Food and drinkDessert

Delicious treat for children and adults - gingerbread cake with bananas

To you unexpectedly the guests came to come, but there is nothing to treat? Do you want to pamper loved ones and sweet ones, without spending much time? Then we suggest you cook a cake of gingerbread and bananas! Yes, you are not mistaken. To create a wonderful cake we will use gingerbread. Such an easy-to-make dessert will not be very expensive for you. By the way, a cake of gingerbread with bananas refers to those products that do not need to be baked. To create this dessert, you need only twenty minutes.

Well, well, here we come to the very process of preparation and selection of components. So, let's begin…


We will need such products:

  • 800 grams of medium-sized gingerbread (preferably, chocolate, but also vanilla);
  • Sugar (on request and to taste);

  • 300-350 grams of sour cream (preferably 15% fat, but more);
  • 3 bananas.

For glaze will need some more ingredients:

  • Four st. Tablespoons of sugar;
  • Five st. Spoons of sour cream;
  • Three tbsp. Tablespoons of cocoa.

Gingerbread cake: recipe

Now we start creating our delicious pie:

  1. Banana, of course, wash and cut into slices.
  2. Further rub bananas, sugar (if desired) and sour cream. By the way, you can not mix, but simply lay out layers. First, bananas, and over them pour sour cream.
  3. Gingerbread divide along into several parts (the best option is three).
  4. Take a flat plate, on it lay out the bottom part of gingerbread.
  5. Top with bananas, then sour cream (or mixed cream).
  6. After that, cover the cake with the next layer of gingerbread. Then repeat step six.
  7. Then put the top of the gingerbread.
  8. Now make our icing. To do this, mix all the ingredients we need (sugar, cocoa and sour cream). When the icing is ready, pour the finished pie over it.

Here is a cake of gingerbread with bananas ready. Do not call your relatives to eat at once. If there is such an opportunity, let the cake stand a little and be impregnated. Then it will turn out even more tender. The best option is if it lasts nineteen to twenty hours.

Enjoy your meal!

Other preparation option

Here is another way to create such a culinary product, but, in addition to bananas, we need kiwi. All the same ingredients are needed for cooking. Kiwi should be taken as much as bananas, three.

Only on the layer of gingerbread, first lay out the kiwi, and on top already a banana-sour cream.

Here, in general, and all the difference. This cake is also necessary to stand in the refrigerator for at least a few hours.

By the way, instead of bananas, you can use, for example, only oranges or tangerines. Some people cook a cake of gingerbread with pineapple, and someone - with strawberries. With any fruit, it is likely that such a quick-cook dessert will be delicious.

We make the cake without baking

How can you decorate a cake of gingerbread with bananas? There are several options:

  • You can sprinkle it with powder or powder for cakes.
  • Another option is cream. Draw on the cake of intricate patterns.
  • You can use different fruits for decoration. For example, the same bananas and kiwis. Also useful berries (for example, cranberries). Bananas, cut into pieces. We will use them as petals. Kiwi my, cut into thin slices. We will use them as stems and leaves. After the preparatory stage is over, we collect our bouquet. By the way, the middle of each flower will be berry - cranberry (you can put a few pieces).
  • You can make a crumb of gingerbread and sprinkle it with a ready-made cake.
  • Nuts and raisins are also an excellent option for decoration. They can be sprinkled with a finished product.

How to decorate your cake, it's up to you, we have described a few ideas. Choose based on your capabilities, needs and, of course, desire. The main thing - make all desserts with love.

A small conclusion

Now you know how to make a cake of gingerbread with bananas. As you can see, everything is done very simply. The treat turns out tasty and satisfying. If you've never cooked a cold cake of gingerbread and bananas, then make sure you do it. It should please every member of the family and a guest who will visit your home. I wish you success in preparing a delicious dessert.

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