
Installation of the roof from the corrugated board: the sequence of actions and the features of the procedure

Profiled sheeting for roofing in our time is used very often, as this material is quite strong, light and resistant to atmospheric influences. But in any case, the installation of the roof from the corrugated board must be done correctly and carefully. Although it does not cause difficulties.

First of all, you need to buy high-quality roofing material. It must not be chipped, scratched or otherwise defective or damaged. It is also necessary to measure the roof to know how long the roofing sheets should be . Naturally, it is also necessary to take into account the fact that from below the sheets should perform a little. In order to calculate the amount of corrugated board, it is necessary to divide the length of the cornice of the structure by the useful width of the sheet of roofing material, and the resulting value should be rounded upwards.

Before installing the roof from the corrugated board, it is necessary to arrange the waterproofing and ventilation of the roof. Waterproofing is provided with a special film, which prevents moisture from entering the roof structure. It is necessary to staple the film from the highest point (skate) overlapping. The film is fixed with the help of staples or rivets to the rafters.

In order for the roof to have good ventilation, it is necessary to nail down special slats to the waterproofing, which will ensure a free space between the roof and the waterproofing. Further, the ventilation element settles on the ridge, from where fresh air gets under the roof.

Coverage can not simply lie in the attic, so the installation of the roof of the corrugated board provides the arrangement of a crate, the thickness of which depends on the parameters of the sheet of coating. It should be noted that the board for the cornice should have the maximum thickness, since the very first sheets are attached to it. The selected material for the crate must be attached to the rafters with galvanized nails, which are less prone to corrosion.

If the installation of the roof from the corrugated board requires the use of additional support bars, they must be installed together with the crate.

Further, the technology of roofing from the corrugated board is not difficult. The first sheets of material are healed from left to right or vice versa. At the same time it is very cautious to move around the crate, as well as on the fortified sheets. The sheets are stacked so that the anticapillary groove of one of the sheets is covered with the next sheet. Only after stacking 2 sheets is the final fixing of them.

Also, the instructions for installing the roof from the corrugated board provide for the laying of sheets along the eaves with a small ledge.

Fastening of a material is made by screws or self-tapes on which there should be special rubber seals, interfering penetration of a moisture under a roof and damage of a corrugated board. Do not tighten the screws.

Lastly, the skate is installed. In this case, it is necessary to put a seal between the bar and the ridge. If necessary, ridge elements are installed on the ridge bar.

It should be borne in mind that when working with corrugated board, it is necessary to adhere to the angle of inclination from 14 to 20 degrees.

If the material needs to be cut, then it is better to do it with scissors for cutting metal.

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