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Lack of vitamin B12 - symptoms in adults, possible causes and characteristics of treatment

We know how important it is to get enough B vitamins from childhood. They participate in many processes, on which the quality and duration of our life depend. Particular attention is paid to vitamin B12, which has the most complex chemical structure. What is this substance? How is vitamin B12 deficiency manifested - symptoms in adults and children indicating a possible problem?

Vitamin B12

Under the general name of vitamin B12, a whole group of substances containing cobalt ions is combined. Basically, speaking about this vitamin, we mean cyanocobalamin, although the group contains hydroxokobalamin, methylcobalamin and other forms. Often these biologically active substances are called simply cobalamin.

B12 is a water-soluble substance. Color - bright red. This vitamin can accumulate in the tissues of the body. Places of accumulation - liver, kidneys, lungs, spleen. The maximum concentration is in liver tissue. Up to 80% of the stock is stored here.

Why does the body B12

Cyanocobalamin provides normal hematopoiesis, participates in protein metabolism, enzymatic reactions, is a catalyst for the conversion of amino acids, prevents fatty infiltration of the liver, increases oxygen consumption at the cellular level.

If vitamin B12 is deficient, symptoms in adults and in children may manifest as a decrease in immunity. For example, AIDS patients always have a low level of B12, this is what provokes and accelerates the development of the disease.

If the regulation of the hematopoietic function is considered more deeply, then it is necessary to separate the participation of B12 in the synthesis of purine and pyrimidine bases, as well as in the processing of nucleic acid. In addition, he participates in the process of formation of red blood cells.

Another important function of cyanocobalamin is the effect on the nervous system. The substance is an auxiliary in the formation of the myelin sheath of the nerve. In addition, it is involved in the conversion of carotene to retinol.

Does the body synthesize B12 itself?

A small amount of cyanocobalamin is produced by the intestinal microflora. This happens in the large intestine, but the body can not get the substance, because it is not able to absorb through the walls of the intestine. In the process of absorption of this vitamin, mucoprotein is involved, which produces gastric glands. Thus, the body needs the production of vitamin B12 with food, this process was called the external factor of Castle. And the effect of the fundal glands of the stomach on "food" cyanocobalamin was called the internal factor of Castle.

Why there is a deficit: exogenous insufficiency

And now let's take a closer look at the symptoms and causes of vitamin B12 deficiency.

In medicine, there were several main directions in relation to the lack of B vitamins. They were divided into an exogenous and endogenous group. In the first group, it is believed that the main reasons for the lack of vitamin B12 - a lack of it from food in the event of a refusal of animal food or an improperly composed diet.

Vegetarians often face this problem, especially those who adhere to a strict diet. They have to replenish vitamin B12 medication or with the help of bioadditives.

It is proved that if a mother-vegetarian feeds a baby with a breast, then the child also suffers from a lack of vitamin B12. His body can not create a stock of cyanocobalamin, and rapid growth increases the need for this substance.

Endogenous insufficiency

Endogenous insufficiency is associated with a violation of the absorption of the substance from the intestine. At the same time, vitamin B12 deficiency also occurs, and the symptoms in this case are most active in the elderly. This process is called malabsorption syndrome, it is associated with a decrease in the acidity of the gastric secretion.

In many patients, problems with absorption start because of the blind loop syndrome, where bacteria proliferate. Disease-causing bacteria are fed by the vitamin B12 entering the intestine.

The absorption of the necessary substances is affected by the inflammatory processes of the ileum. The body will not get the right amount of cyanocobalamin if the ileum is partially removed.

If the cause of vitamin B12 deficiency is a tapeworm

Helminthiasis, in this case - tapeworm, can also cause a deficiency of vitamin B12. Symptoms in adults will manifest in the form of nausea, weakness, abdominal pain , diarrhea and weight loss. Children are much more sensitive to the presence of this parasite. In addition to general malaise, they may be slowed down by physical and emotional development.

For clarity, we say that a tapeworm is called a large ribbon parasite, whose body length can reach 10-15 m. The parasite is fixed in the intestine and lives at the expense of nutrients and host vitamins. As a result, the person is left with very few vital substances. Most of all, there is a lack of vitamin B12. Symptoms in adults will manifest somewhat differently than in children. More details of the symptomatology are described above.

Less common causes of B12 deficiency

There are several other reasons that cause the lack of vitamin B12. These causes are pancreatitis, stomach surgery, the appointment of antacid and metformin, AIDS, a genetic disease - the Imerslund-Grosberg syndrome.

Symptoms and signs

In most cases, the human liver accumulates a stock of cyanocobalamin, which is enough for 2.5-3 years. Then the following symptoms begin to appear:

  • Sudden fatigue, general weakness;
  • Frequent dizziness;
  • pale skin;
  • Diarrhea for no apparent reason;
  • Weight reduction without changing the diet;
  • Memory problems, loss of concentration;
  • Numbness in the fingers;
  • Depressive state;
  • Signs of paranoia;
  • anemia;
  • Women are disrupted by the menstrual cycle, there is infertility.

Bright symptomatology is observed in the elderly. They spoil the character, there is a tendency to scandals, pressure jumps occur, the head often hurts, the risk of heart attack, atherosclerosis and stroke increases.

Pernicious anemia

The disease caused by a violation of the function of hematopoiesis is called pernicious anemia with a lack of vitamin B12. How dangerous this condition is is confirmed by the fact that the bone marrow and the nervous system are primarily affected. Today this process is called Addison's disease, and earlier it was called malignant anemia.

In the absence of timely treatment, irreversible degeneration of nerves and bone marrow is possible.


The main method of diagnosis is a general blood test. So it was before and now. But more progressive clinics additionally prescribe a test for the level of active vitamin B12 in the blood serum.

In many cases, the study of the state of the stomach and intestines.

How to treat

At the heart of the treatment is the compensation of a lack of vitamin B12. This can be a correction of nutrition and taking medications. But self-medication is unacceptable, because not all vitamin complexes are able to cope with the task. To the vitamin complex often add B1 and folic acid. With reduced absorption, drugs are prescribed in the form of injections.

When correcting food, it is recommended to eat eggs, cheese, dairy products, kidneys and liver.

With problems of the gastrointestinal tract, an additional treatment is prescribed for the gastroenterologist and tests for intestinal parasites.

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