HealthWomen Health

What is a vaginal cap

The problem of contraception is still quite acute today, despite the abundance of information. Statistics show that the number of abortions, including those of underage girls, does not decrease. It means that the perfect remedy is not yet found, which is ideal for everyone. Probably, we will not open a big secret, if we call the most accessible method of contraception a condom.

Do you know that a rubber product is both male and female? If the first is worn on the external genitalia, the second is inserted directly into the vagina. This is a vaginal cap. The function they have is the same - to block the spermatozoa, to block them the way to the egg. However, you rarely hear about the vaginal cap, so today we want to supplement our knowledge with you a little.

Barrier contraception

Of all the methods, this is the least dangerous for women's health. The products considered by us do not contain hormones or toxic substances, do not violate the natural mode of work of the female body, but simply block the way to spermatozoa. The vaginal cap is also called cervical, another option is the vaginal diaphragm. Let's take a closer look at the principle of its operation, so that we can evaluate the reliability of this method.

Physiological features

The vaginal cap was first proposed for use in 1883 by a German scientist. Then it was made of rubber, which was later replaced with soft latex. The development was based on a thorough study of female physiology. Let's make a little digression too. As everyone knows, the spermatozoon penetrates through the vagina into the uterus just for the purpose of fertilizing the egg. The organ, where the embryo ripens, is a pear-shaped muscular sac. The narrowest part is the cervical, or cervical canal. He, in turn, passes into the vaginal cavity.

Just here, in the narrowest place, and you can install an elastic membrane that will block the sperm in the vagina. The neck can be felt with your fingers. This little study will help you better understand how to insert the vaginal cap. He will securely close the entrance to the cervical canal. However, it is possible to enhance the effect and lubricate the product with special non-xylon-based products.

What you need to know

Despite the fact that it is easy to buy at a pharmacy, you must first go to an appointment with a gynecologist. Since the cap should cover the cervical canal, it must ideally match the diameter of the cervix. Therefore, different versions are available, of which the doctor selects the optimal one. During the examination on the chair, the gynecologist will give recommendations for use, without which it is difficult to avoid mistakes. An incorrectly selected cap may cause discomfort. Then it is necessary to check again the correctness of the introduction. But the main danger is that he will miss the sperm.

Regular use

In fact, if a woman has a permanent partner, it is hardly worth buying a vaginal cap. The description of the method of its use suggests that the contraceptive must be carefully installed and removed at least 48 hours later. This product is reusable. After extraction from the vagina it will be necessary to clean it in a clean, dry place. When you have a second sexual intercourse, they start all over again, but now you need to use spermicide additionally. It is very important to know that if weight loss, increased physical activity, after delivery, the size of the cervix can change, so you need to contact your doctor again so that he can choose the right size for you again.

Features of use

In fact, having studied in detail the complicated technique, many of you will surely refuse such contraception. A condom, compared to it, is much easier to use. A protective cap is used for the vaginal ultrasound sensor, and is also an ideal option for sexual intercourse with a casual partner.

But back to the question of introducing a vaginal cap. Installs his woman on his own. Immediately warn that the development of this technique requires a certain time. The first few weeks of installation may be incorrect. In addition, the practice takes a lot of time. Therefore, it is better to use one more method of contraception. It can be a condom, a candle or a cream, and also hormonal preparations which will allow without any fear to master this method. I must say that it is not so difficult, but it takes a certain amount of time.

Technical details

Vaginal cap for prevention of conception should be worn beforehand. Therefore, if you remember about contraception at the last moment, then it is better to choose another option. At least a quarter of an hour, in the unexcited state, it will be necessary to perform the correct installation of the cap. Agree, it is not always possible to plan such an intimate moment in family life.

However, this nuance can be considered as a minus, and as a plus. As an option, put on the cap in the morning, and you are provided with protection for the next day. The maximum duration of this contraceptive in the vagina is 48 hours.

If during this time there was a sexual act, you should not take out the cap immediately. Wait a few hours, then carefully rinse the vagina and remove the rubber product. However, if there is a suspicion that during the sexual act the cap has moved, it is necessary to check your guess, or to enter a cream containing spermicides.

It is necessary to remember

The vaginal cap in contraception is not too common. This is due primarily to the fact that it is difficult to use. A certain practice is necessary, but even in this case it is difficult to guarantee that you have installed it correctly, because there is not a doctor nearby who can inspect the cervix with a mirror.

In addition, there are some features that need to be considered. Contraceptive can not be used during menstruation and within 2-3 days after them. After abortion, it is advisable to use the hormonal contraceptive chosen by the doctor. Only after consulting with a gynecologist, with his approval, you can change tablets to a cap, but it is recommended not to install it for more than two weeks.

If you want to use the barrier method after childbirth, you will have to wait at least 56 weeks. During this time the uterus will take its final size. If you used a cap before pregnancy, you may have to choose a new one, since the old one will not provide perfect tightness.

Different types

You may wonder how different the vaginal cap may be. The photo will give only an initial impression, in more detail you will be consulted by a specialist who will choose the ideal option for you based on age, physiological characteristics and other parameters.

But they differ not only in size but also in form. We will tell about each of them:

  • Prentife is a small soft dome with a thickened edge. On the edge is a shallow notch, so that it sucked better to the neck. The smallest size is 21 mm. It perfectly fits the nulliparous women. The largest is 23 mm. It is chosen by those who already have several children.
  • Vimulya is a soft rubber dome whose edges are thinner than the main part. It covers not only the cervix, but also the adjacent part of the vagina, that is, it is a more reliable means of protection. The diameter of the outer rim is from 42 to 58 mm. This is ideal for women whose uterus has a non-standard size.
  • Dumas is a soft dome with a thickened edge. It is this option that is the choice of most women because the size of such products can be any, respectively, you can choose a contraceptive individually. In addition, it is this cap that is ideal for pronounced scar changes.

Reliability of protection

First of all, women are interested in how much one can rely on such a method of contraception. Standard reliability is estimated using the Perl index. Behind these mysterious figures is statistics. The index value for vaginal caps varies from 16 to 30, that is, the indices are disappointing. It can be recommended to those women who have a small chance to become a mother. This can be a period of lactation or menopause.

Do vaginal caps protect against infections? The doctors' comments say that to some extent such a remedy acts as a barrier, but its effectiveness is lower than that of a condom. Therefore, if you do not know your partner well, then it's better to use the usual method. The need to enter the cap 15 minutes before the act implies a regular sexual life, otherwise it is difficult to plan everything in advance.

Advantages and disadvantages of this method

On the one hand, there are obvious advantages. The vaginal cap does not affect the woman's body. It can be used during lactation. The contraceptive effect can last up to 48 hours, so no one interferes with the cap's insertion in advance.

But the method has its drawbacks. The need to individually select the size of a gynecologist, the difficulty in mastering the technique of administration and not the highest efficiency led to the fact that the prevalence of the method we are considering as protection against unwanted pregnancy is quite low. In addition, the cap is difficult to find in a free sale. Basically it is delivered to order, and the price is from 1000 rubles. This is not too cheap, but the tool is reusable, which justifies the costs. In general, you choose. But be sure to consult with your doctor beforehand.

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