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Kakariki (parrots). New Zealand Kakarik. Content at home

More and more often in our pet stores began to appear kakariki. Parrots have long and firmly taken their place in the hearts and houses of people, but this species is not familiar to every fan of domestic birds.


The body length of these parrots is not more than 35-40 cm. The constitution is dense, the birds are extremely mobile. Most parrots spend most of the day on the ground looking for food. Basically they move by jumping on the ground, from this their name - jumping - has gone. Kakariki are a word from the language of New Zealand aborigines calling these birds "kakari-ki".

The natural coloring of red-bellied kakariks is dark green. The podhvoste has a dark blue color, and the band along the eyes and the frontal part are red. When captive, a mutation occurred, so the plumage may not be green, but bright yellow.


For home maintenance of cabbage soup they need to provide a large cage. In this case, not only the height of the cell is important. Since birds spend a lot of time on the ground, the floor area in the cage should also be large. In addition, parrots love to run along the side wall bars, fly from the perches to the perch.

An ideal option for keeping captives in captivity is an enclosure in the room. When building an enclosure, it should be borne in mind that birds should be allowed to fly freely for several hours in a row. Some believe that in captivity parrots can cut wings, but for kakariks this decision can be fatal - deprived of the ability to fly, parrots get strong psychological stress, fall into depression and may die.

Often, kakariki instead of flying start just running around the enclosure, making it almost noiseless. For many parrots, activity is common at the same time, but the kakariki are able to behave actively throughout the day.

It is very important to ensure that the kakariki have the opportunity to sleep at least 12 hours a day. In the summer, this time can be shortened, but no more than 1 hour. In winter, on the contrary, increase by an hour. To adjust the duration of a light day for cacique, it is necessary to use special lamps to increase the duration of the day and a cover from opaque tissue for the "onset" of the night. If the kakariki have not slept enough, they will be irritable the next day. In addition to a night's sleep, the birds doze twice a day for 20-30 minutes. In these minutes, there is no need to cover the birds with a blanket or create peace for them.

Hyperactivity of the cooks obliges the owners to take care that the birds are constantly busy. Their paws and beak should work all the time. In this case, interest in one subject lasts a very short time, after which the birds are looking for new entertainment for themselves.

Since it is unrealistic to keep track of the bird, it is necessary to remove from the rooms where it happens, all unsafe or valuable things that can be played by the cabarets. The content of parrots requires a variety of different toys that will attract birds. Unfortunately, toys from pet stores, for the most part, do not fit, because they are too small. Therefore, you can make toys for the cook yourself. The main requirement is safety for birds.

The simplest toy is a branch. I like parrots like branches with bark, he will be happy with swings, pigtails and similar things. Wearing a piece of fruit or a ball on the branch, you will make a good gift to the croakers. Even lumps or clean paper can entertain them. A sleeve from paper towels will be an excellent toy for the parrot. But he can only do this under supervision.

Kakariki - parrots are extremely curious, not having to the same instinct of self-preservation. Therefore for them in an apartment almost everything is dangerous - a toilet, a sink sink, a bag of garbage, a boot, even a pillow. It is not uncommon for parrots to be taken out with rubbish, pressed down with a pillow or a foot, when putting on a boot in which a cocaine has fallen asleep.

For drafts, drafts and temperature changes are dangerous. Therefore, the cells should be far away from both the batteries and open windows. It is preferable to maintain a temperature of about 17 degrees Celsius.

New Zealand kakarik very much loves water procedures, so a large flat bowl of water should always be in a cage.


Getting offspring from the cookies is not too difficult. The main thing - correctly composed pair. The most optimal option - an independent pairing. This means that from a group of several birds, pets choose their own pair. In a cage of 1.2 x 0.5 x 0.6 m, parrots will be quite comfortable. Houses for nesting are placed even in a horizontal, though in an upright position.

Masonry consists of 6-8 eggs. The male feeds the female during the entire incubation period. On the 24th day there are blind chicks. After hatching, it is necessary to increase the dose of flour worms, soaked grain and egg feed, so that the parents feed the chicks. By the 35-40th day, the kids are ready to leave the nest. After that, adult birds feed them for about two weeks, but the chicks themselves are gradually starting to eat.

In the year of the kakariki they are able to sit two eggs. If the incubation time falls in the fall, it is necessary to provide the birds with additional nutrition.


With each day spent by the chick outside the nest, the parents take care of them less and less. It is necessary to carefully monitor the attitude of generations, since adults can suddenly become aggressive. Then the chicks should be planted, continuing to feed the food they already learned to eat. After three months, grown-up babies can either be given to another family, or to be put in a common group of kakariks. To a new food to accustom to on a level with other birds.


Food kakarikam requires very diverse. At the same time, it is easy to teach new species of parrot feed. It is worth putting a new vegetable on their way - they will certainly try it, at least out of simple curiosity. You can introduce a new food in the form of a toy - the parrot will certainly be interested in the "decoration" of the fruit on the branch, which he has just cleared from the bark. Interest in new fun will not last long, so to teach a new kind of food is better to place such toys in different places.

With a poor diet of vitamins and minerals, parrots can begin to grow bald.


To a pet accustomed to you, you do not have to force it to sit on your hands or grab to pat. It is best to sit on the floor to be on par with the bird. It is necessary to offer her something tasty or interesting, then the kakarik can not long struggle with curiosity and will certainly come to you.

Taming a cocoa is easy enough. The easiest way to do this is if you have one parrot. But since the kakariki are gregarious parrots, it will require your constant presence alongside. Therefore, it is better to keep more than one bird at the same time.

Parrot kakariki talk, but not very clearly and clearly. Although it will not be difficult to train a bird with several words, but it is pointless to wait for such a diction and variety, as, for example, from a cockatoo.

Yellow-capped sparrows in captivity live for about 20 years. There are no exact information about the red-necked ones, since they were recently withdrawn. Some argue that the average life expectancy of these birds is 6-8 years, but others are sure that the red-headed kakarik lives as much as the yellow-eared.


When buying chicks, first of all pay attention to their behavior. Because the parrots are very active, you should not choose the bird that will sit quietly in a corner or on a branch (if it does not sleep). You need to choose an active, noisy, fun. Plumage should be bright, shiny. The feathers are even, not broken, not sticking out. A parrot whose price is well below the normal cost of such birds may be sick or have genetic problems.


More and more people decide to buy for their house such parrots as kakariki. Reviews with the most favorable. Most buyers are happy that these wonderful pets have appeared in their families. In order to remain happy with the acquisition, you need to consider the temperament of the bird. If silence and calm contemplation of nature are important to you, then these parrots will not suit you. If you like cheerful birds who enjoy every little thing, a kakarik is your parrot. The price of an adult bird is about 3.5 thousand rubles.

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