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League of Legends: guide to Akali

Akali is far from the most common character, which attracts many gamers with what seems to be quite easy to learn at first glance. But with a deeper immersion in the study of this heroine it becomes clear that this simplicity is deceptive, and so many gamers throw experiments, switching to other heroes. However, if you are attracted to this character, then this guide on Akali will help you feel the features of the heroine, understand the essence of her spells, and also learn how to use them competently. Naturally, you should not expect that you will read this article, include the League of Legends and start winning everything to the right and to the left. Unfortunately, this does not work at all. Hyde in Akali will allow you to get all the necessary information about this character, but you'll have to use them in practice on your own. As already mentioned, many players are tempted by the apparent ease of use and the high power of the spells Akali has, but it's not everyone who can master them perfectly.

Characteristics of the character

Guide on Akali must start with a couple of words that this heroine is a little different from most other characters. The fact is that for skills most heroes have a mana reserve, while this heroine does not have this scale. Instead, Akali has an indicator of energy. It is this energy that she draws to use her skills. The energy is restored quite quickly, but you should understand that no spells related to mana, whether the enemy attempts to steal it from you or your attempts to gain an increase, will not work, because you do not have mana as such. Moreover, your ult, that is the most powerful spell you have available, does not even require energy - to implement it you need to accumulate essences that are not subject to rules for either mana or energy. In general, this is not the most simple system, which, in turn, also repels many gamers who prefer the standard mana. But if you consider the absence of mana and the presence of energy not as a drawback of the heroine, but as its advantage, you can achieve impressive results, and a guide to Akali will help you in this.

Parallel disciplines

What can teach you about such a character as Akali, guide? 6 season is the last published, therefore all spells and their effects will be considered in the light of the updates made during the development of this season. Simply put, current skills are described, and not those that were in previous seasons. And the first skill, which is worth paying attention to, is passive. This is quite normal for the League of Legends - in this game each character has five skills, one of which is passive. It is available to you from the very beginning of the game, and it does not require a pumping, as well as activation, because it works independently (therefore it is called passive). In the case of Akali, this "Parallel Disciplines" is a skill by which you can inflict additional damage, as well as simultaneously recovering a good amount of health in the attack process.

How it works? Each of your base attacks deals an additional six percent additional magic damage, and it can increase depending on the strength of your skills. At the same time, the recovery of health after a strike on the enemy is also increased by six percent and continues to grow depending on the strength of the skills. In general, at high levels you can get a lot of benefits from this passivation, but that's not all that this guide can tell. Akali (forest, mid or line - the location does not really matter) has very interesting spells, each of which deserves special attention.

Killer Mark

What can Akali guide tell you? Mead is one of those places where you can often meet this character, and you should take this into account, as in the middle you can successfully use the first active skill - "Mark of the killer". This mark is an attacking spell that you need to target a specific opponent. Your heroine throws a kind of mark at the enemy, which deals him damage in the amount of 35 to 115 units, depending on the skill level. After that, the enemy is marked for six seconds, and if you manage to hit him with a standard attack during this time, you will inflict him another 45 to 145 additional damage, and restore forty energy units (the use of this spell takes sixty units, so that You almost completely return the spent stock). But it is worth remembering that the game in which Akali acts is "LOL". Hyde will help you understand the principle of the effects of skills, but in reality they can be much more difficult to use than it appears in words.

Cover of dusk

Another place of action, which is ideal for Akali, is the top. Hyde will explain to you why: the whole thing is just the skill that will be described now. "Twilight Cavalry" is a unique skill that allows the heroine to create a certain area where she becomes invisible to other characters, and also where her movement speed significantly increases. The smoke screen lasts for eight seconds - a time that will be enough to wait for the rollback of other abilities, sit tight after a hard battle and prepare for a new attack.

