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Kindergarten. Short-term project in 2 junior group
For more than a year now, teaching methods such as design have been used successfully in general education schools. But here in preschool institutions this practice is a novelty. What features should be taken into account when organizing this activity in the DOW, as well as how to conduct a short-term project in the 2nd junior group, we will discuss in this article.
Designing in a kindergarten
First, you need to understand what the project method is. Child psychologists have proved that the child literally from birth needs not only to imitate the adults, but also in the manifestation of one's own desires, the realization of ideas. It is the work on a project that allows the child to obtain the necessary new knowledge for the subsequent independent resolution of the task.
Classify projects on various grounds, for example:
- By content;
- By the method used;
- On the nature of the child's participation;
- By number of participants;
- By age of children;
- By duration.
Kindergarten: short-term projects (2nd junior group)
A short project takes no more than two weeks, often quite often it is realized during one or several classes. A short-term assignment can have different content, the number of participants, the species. Usually in the course of realization of such activity children, the teacher, the musical head and the teacher of physical training, and also parents of pupils take part.
In our article, we will consider in detail the short-term project in the 2nd junior group, let's talk about the specifics of carrying out this activity with such babies.
So, we offer the following topics for carrying out the specified activity in the Dow:
- "Ten finger-helpers."
- "Our friends are fluffy."
- "Fantastic fantasies."
- "Space adventures."
- "Visiting the Book".
The objectives of short-term projects
The project activity, which is implemented within a few days, has specific clear objectives. So, when creating a team work "New Year's ornaments," the task of the educator will familiarize the children with the traditions and symbols of the holiday. Or, when creating the "Spring Calendar", the goal is to familiarize the kids with the changes in nature at this time of year.
But separately, we can distinguish tasks that do not depend on the chosen subject or type of project. They are as follows:
- Teach children to solve their own problems, problem situations;
- Develop initiative, non-standard thinking;
- To develop a habit of listening to the opinions of others, to argue their own position;
- Train to achieve the set goal;
- To put into practice ideas.
A short-term project in the 2nd junior group should have goals that meet the requirements of the GEF and the DUU curriculum.
Features of projects in the 2nd Junior Group
If schoolchildren or senior pupils of the DOW can be direct executors in the process of project implementation, then in the younger group, children only learn independence. Their role will be more observational. Nevertheless, the teacher needs to organize activities in such a way that every child can show his own thinking, realize ideas, conduct an experiment. The main thing in the project activity is the participation of an adult and children. In this case, the educator should not lead, instruct, or supervise. The teacher's task is to direct, prompt, submit the idea, participate in the process on an equal footing with the children.
Sample project plan (autumn period)
Short-term projects on the theme "Seasons" are often implemented in the form of thematic weeks in the DOW. As an example, we propose a plan of activities within the framework of the project activity "Autumn Gold on a Visit to Us", lasting 5 days:
- Observation day. We propose a plan for conducting excursions, compiling "nature diaries", collecting natural materials. During this day, you can capture autumn landscapes, individual phenomena in nature (eg, leaf fall) in a photo or video. Then all the collected materials will be used for the exhibition, didactic cognitive games.
- The day of creativity is a thematic classes in drawing, applique, modeling. Thanks to creative assignments, a short-term project in the 2 junior group "Autumn Gold on a Visit to Us" has come to help consolidate children's knowledge on the topic, teach them how to implement theoretical knowledge in practical activities.
- Literary drawing room. There is a theatricalization of fairy tales, reading of literature, discussions on the topic.
- Exhibition. You can hold a contest for the best crafts made of natural material, thematic drawings or a photo exhibition of autumn landscapes.
- Day of entertainment. Most often, the culmination of the autumn project is the holding of such an event as the "Autumn Festival".
By this principle, it is possible to organize activities at any time of the year, for example, to hold a short-term project in the 2 younger group "Winter is snowy on the threshold." But below we propose another way of organizing such work.
Short-term short-term projects
Thematic weeks carry a lot of information and involve a variety of activities of participants. But in kindergarten, narrowly focused projects are possible. For example, in winter, wintering birds will be very relevant. We offer such a plan for the project "Let's help birds in winter":
- Formation of theoretical knowledge about wintering birds. Observation in nature will become the most effective methods of realizing the task.
- Carrying out a family competition for the best bird feeder, made from improvised materials (for example, plastic bottles). It is important that children take a direct part in making crafts, and not just watch the activities of adults.
- Group work on installing a feeder-winner of the contest in the kindergarten (here, too, children should take an active part).
- Subsequent feeding of birds, observation of the behavior and habits of birds. Consolidation of knowledge on thematic artistic and aesthetic studies.
Short-term projects on visual activity
Drawing is always a joy for children. And if this activity is also organized purposefully, then the result will surpass all the expectations of the kids! Their activities will not only be interesting for themselves, but also useful for others!
How to conduct a short-term project in the 2nd Junior Group on IZO? For example, it is possible, within the framework of the theme "Spring drops", to invite the children to decorate the group room in the kindergarten with collective or individual artwork. So, the educator first introduces children to primroses by the method of observation. Then he suggests coloring the finished images of flowers, applying various drawing techniques. Thus, you can create a whole "spring bed" in the room.
How to conduct short-term projects in the younger group of the Dow on the topic "Folklore"?
The theme of folklore is a wide field for fantasy when planning a project in the DOW. Children enjoy learning jokes, nursery rhymes, folk songs. But the peculiarity of holding such events in the kindergarten is the synthesis of music and movement. The staging, theatricalization, play - these are the keys that can open the door to the heart of the child.
We offer such a short-term project in 2 younger groups: "Folklore for children: spring motives". Here you can give the task to children and parents to prepare mini-performances for the Spring Festival or Shrovetide. To accomplish this task, we will need preliminary work to familiarize ourselves with the traditions of our people, symbols, and the choice of spring songs or Maslenits songs, and the preparation of costumes, props, and music. The main thing is for children to be assigned tasks that will need to be fulfilled independently. Adults need to emphasize the importance of the role assigned to the child, the importance of the work he has done for the project.
Short-term project "My family"
Another interesting topic for organizing a short-term project in the 2nd younger group of the DOW is "Me and my family". It is at this age that the kids show an interest in the notion of family and self.
You can again offer a thematic week. But we recommend a more interesting short-term project in the 2 younger group: "My family" (creating a photo or video album). In the framework of this work, it is necessary to collect various material about the members of each child's family. The child performs the task together with his parents. Then you can hold meetings, family entertainment. The result of all work should be an aesthetically designed album with accumulated information about the child's relatives. Or, if logistical support allows, you can offer a more modern option - to create an electronic mini-presentation of the family.
The short-term project in the 2nd Junior DOW group is an entertaining cognitive activity of children, which allows to form the makings of independence, activity, initiative of the younger generation. In addition, in the game research form, it helps to transfer to the children the initial knowledge of the world around them.
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