Spiritual developmentReligion

Is abortion a sin?

Let's talk as plainly as adults. The topic will be one of the most vital and hushed up. But after all, a huge number of people of both sexes do not sleep at night, they suffer without knowing who to consult or just to talk to. They reflect: is abortion a sin or not? We will not consider various everyday situations. We will argue in general, to understand if the abortion is a sin, and how to be, if they decided to redeem it.

Which side to look at?

You know, for sure, everyone understands: it's very important that a person is asked such a question. Where does wine come from, it does not really matter. Once it has come to understand that it is worth considering whether an abortion is a sin, then there is something inside, something extremely important, alive, trembling! Proving this is easy. Let us reject the essence of life, as the absolute majority of people understand it. It is concluded in the extension of the genus. Do you agree? Do you have anything to do with abortion? The sin in this case is that the woman herself, and her partner indirectly, deprive the potential person of life. Science, by the way, is involved in a meaningless argument about whether the fetus is a person. It does not make much sense. After all, the Lord has already decided everything many millions of years ago, when he created this magnificent world. Do you remember the story of exile from Paradise? A woman for the fall will bear in pain and so on. The Lord in these words makes it clear to the person that the child is holy, He gives it to the couple. So, by the way, not everyone thinks. There are many people who think in completely different categories. They are confident in their own infallibility, in that no one has the right to evaluate or condemn their decisions. This is then very costly, when some kind of everyday wisdom is acquired, and "the eyes are opened". But now it's not about that. To understand whether abortion is a sin or not, one must dig into oneself. This is extremely important. Let's speculate.

Religious or spiritual?

When a woman starts to talk about "Abortion is a sin or not," in any case, life circumstances come to the forefront. Everyone knows this for certain. The coveted pregnancy is interrupted very rarely. Therefore, the point is that the woman agrees to the operation because of primitive fear. All the rest - the notions and excuses. An unborn child already prevents his or her likely mother from living (sometimes even to the pope). Rarely, who among these people think about the divine essence of the soul. This is typical of religious people. However, they also show weakness when they are confronted with a choice: to limit oneself in something or to give strength to a new being. But you should think about it.

Here, relations with religion do not matter. The right to give life is a great happiness. Probably the only thing that is given to almost every person. We consider the gift to be natural. However, think: it is this that makes us living beings different from stones or stars, for example. This is understood by countless women who have dared to become mothers. The realization of the essence of our earthly path comes through experience. Having pressed her baby to the breast, the young woman begins to feel how close she was to the terrible devilish fall, if she thought about abortion. But in fact such a joyous moment does not happen to everyone. Many become barren after the operation. Then they repent and cry, too late!

Attitude to abortion

Apparently, something is wrongly arranged in our society. This opinion is shared by representatives of almost all religious confessions. For them, there is no disagreement on the question of whether abortion is a sin. After all, life is not given by parents, it comes from the Lord (no matter how they call it). Only modern civilization completely unreasonably decided that it has the right to appropriate some of the functions of God. The reasoning is as follows. The process of conception has long been a secret. In any textbook everything is written from to. This refers to the mechanism of the process. On the one hand, there is nothing wrong with knowledge as such. On the other hand, the results are discouraging. A person, mastered by modern knowledge, becomes cynical. He does not see the sacred essence in the process of recreating a similar one. And from here and absolutely indifferent attitude to the termination of pregnancy. "What's so scary?" - Many think. - "When I want, then I'll give birth!" Such "thinkers" do not give themselves the trouble to reflect on what they are going to do. Only with experience, after a long time they start to rush about, figuring out how to atone for the sin of abortion. And then at the best!

But this is a real murder!

On this topic in society, on a worldwide scale, there is a constant dispute. He then fades, then flares up with renewed vigor. It is concluded when a person appears. The most common opinion, supported by traditions, by the way, is that each of us counts his earthly way from the moment of birth. If to argue from the point of view of sin, then the statement does not seem so innocuous. It turns out that killing the fetus is not a sin. He is not a man yet.

Apparently, the introduction of this idea into our society is beneficial to someone. After all, a century ago, believed that abortion - a terrible sin. Yes, rarely someone in those days, came to mind the seditious idea of getting rid of the baby. People lived in different values. Today they believe that this is "from lack of education". Others speak of proximity to nature. In fact, in this respect to pregnancy and its interruption was the understanding of the divinity of conception, if you will, the weakness of man before the Almighty. How did it happen that people began to look at the world so lightly? On this account, there are many opinions, including the original ones.

