Spiritual development, Religion
St. John the Theological Monastery: Poshchupovo in the Ryazan Region
The monastery, named in honor of the holy apostle John the Theologian, is located in one of the most beautiful places of the Ryazan region. He stands on a hill right above the river Oka. The exact date when the St. John the Theologian Monastery (Poshchupovo) was built, is unknown. Over his centuries-old history, he managed to build a lot of legends and legends.
The first legend: the appearance of the monastery
One of the legends says that the monastery appeared at the end of the 12th or the beginning of the 13th century. It is believed that Christian monks-missionaries came to these lands in order to enlighten the local pagans. With them was a miraculous icon of St. John the Theologian, in honor of which the monastery founded by monks was named. This image was one of the many sacred things that the Church of Constantinople handed to the Russian state. According to legend, it was written by an orphan boy who lived in Byzantium in the 6th century, whose hand was ruled by the apostle himself.
At first the monastery was to the south of the present, on the hillside, over the Oka River, in a cave. Naturally, the terrain around in those days looked a little different than now: on high hills grew centuries-old oak forests, and the rest of the space was occupied by small lakes and old people.
St. John the Theological Monastery, Poshchupovo. Historical reference
To this day, preserved a whole complex of habitable caves, the estimated time of their settlement - the end of the XII century. And this fact allows us to make the assumption that the monks acted in the same way as their brethren during the founding of the Kiev-Pechersky monastery, which later became wooden.
Legend Two: The Golden Seal
Khan Baty, who moved with his army to the Russian lands, met with fierce resistance from the inhabitants of Old Ryazan, which defended itself for five days. But still the city was taken and, of course, burned to the ground (it is known that the modern city is erected in a new place). Then the Khan and the horde approached the monastery and camped for the night. In the morning they were going to rob him and burn him. As the legend says, Batu had a dream where he saw the face of the apostle John. He and his warriors were so frightened by the vision that they abandoned their original intent. It is said that the khan was very afraid of Christian saints.
When he arrived at the temple, he saw on the icon the very face of the apostle that he had dreamed. After that, Batu put his personal gold seal on the shrine, which was supposed to protect the monastery and his entire brotherhood from numerous raids and ruin. The monks carefully kept it for 416 years. Subsequently, it was melted into a bowl used for communion.
Legend Three: The Lost Icon
Over time, power in the Horde changed, and the golden seal of Khan Batu ceased to be a defense for the monastery. The raids that bring with them the killing of brothers and the ruin became more frequent. But each time the monks restored their abode with enviable persistence.
But eventually the monks got fed up with this, and they decided to find another place to build the monastery. They collected all their surviving property and set out on their journey. But after a while they discovered that the miraculous icon with the face of St. John the Theologian disappeared. And then they doubted the correctness of their actions.
The brothers decided to return and by all means find the lost shrine. On the way back, they, passing through a grove, saw on a high oak a missing icon. Having perceived this as a sign from above, they decided to build a new monastery in the place where the face of John the Theologian was found. Now the monastery is a little north of its original location.
From the oak on which the icon was found, a board was made and placed on the main throne in the John the Theological Monastery (Poshchupovo). Later she was transferred to the newly-baptized Assumption Cathedral.
The erection of the monastery at the present place began in the 16th century. In the beginning, it was wooden, and by the end of the 17th century stone buildings had already been built. Now the St. John the Theological Monastery (Poshchupovo) is completely stone.
By the middle of the XIX century the monastery was decayed and was in desolation until in 1859 in these places David Ivanovich Khludov settled. He did his best to revive him. At the end of the 19th century, he became almost the most beautiful in the Ryazan diocese. Also, a four-tiered belltower was built at a height of 76 meters.
At the same time, a monastery was organized at the monastery, where peasant children were trained. It was this that saved the monastery from its closure after the October Revolution.
In the spring of 1931, the St. John the Theological Monastery (Poshchupovo) was closed down, and the monks were arrested. And on the eve of it the ancient miraculous icon of John the Theologian disappeared, which, incidentally, has not yet been found. During the Soviet era, various institutions were located in the buildings of the monastery. Only in the autumn of 1988 it was returned back to the Russian Orthodox Church.
Now the monastery lives its measured life. For pilgrims, excursions are organized here, including visits to temples and prayer at the shrines of the monastery. Judging by the reviews, they like that the travelers are offered a free meal. There is a hotel where you can spend the night.
It must be said that nature is unusually beautiful in the places where the St. John the Theologian Monastery (Poshchupovo) is located. Reviews of numerous tourists are most positive. Here you can buy monastic products and consecrated tea from herbs, as well as real rye bread!
On the territory of the monastery is the Holy Spring, which, according to pilgrims, has healing power. Many people come here to get water or dip. It is quite cold here - only 4 degrees.
There are many stories related to the miraculous healings that the Holy Spring, at the base of the hill, where the St. John the Theologian Monastery (Poshchupovo) is located, can create. Trebov can be ordered right here, as well as purchase various souvenirs and icons.
Another attraction of this monastery is a rather extensive library. It contains not only modern books on philosophy, theology, history and art, but also old books, manuscripts of the XVII century, as well as rare pre-revolutionary editions.
The address of the monastery and the schedule of services
Location of the monastery: Ryazan Region, Rybnovsky District, St. John the Theologian Monastery, Poshchupovo. Schedule of services: on weekdays, the Divine Liturgy is held. The beginning of it at 8.30. Evening services are at 18.00. On Sundays, the Divine Liturgy begins at 9:00, and on the eve of the feast, the all-night vigil at 5:00.
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