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Is your child unsure of himself? Learn how to raise self-esteem for your child

Many children suffer from self-esteem. Sometimes it seems to us that nothing can be done about this. And yet, increasing self-esteem is not something of a fiction. Stock up with patience and purposeful, step by step, go to your goal. The following steps, recommended by clinical psychologist Jennifer Cassattley, will help develop children's self-confidence.

Each of us, even becoming an adult, from time to time, feels a sense of helplessness. When we see a serious obstacle in front of us, many of us automatically drop hands, and only one thought turns in my head: "I will never be able to do this." For some reason, we think that all around are endowed with great talent and abilities. These feelings begin to arise from early childhood, when the child begins to realize their failures. He sees that other kids are more fortunate in building pyramids or collecting puzzles. Comparison with others makes him consider himself a loser. Here are the measures that will help you and your child to get rid of thoughts inspired by the inferiority complex.

Encourage curiosity

Your educational work can develop according to two scenarios: either you will encourage curiosity in little tomboy, or strangle their initiative on the vine. Demonstrate to the children that the initiative is not punishable. And if the child came to you with another important question that you can not answer, give up the phrase "Do I look like a walking encyclopedia?". Yes, children ask too many questions. Yes, it can tire tired parents. However, when we answer these questions with sarcasm or discontent, we discourage children from learning about the world around us.

Do not be afraid to experiment

Be optimistic when it comes to solving new problems and exploring new topics in your daily life. Your child will be sure to notice the absence of fear in the eyes of your mother before a difficult task or a new business. And when he starts to try something new, his knees will not shake. You'll never know what the experiment will end if you do not take it. Assure the child that you appreciate his willingness to experiment and are always ready to help him. Tell us that the lack of a positive result is also the result.

Emphasis on efforts

A common misconception about increasing the child's self-esteem is the abundance of praise. In fact, it all depends on how you praise. Do not try to focus your attention on results, instead emphasize your efforts. Thus, the kid will begin to understand that diligence and diligence are his main assistants if he wants to be successful.

Avoid false praise

As you already understood, continuous, indiscriminate praise is not a good idea. If your child does not have a talent for drawing, do not call it the future Picasso. When the kid goes to school, he will see the work of other children and understand that you were telling a lie. Instead, tell him that each person is talented in his own way. Someone beautifully draws, someone sings well, and someone is good at math. Tell us that it is impossible to succeed in all aspects of being. And one more important point: talent can be lost if you do not make the proper effort.

Help the child cope with mistakes

Be sympathetic at a time when the baby is mistaken. Do not you dare laugh at him or reproach him. When an oversight emotionally destroys children, it develops an underestimated self-esteem in them. Do not push on the baby and try to ask him productive questions. For example, this: "Let's think that next time you can do it differently?".

On the importance of diverse solutions

Emphasize that there is no single right way to solve the problem. In order to teach the child to think variably, you must diversify your own life. Let him get used to new food tastes, new music, dances and more often in places where strangers can be met. Children like a sponge absorb the information that surrounds the world. This will come in handy for the future.

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