Conspiracy and abortion

The combination is strange, is not it? However, the issue under consideration is so important for the survival of mankind that it is in the field of view of all structures without exception. In particular, conspiracy experts say that neither much nor little, and the world government has decided to inspire potential mothers with the idea of the correctness and exclusion of abortion. There is an idea that there is not enough space on the planet. The population is growing exponentially, and resources are not enough. That is, according to those "prophets", soon we will die of hunger and thirst. At all, not enough food and water. The conclusion is simple and obvious. It is necessary to control the birth rate. To do this, many tools are being created. When they do not help, the woman is provided with medical conditions for interrupting the "undesirable" pregnancy. The fact that abortion - a big sin, no one tries not to mention.

Those who create public opinion on a global scale, the resource is so huge that the fight with it seems completely useless. On the naturalness of abortion, publications in the media say, it is unobtrusively inspired through films and broadcasts. Here you will involuntarily believe in a conspiracy against the human race. It turns out that the whole system, which is the most terrible, does not lend itself to identification by a simple person, pushes women toward immoral, sinful decisions. This retreat was intended to demonstrate the degree of pressure on the individual who wondered if it was a sin to have an abortion. The entire information machine, including its state segment, is working on this.

Can you consider yourself equal with God?

Such a question logically follows from previous arguments. After all, deciding on the termination of pregnancy, the woman goes against the will of the Lord, gave her the happiness of motherhood. She thinks she has the right to lead her own life independently. In this there is, if you think about it, some skew. After all, starting a meaningful existence should not be from the point where there is a choice: whether to commit a crime against the Most High. First of all, it is necessary to get rid of the dominant society, its stamps, including those inspired by the information machine. After all, the Lord gave man a life just so that he would lead it. And the current propagandists leave only a small "window of opportunity" for us. Everyone has the right to choose one, in our case, from the opportunities provided. The remaining roads overlap a priori. People just can not see them. For example, the question under consideration "whether abortion is considered a sin" does not come about at all. After all, for this it is necessary to have not just some educational and intellectual base, but also freedom of thought. And this means the ability to disconnect from the generally accepted opinion, to show independence.

Abortion is a mortal sin!

The truth is simple. By the way, we are constantly being persuaded by people whose calling is to serve the Lord, to conduct his teaching in society. Abortion is a terrible sin! There is nothing worse than taking away life from oneself like that. But this is exactly what happens when potential parents only think about aborting a pregnancy. They think in their minds of killing the one to whom they must give the joy of earthly existence, creativity, and participation in the Divine creation. Moreover, it is a sin when a woman agrees to an operation and transfers it. After all, thereby becoming an "accomplice" to the murder. In another way, you will not say.

Man, his soul , appear in this world at the moment of conception. And some researchers say that even earlier. To prevent it from incarnating is to go against the Lord. It is He who decides when this greatest of the sacraments takes place, the appearance of the light. And then there are questions in the failed mothers and fathers: "Shall we erase the sin of abortion?", "What should I do to be put to death?" It should be noted that the Lord is merciful. He forgives all his children. Only it is necessary to treat this correctly and thoughtfully, showing at least sincerity.

What do the clergy say on this subject?

With the question of how to atone for the sin of abortion, believers often come to their confessor. It makes sense to listen to those whose authority is indisputable, confirmed by many good deeds. The Archbishop of Yekaterinburg and Verkhoturye Vikenty had to comment on this topic. Let's be circumscribed in reasoning on his words. In particular, he assured his parishioners that it was a great sin to have an abortion. He is sure that because of him both men and women are suffering. And all by lack of thought, lack of hardness in the soul.

When people face a similar problem, the archbishop comments, it seems to them that the matter is everyday, everyday. More often young women and men are guided by the experience of friends. Only later comes the realization of what was done. They begin to rush and suffer. Conscience does not lead to a normal life, to engage in ordinary affairs. People want to do something that will calm their soul, remove the heavy burden from the shoulders. Archbishop says that it is desirable for such personalities to go to their confessor or to the nearest Temple. There one must confess and repent. The latter is extremely important for those who wish to be cleansed from sin. The fact is that the Lord will not punish a person who has realized the degree of his fall. Therefore, Archbishop Vikenty believes, the atonement of the sin of abortion must begin with an inner remorse, an understanding of what he created.

Does sin forgive abortion?

