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"Black bullet": characters of the Japanese manga and the thirteen-part anime

"Black Bullet" - a collection of light-novels of Japanese classic Kanzaki Siden, released in 2011. The plot was published manga, and in 2014 at the studio "Kinema Citrus" created an anime adaptation of thirteen episodes. The director of the project was Kojima Masayuki.


The cosmic monster (the Gastrea virus), which originated in the universe, struck the Earth and began to infect mankind, penetrating into the body at the level of DNA. Affected people turned into a kind of virus of huge size. In a short time, almost all inhabitants of the Earth were infected, and few survivors managed to gather in one colony and take cover behind a wall of varanium, a special alloy that the Gastrea virus could not overcome.

However, after ten years, the people who escaped behind the fence began to have girls with a virus in their blood. They were called damned children. However, soon all noticed that the "damned children" have superpowers that could be used to confront "Gastry" and destroy the giant virus.

"Black Bullet": Characters

Shtolnik Satomi Rentaro became a volunteer in a small company "Tendo", which fights against the virus "Gastreia." Next to him is the "cursed child" - a ten-year-old Enju Ayohara, the initiator. Together they fight with "gastras", and quite successfully. The method of destroying viruses consists of destroying them with a special device that releases charges that are deadly for "gastraes". These charges bear the conventional name "Black bullet". Characters are equipped with machine guns and machine guns. Each soldier has a personal weapon, and can also receive it at any time if necessary.

Anime "Black Bullet", whose characters live a tense life, tells about the heroic struggle of the world population with cosmic evil. They do not conduct open hostilities with the enemy, as viruses, seeing the danger, are hiding. It is necessary to act secretly, attack "gastra" unexpectedly. In addition, the characters of the anime "Black Bullet" have developed a special tactic, they disguise their weapons, make it invisible.

main characters

The human body, infected with the Gastrea virus, after its genes have been rewritten, is changing a lot. The eyes of the individual become red, the body swells and deforms. All victims are conventionally divided into categories. These models are "spider" or "rabbit", "original" or "cassiopeia". Some get the name of the constellations.

In the anime "Black Bullet" the names of the characters are not associated with any ciphers or names. Specify the usual, received at birth. The names of the characters from the anime "Black Bullet" are listed below, these are the participants of the events occurring in the film in the course of the plot.

Rantaro Satomi

The protagonist of the series, an employee of the Bureau "Tendo", which is engaged in the destruction of "gastra." He remained an orphan at the age of six, was raised in the house of his grandfather on the maternal line - Kisara. After meeting with the partner ("damned child" Enju Ayohar) cheered up.

Among the set of "initiators" and "activators", the tandem with Enzyu occupies 120,000 place in power. The couple is a participant in the project to create a "new man", which has reached the 300th rank.

Enjou Aihara

The main heroine, the "initiator" is the ten-year-old partner Satomi from among the "damned children" of the "rabbit" type. The jealous owner, with anybody does not want to divide the partner Rantaro. He does not admit other girls to him and desperately tries to seduce Satomi, but without success.

Kisara Tendo

Younger daughter in the family. He is the head of the company "Tendo". Masterfully owns a sword, in the past was a constant protector of Satomi Rantaro. Like Enju, she is in love with him, but her feelings are more like motherly and do not cause the girl to worry.

Tina Sprout

The initiator of the "owl" type, sniper. Has a sniper weapon with an optical sight, as well as four scanners, with the help of which he searches for hiding "gastra". It is 98th in the power rating.

Kayo Senju

The initiator, the "dolphin" model. Has a high ay-kyu (210 units), so she is forbidden to engage in hand-to-hand fighting. In the process of eliminating Kagetano, Hiruko distanced herself from her promoter and for the time joined Satomi Rantaro. During the last battle, when the number of "gastrays" exceeded the critical level, Kayo Senju was lost.

Yuzuki Katagiri

A holder of high rank. The initiator of the "spider" type. Interacts with a sibling, Katagiri Tamaki. Took part in the removal of Hiruko Cagetano. Included in the conventional group "Rantaro," she especially gets away from the jealous Enju. But in general, Yuzuki gets along with her. He considers Satomi a pervert.

Syoma Nagisawa

Partner Rantaro in the martial arts, has the eighth dan. Once he violated the charter and was released from service in detachments of struggle against "gastres." He became a simple police officer. He died under strange circumstances.

Anime "Black Bullet", the characters of which are quite numerous, is an interesting multi-serial film with a lot of sharp turns.

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