HealthDiseases and Conditions

Hemorrhage in the brain. How to prevent it.

People who are over forty years of age should be very careful about their health. Think about the last time you measured yourself pressure? Perhaps a very long time ago. And it is necessary to do this as often as possible. It is at this age, from forty years of age and older, there may be a hemorrhage in the brain. Its causes are atherosclerosis and high blood pressure. In some cases, but much less often, the middle artery of the brain envelope is ruptured by mechanical action. Blood is poured and accumulated in the subacute zones, exerting strong pressure on the brain, bruising is possible.

It is necessary to fight this problem and take all possible preventive measures. Be sure to limit salt intake. In day it is necessary to eat no more than five grams. If the norm is significantly exceeded, hypertension is guaranteed. Add here another love for fatty, fried and smoked dishes, marinades and pickles. All these products lead to fluid retention in the body, as a result of which the load on the heart greatly increases, the pressure rises and brain hemorrhage can occur.

Reasons should always be sought only in their harmful predilections. Alcohol and smoking are your main enemies. If we add here also the problem of excess weight, we can not be surprised that a person so carelessly related to their health constantly harasses high blood pressure and atherosclerosis. In such cases, cerebral hemorrhage becomes an almost inevitable diagnosis. An attack begins with the appearance of some weakness in the arms and legs. Possible difficulty in speech, dizziness, blurred vision. If the stroke occurs because of the thrombosis of the vessels, the patient is conscious. If there is a hemorrhage in the brain, a person loses consciousness instantly. The face blushes, the pulse, the breathing becomes much more frequent. Paralysis of the side of the body where the hemorrhage occurred is possible.

The onset of cerebral hemorrhage is always unexpected. In such a situation, it is necessary to call an ambulance as soon as possible and try to help the patient. First of all, it needs to be laid and let it breathe fresh air. To do this, unbutton the clothes, if the person is elderly, take out his dentures and open the windows. To attach to the head as much ice as possible, and to the lower limbs - heat (hot water bottle). Hemorrhage in the brain requires complete rest. If possible, if the patient can swallow, give him valerian or motherwort. Do not feed or drink at all. Carefully monitor the condition of the tongue, cleanse the mouth of mucus. If vomiting begins, turn the patient's head to the side.

If a cerebral hemorrhage occurs, the consequences can be in the form of persistent paralysis and paresis. On how long the person was in the unconscious state, the subsequent forecast completely depends. Speech disorders and partial paralysis are possible.

Today, there are many drugs that contribute to the prevention of stroke. One of them is glycine. It is recommended even to children, significantly improves brain function and actively protects it. Therefore, it simply needs to be always at hand. If there is an important exciting event or a serious stressful situation, glycine will help to prepare for it. Especially a lot of it in milk and dairy products. They should always be in the daily menu. Try to give up sweets and other confectionery. They can be successfully replaced with juicy fruits, dried apricots, dates and raisins. Lie on sea kale and fish and in a few weeks you will not only lose weight, but also significantly improve the condition of your joints and blood vessels. All this will prevent brain hemorrhage.

The consequences, if it has already occurred, will not be so serious if the patient is given all possible help within the next six hours. Death is not as terrible as possible paralysis. When you will light the next cigarette, think about it.

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