten is focused on the correct harmonious development of the baby. An important place in this is food.
As for breakfast, often at this time there are conflicts. The fact is that caring parents often feed their children at home in the morning, worried that they will not eat or do badly in the garden. In turn, the educator will insist that the child ate. And he will, of course, refuse. Because, so as not to have trouble, you need to discuss all these in advance with your tutor.
The regime in kindergarten also implies the harmonious all-round development of children. Naturally, for this purpose, the classes provided for by the educator in the first half of the working day, after breakfast, are provided in the gardens. What will be included in their content, depends on the age group of children. The main attention is paid to the observation of the environment. Many parents start to resent, because such an approach seems to them banal. Meanwhile, it is the surrounding world that helps us understand the essence of all things.
If the weather permits, then the children go for a walk. The regime of the day in the kindergarten is built in such a way that the toddlers walk well before daytime sleep, and also after a snack. The first walk ends around 12 o'clock in the afternoon.
Lunch time is a serious stage. Here, children behave differently. In addition to the fact that their taste preferences may differ (someone likes borsch, and someone only mashes or cutlet), some of them may want to sleep and begin to be capricious. If the children are very small, they simply may not be able to eat independently, because the nurse or tutor starts to feed them. It is important to be able to persuade a child, turning the process of absorbing food into a performance. And this is a great art.
No day regimen in kindergarten provides for abstinence from daytime sleep. The child's body needs rest, and this is unquestionable.
Then, when everyone has had a good sleep, it's time for a snack. As a rule, it contains delicious and healthy products (cocoa or milk with biscuits, orange, banana, fritters or just milk porridge.)
The final stage is a walk, with which the children are usually taken home by their children.
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