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Inflammation of paranal glands in a cat: causes, symptoms and treatment
Paranatal glands of the cat are located next to the anus. This paired body identifies the secret that is necessary for marking the territory. In addition, with the help of such fragrances, animals attract the opposite sex. Sometimes these glands become inflamed, causing unpleasant and rather painful sensations to the animal.
Natural work
If the animal is healthy, the secret is released freely during self-defense, marking the terrain and during defecation. Unfortunately, human care and the emergence of a large number of ornamental rocks have led to the fact that some individuals experience difficulties in self emptying anal bags. This is why inflammation of the paranal glands in dogs and cats occurs.
Who is affected by the disease?
More often, pathology is observed in young males, but cats suffering from this problem are also common. Inflammation is especially common among animals of longhaired breeds.
In addition, the following animals are at risk:
- Leading low-active lifestyle;
- Pregnant cats;
- Injured in the anus;
- Eating wrong, prone to diarrhea or constipation;
- With obesity.
Inflammation of paranal glands in a cat has a very uncomplicated development mechanism.
First of all, the natural outflow of the secret is disturbed, as a result of which the sinuses become full. After that, the liquid in the sacs becomes thick, which leads to itching - the inflammatory process begins. Irritation accelerates the growth of microflora. The zone of influence increases, an abscess is formed and the wall of the gland breaks through. By this time, the cat's condition is becoming unsatisfactory, the temperature can increase significantly.
A disease that has reached this level may even kill an animal. Treatment should be started as soon as possible. In addition, it is important to remember that purulent inflammation of the paranal glands in a cat is almost not subject to treatment, therefore it flows into a chronic form.
Sacks filled with liquid, increase in size and become inflamed. Sometimes this leads to the development of an abscess - a purulent inflammation with ulcers and fistulas.
Increased glands do not allow the animal to defecate freely, sometimes reaching such volumes that it hardly walks.
Inflammation of paranal glands in a cat can be detected by closely following the behavior of a pet: it lickens under its tail more often, as if it gnaws parasites there, fidgets on the floor with its back, trying to squeeze out a secret. After a while, the animal smells so much that it's very difficult to just be with him.
But this is not all, what lead to clogged paranatal glands of a cat. Symptoms of inflammation can be as follows:
- Heat.
- Severe deterioration of well-being.
- Refusal to eat.
The absence of treatment leads to a lethal outcome from blood poisoning. To bring the sick animal to this stage is the height of irresponsibility!
Inflammation of paranal glands in a cat is eliminated quite simply, although this procedure is unpleasant for owners. The essence of it - in squeezing the accumulated fluid. If the animal gives this procedure painful sensations, it is necessary to conduct a seven-day course of antibiotic injections with Novokain.
In difficult cases it is necessary to use the services of specialists - if necessary, wash the bags with special solutions. If it comes to an abscess, it must be opened, cleaned and treated with a purulent wound.
If the inflammation of the paranal glands in cats, the causes of which were named above, has passed into a chronic form, and it is too often necessary to empty the sacs, the specialist may suggest simply deleting them. These organs do not carry a significant functional load, so their absence will not affect the life and health of the pet.
Of course, this decision should only be taken by an experienced specialist.
If you can not get to the doctor, you can clean the glands at home.
Before you start, wear old clothes or a protective gown. Do not be redundant and glasses. Clearing is better in the bathroom, because during manipulations, an unpleasant smelling liquid can splash in all directions.
The first way
An assistant is needed who can fix the animal with a diaper or towel. The pet should be wrapped in a cloth so that only the tail remains outside.
Then the thumb and forefinger need to squeeze the anus, helping with a napkin. Of course, the hands should be gloves. Press on the glands located at 5 and 8 hours from the anus, until the liquid comes out.
After cleaning rectally, inject an anti-inflammatory candle. If necessary, the cleaning is repeated after a certain period of time.
The second way
The above technique is only suitable if the glands are not enlarged much. If the secret is already thickening, you have to apply a more complex and painful variant of purification.
It is necessary to wear protective clothing, gloves, to fix the pet. After this, lubricate the finger with petroleum jelly and insert into the anus. From the inside, feel the nodules along the sides of the anus. Squeeze each of them alternately with your fingers. Extrude the secret until the iron is emptied.
The third way
Of course, not every owner is ready for such feats. That is why inflammation of paranal glands in cats, whose photo will add determination to treat the animal, you can try to eliminate one more way. It is worth remembering that it can be effective only at the initial stages of the disease.
To do this, lubricate the anus and nearby tissues with ointment with an anti-inflammatory agent (for example, "Synthomycin"). Be sure to put the collar on the animal so that it does not lick the medicine. At night put a candle with ichthyol. In order for the animal not to run immediately to the toilet, it is necessary to pinch the anus for a while, fixing the candle.
This procedure can only be carried out by a specialist. It is shown with a significant inflammation, when there is a suppuration and a through hole is formed.
It is important to know that treatment at this stage will take a long time, while recovery is not guaranteed. To resort to the procedure will have to constantly, at least a little to reduce the pain of the animal.
Washing consists of the following steps:
- Preparation and syringe injection of antiseptic solution;
- Pouring liquid into the hole;
- Repetition of the procedure until the discharge of as light a fluid as possible;
- Antimicrobial treatment.
In order for the cat not to be licked, a collar, a diaper or a blanket is put on it.
It is worth remembering that it is very necessary to clean the paranal glands of a cat at home. Treatment of inflammation can be carried out in veterinary clinics, especially if there is no experience or desire to do so. Problems can await not only the fastidious owners - the process itself often causes difficulties:
- Under the influence of fear and pain the animal can seriously injure the owner, who did not fix it firmly enough;
- Around the anus, a lot of blood vessels and nerve endings are woven, inept actions can injure them, which will lead to poor health of the pet.
If nevertheless there is a need to carry out the procedure on your own, it is necessary first to learn from a specialist, ask questions, clarify the technique and procedure for actions.
The frequency of cleaning is individual in each case. One animal needs to do this once, while others need to cleanse the glands regularly.
It is very important to pay attention to the behavioral habits of the pet. If there is increased attention to the back of the body, it is worth checking it for symptoms of inflammation of the glands. On average, the diseased animals need to clean the anal sacs every six months, while the healthy ones cope with it on their own.
Prevention of the disease is very simple and does not require material costs:
- Regularly check the condition of the anus of the animal.
- Keep track of the activity of the pet: lethargic must be forced to run at least two times a day.
- Follow the diet and work of the digestive tract, not allowing constipation.
- Feed the animal in moderation, not allowing it to gain excess weight.
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