As for the speed of movement, at the first level of ability it rises by only twenty percent, while at the maximum level it increases by one hundred percent. If the enemies decide to go for Akali in its foggy zone, then they should prepare for the fact that their speed will drop by 14-30 percent. In general, this is one of the most interesting and effective skills, and any guide to Akali will tell you about it. Jungle - this is also a good territory for using the skill, because there you can completely get lost.

Crescent sweep

On this skill you need to focus special attention if you are studying for such a character as Akali, a guide. Tank - this is one of the roles that this heroine can take on herself, and in many respects thanks to this skill. The fact is that with the help of it, it can inflict damage on all enemies that are within the range of the standard strike. Single damage is not so impressive - from 30 to 130 units. However, if you consider that this damage is received by all the opponents who are in the immediate vicinity of your character, then the skill seems to be much more useful, especially if you are tanking or participating in any mass slaughter. Of course, the attitude to this spell is different - one can not agree on one particular opinion even LoL-guides. Akali is a rather ambiguous character, but it's unreasonable to underestimate the opportunities she gets from this skill.

Dance of the Shadows

Well, it's time to consider the most powerful spell that this heroine has. "Dance of shadows" is a very literate ultra, which in even hands can become a decisive weapon. To begin with, it is worth paying attention to the essences discussed above. As already mentioned, neither mana nor energy is spent on the use of ultras, for it special essences are needed. How to get them? If you do nothing, then every thirty seconds (and at the last level of skill - every 15 seconds) you will have a new essence. But if you take an active part in the battles, then the essences will be given to you both for killing opponents and for helping them neutralize your partners. That's how you pick up essences.

But how to use them? To do this, you activate the Dance of Shadows, targeting him to the enemy, and your heroine instantly teleports to him, inflicting 100 to 250 damage to him. In total, you can commit up to three such attacks in a row, because you accumulate a maximum of three essences. In general, this is a very powerful and impressive skill that will allow you to catch up with any opponent due to the long range of the spell.


You can pump skills as you like, but it's recommended to use a prepared build that will allow you to develop your character in the most effective way. Using this build, you will be able to effectively function throughout the entire match. So, your main skill will be "Killer Mark" - this skill you need to pump first and bring it to the maximum no later than the ninth level. In parallel, take one level of the "Twilight Cover" and two levels of "Crescent Wave", which you need to pump further, interrupting only the new levels of ulta. By the thirteenth level of the character, you can "zamaksit" "Crescent Crescent", and then you can pump up to the end of the "Protection of Twilight". It can be developed in the last place, since the new levels only affect the speed of movement of your hero and enemies, which is not a key aspect of the skill.


Well, what are the advantages of this character? First of all, it is worth noting that in one-on-one battles, Akali simply has no equal. If you manage to seize the advantage on the line from the very beginning of the game, then the heroine can break out into the leaders of the confrontation, especially if she immediately gets several murders at her expense, thereby significantly increasing her damage. Pleasant is the fact that, even if at the beginning of the game the advantage is missed, regardless of the success of the team, Akali will be able to type the necessary form by the middle of the battle. Her ultra - this is a unique skill that makes her mobile and extremely dangerous, and if you qualitatively learn to control the character, then with the help of ulta you can decide the outcome of a single fight, and the whole game.


Akali also has disadvantages, the main among which is the lack of mass skills. As far as the heroine is good one on one, it is also bad in mass confrontations. You also need to constantly think about energy, which will be difficult to restore, if you will spend it thoughtlessly. But the main disadvantage is that Akali is still a magician, that is, she has a rather weak reserve of health and endurance, but at the same time, in order to be as effective as possible, she constantly needs to be in the center of events, so that very smooth hands will be needed And many hours of practice to master this heroine.


As for team-mates, there are no special options here: at the beginning of the game any forester with control skills, for example Shen or Kennen, will be useful. But since the middle of the game, the solo-heroine perfectly copes with the opponents herself.


In this case, there are a number of heroes, which will be extremely dangerous for Akali. These are characters like Ari, Aniva or Annie.

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