This question is also often asked by church officials. It is not as simple as it seems. One can not rest on a single repentance. It is necessary to convince yourselves and the Lord with your life that you will admit your mistake, you understand it, you will not allow it any more. In particular, Archbishop Vikenty recommends that people change their behavior. He argues that it is necessary to audit the beliefs and internal values. It is worthwhile organizing your life in order to teach others the teaching of the Lord. Let the near ones also begin a meaningful existence, go to the Temple, respect His commandments. It is probably easier to start with relatives. And then, when you understand the goodness of such an act, try to lead everyone to God, the Bishop recommends. Especially it is necessary to pay attention to those acquaintances that, just like you in your time, are going to set foot on the path of sin. With them you need to talk, trying to explain the perniciousness of such a decision. The experience of the repentant is very important for those who are on the threshold of the devil's abyss. In fact, unfortunately, many young women behave lightly in this matter. Of course, they will repent, of course, Vladyka is sure, but it will not be possible to return back. But the help of someone who has already gone through these thorny paths and realized their pernicious sinfulness can reveal their sincere eyes. And this will lead them to the happiness of motherhood or paternity. Another soul will be born! And this is in the power of a repentant man!

Pray or act?

It turns out that just walking to the Temple, taking part in the service is not enough. The Lord, which is written in many sacred books, judges by deeds, words are empty for him. Vladika Vikenti in an interview highlighted the question of how to pacify the sin of abortion. He said that you need to work on the people's aversion to evil. In this world there are many temptations. Not all of them lead a person to God. On the contrary, most turn it in the opposite direction. A sincere believer can not pass indifferently. Vladyka believes that it is necessary to influence as far as possible on their acquaintances so that they think about their behavior, try to coordinate it with the commandments of the gentlemen. Bring truth and good to others, in this is the way of redemption, assures the archbishop. When you try to wrest one soul from the hands of the devil, you do a great and merciful affair, he said. Here it is, the real way of redemption of one's own sin. We need to be attentive, loving to others. Still working to ensure that they saw the light of the Lord, understood the joy of following his teaching, turned away from diabolical temptations. Those who are merciful to others, content with the small, share material and spiritual, are worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven. All sins will be forgiven him, says the Bishop.

is that enough?

There is one more thing recommended by the Bishop. He believes that only compassionate active compassion to others is not enough. You should become a part of the Temple of the Lord. For those who do not understand, we will. The temple is not exactly what we now represent. So the whole community of believers was originally called. Their souls walking along the path indicated by Jesus make up His Temple on earth. That is, it is not quite a building, but a society of like-minded people who support each other spiritually and, what's more, hide, materially. This community includes everyone who lived earlier and exists today. Do you understand what is the point? The Temple of the Lord is a community of believers' souls. And the one that did not come to this world because of your mistake, too. Therefore, advises Bishop Vikenty, one should diligently pray for his immortal soul. Ask the Lord to grant it with his mercy. Work, by the way, is big and useful. Only first you must repent sincerely. The prayers of the sinner, as is known, will not be heard. But the deeds and words of a repentant person will achieve their goal. Thus explains Archbishop Vikenty.

Specific recommendations

Let's sum up the long narrative. It must be remembered that abortion is considered a sin. Of course, it is better not to admit it at all. But if you can not return anything, you need to repent. First, it is recommended that you consider your own behavior and all the circumstances of the decision. Do not look for excuses. They do not exist when the murder is committed. Realizing the sinfulness of this act, go to confession. Before this, it is recommended that you talk with the confessor, ask for help, if you can not figure it out yourself. Redemption is the great work of the soul in the first place. And nobody will do this work for you. And then you should start changing your life. Bring the light of the Lord to the people, help, learn to show kindness and mercy. There is nothing that the Lord will not forgive the repentant sinner. Only to convince Him is necessary by deeds, and not by empty words. And do not forget to pray for the soul of an unborn baby. By the way, Bishop Veniamin said that it is necessary to do this both in the Temple and at home. Be sure to buy the Icons, put them so that they will survey the whole house with their bright faces. May every moment of your life be filled with the joy of fellowship with the Lord. Do and work for Him, follow His teaching and carry it to people. That's the way to be right for someone who wants to atone for the sin of abortion. He will serve as the weapon of the Lord in the aversion of many other people from the fall. This is a big and important thing. Having ruined one soul by inexperience, you can help save many others. The Lord will see this and show his mercy to those who bring his teaching to others!

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