HealthDiseases and Conditions

Ketosis is what?

As is known, the body is able to receive nutrients not only from the food consumed, but also from the stored accumulated subcutaneous fat. Glucose and ketone bodies begin to split at the same time, providing cells with energy. The state that gives rise to such processes is known in medicine as ketosis.

Ketosis is what?

During the cleavage of nutrients containing carbohydrates, glucose is actively produced in the human body. The latter acts as an irreplaceable source of energy, which is required to maintain the operability of all organs and systems. An acute lack of glucose triggers a process such as ketosis. This is the cleavage of previously stored body fats. The reaction is activated by the production of ketonic acid by the liver. The further progress of this condition depends on the individual metabolic rate of each individual. Any violation of metabolic processes, the presence of diseases that promote the activation of ketosis, in particular diabetes, can lead to severe poisoning of the body. There are cases when ketoacidosis in diabetes mellitus ended in a lethal outcome. But more in detail about this phenomenon we will talk further.


Ketosis is a condition characterized by the following symptoms:

  • General weakness;
  • nausea;
  • Regular vomiting;
  • Frequent, profuse urination.

Ketosis in humans - what is it? Against the background of the above phenomena, dehydration can develop. Then comes the effect of acute thirst. At complications of ketosis there is a smell of acetone at breath and urination. In the case of severe metabolic disruptions, a healthy rhythm of breathing is disrupted. A person often takes deep breaths and releases air from the lungs with a noise.

Is it possible to intentionally activate ketosis?

So we found out, ketosis in humans - what is it. With what does this reaction of the body begin? You can call it deliberately by sitting on a low carbohydrate diet. The main goal of such diet programs is weight loss for the shortest possible time period. Nutrition systems of the presented character are in great demand among celebrities, people who are important to go public in a tight fit. Ketosis diets are also practiced by bodybuilders in order to reduce body fat shortly before the speeches.

How dangerous is being in a state of ketosis in a diet?

According to dieticians, the benefits of ketogenic weight loss significantly exceed its shortcomings. During the first weeks of fasting, metabolic changes take place in the body. At this time, there is a somewhat blurred consciousness, as well as general fatigue. However, as soon as the body adapts to the changed conditions, the main source of energy is the fissionable fat stores. In humans, an inflow of forces is usually observed, and the condition becomes even more alert than with the use of foods rich in carbohydrates.

The problem with the ketone diet may be a lack of trace elements. To avoid negative consequences for health, in this case, take vitamin complexes and preparations containing minerals. Also, during ketosis fasting, it is important to consume green vegetables, rice, sweet potatoes, pasta made from durum wheat.

Ketosis in children

In infants, ketosis can develop if mistakes are made in compiling a diet. To the development of a pathological condition leads to an excess of fat in food or long periods of fasting. Ketosis in children can also form against the background of some infectious, somatic and endocrine diseases.

The condition manifests itself in children with regular attacks of vomiting, which occur at approximately the same intervals of time. To detect the development of ketosis in a child allows the appearance of a characteristic aroma of acetone during urination, as well as cramping attacks of pain in the abdominal region.

Ketoacidosis in diabetes mellitus

In diabetes mellitus, the development of ketosis is associated with an insufficient amount of insulin in the blood. In this case, the body accumulates significant amounts of glucose. However, due to insulin deficiency, the nutrient does not split and does not saturate the body cells. To compensate for carbohydrate starvation, the body starts the process of cleavage of amino acids under the influence of enzymes that are produced in the liver. The conversion of fatty acids into so-called ketone bodies begins. Subsequently, due to metabolic disorders, a person needs regular insulin administration. Otherwise, complete exhaustion of the body - ketoacidosis. It can end with a coma, and later with the death of a patient with diabetes mellitus.

Ketosis and ketoacidosis in diabetes can be caused by:

  • Admission of errors in maintaining a dietary-appointed diet;
  • Starvation or abuse of products, in which there is an abundance of easily assimilated carbohydrates;
  • A decrease in the number of necessary insulin doses, other medications, which reduce blood sugar levels;
  • Prolonged exposure to direct sunlight.

Ketosis with alcohol intoxication

The state of ketosis can develop against the background of excessive drinking. In this case, the process can be activated for several reasons:

  • Failures of the liver under the influence of alcohol, which are expressed in the excessive synthesis of ketone bodies;
  • Partial or complete fasting during drinking periods;
  • Inadequate removal of ketone bodies from the body as a result of dehydration.

Ketosis in cows

The presented state can develop not only in humans, but also in animals, in particular in cows. The disease causes a decrease in milk yield by 10-15%, which leads to losses of farmers. The progress of the pathological state in the cow's body leads to a reduction in the productive life of the animal. In some cases, the result of the development of ketosis is the rapid loss of livestock, disruption of the hotel and, as a result, the need to cull milk cows for meat.

Ketosis in cows can develop against the background of:

  • Excessive feeding of the animal with concentrated feeds with a lack of hay and fresh roots in the diet;
  • Cattle fattening with protein food during the ripening period;
  • Feeding livestock feed poor quality content, in which there is an abundance of butyric acids.

To eliminate the pathological condition, the animal is transferred to feeding by quality hay, root crops. In the diet is introduced treacle. Cows that develop ketosis are no longer fed with silage, other concentrated products.


Ketosis - a condition for the elimination of which requires no targeted therapy in a medical institution. To bring the body back to normal, you only need to restore full nutrition. People also need a lot of drinking and quality rest. At the same time, when symptoms of a condition appear in insulin-dependent people, the latter need to see a doctor. After all, in this case, the development of ketoacidosis can be life threatening.


So we looked at what ketosis is. Symptoms, treatment in the onset of such a state you are now known. As you can see, ketosis refers to processes in the body, with the activation of which there is a progressive splitting of the subcutaneous fat in order to provide the body cells with energy. The reaction is started when there is a shortage of carbohydrate nutrition.

In fact, ketosis is not life-threatening. Negative influence on health can only exert excessive formation of ketone bodies, which carry acetone compounds. With their considerable accumulation in the body, ketoacidosis may occur-a malfunction in metabolism, the severe form of which may result in a fatal outcome. Therefore, it is important to observe vigilance and know the extent of compliance with ketone diets.

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