Sports and FitnessAthletics

Kostina Oksana: sport achievements and biography

Oksana Kostina is a Soviet athlete, an outstanding Russian gymnast, performing with individual exercises.

First results

In gymnastics Kostina Oksana got at the age of seven. 1986, when the girl was 14, brought her first results: a victory was won at the competitions held between the Penza schools. The athlete was appreciated, but the talent hiding in a gifted girl from Siberia was not noticed - in any case, he was not given much importance, as is often the case. Nobody at that time could not assume that it would take such a significant place in the history of national and world rhythmic gymnastics, will become its prima. But Kostina Oksana, gymnast , attracted attention after two years, when the national competitions led her to the second place of the podium with a silver medal. The adult championship, held in the same year, 1988, ended for the girl with the 16th position.

National team

Next year, 1989, Kostin Oksana was mentioned in sports circles solely as a pretender to participate in competitions in the national team. The final positive decision was made after the honorable bronze in Krasnoyarsk at the union competition. The World Cup, which she made her debut this year, was very successful for the sportswoman: in Sarajevo she became the first in the team event, took the prize place, performing with the ball. Many would calm down, having achieved such an excellent result, but not she. Kostina Oksana did not know rest, she forgot about the dream - she seemed to be obsessed with, all the time she took hard training under the strict guidance of the trainer on the way to truly outstanding victories. And they began to come one after another, wherever the athlete performed. Brilliant achievements were noted in 1991 by conferring the title of Honored Master of Sports of the USSR.

Unsuccessful Olympics in Barcelona

No one doubted that the country at the 1992 Olympics, held in Barcelona, will be represented by Russian athlete Kostina Oksana. Almost all the competitions that took place this year were won by her. Speeches in 10 out of 12 programs brought her the highest score of the jury. But the political showdowns that swept the upper circles did not allow her to take part in the main competitions in the life of any athlete, and to defend her leadership at the Olympics. In the struggle for the right of Kostin to participate in it, the government of the country and its influential deputies were involved, but the sports committee, even with their support, could not do anything, political squabbling prevailed. The insult was strong, a large number of tears were shed. But even here Kostina Oksana showed herself to be a real fighter. She managed to overcome herself, to gather. Returning her to the sport was a real surprise for rivals who were sure that the sports career of the gymnast was over after such a strong shock. This return amazed skeptics twice when the world championship, which was hosted by Brussels, proved that Kostina Oksana is an absolute champion.

Agreement with the trainer

In the autobiographical book written by Oksana's trainer, Olga Buyanova, the girl is devoted to a separate chapter. The reader will learn from her what she faced on the way to the championship, which overcame Kostin Oksana. The biography outlined in this work shows how hard it was for both of them. From the very beginning, the girl did not have any hopes. She herself understood that it would be better to enter an institute for an engineer than wasting time on gymnastics. But only thanks to the coach in the history of the sport all her victories are recorded.

It was Olga Buyanova who did not let the girl go when her hands began to sink. Their common goal was to receive the title of master of sports of international class - only after his achievement, the agreement allowed the gymnast to choose a different path. But it was destined to happen otherwise.

Master of Sports of International Class

Oksana became one in Krasnoyarsk. To get the desired result, it was enough to take the fifth place. Among the world champions, Olympic prize-winners, gymnasts, members of the national team, it was not necessary to expect to rise higher. But competitions can be unpredictable. Circumstances have developed so that Oksana Kostina entered the first three. A little later, all three girls were decided to send to the World Cup, there was nowhere to retreat.

From this moment, diligent training with dozens of runs began. Only repeated repetitions, a load that no other gymnast trained in the team at that time, could allow Oksana to come to victory and bypass all competitors, confirming her leadership in the competitions.

In Oksana, it was immediately noticeable - any business for which she was taken was brought to perfection. Even if she then left gymnastics and became an engineer, she would have reached great heights in this profession. In another way it could not be, that's how the close people who surrounded her spoke about the girl.

Genius leaves young

The girl's life was tragically cut short in early 1993 in a car accident on the way from Domodedovo airport, where she met her fiancé. At the funeral, Oksana was dressed in a bride's dress. Everything that Kostina Oksana left after her - photos, video recordings of performances and captured talent as an example of perseverance, endurance for future generations of gymnasts.

Her house in Irkutsk has a memorial tablet. Every year in the city, an international tournament is held, dedicated to the athlete. Participation in various championships brought her 14 medals, including 9 gold medals.

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