
Paste "Sulsen" for hair growth: reviews, user manual

For each person, the recognition of others is very important. We want to be appreciated, respected for who we are. But the realities of life are such that they meet all the same in appearance, and already see off in the mind! Therefore, the appearance at the first meeting should also not disappoint. The calling card for personal care is the condition of the hair - their shine and healthy appearance.

Beauty of hair

The constant itch of the scalp and the white dandruff that falls on the dark clothes give us a lot of inconvenience. Especially when we need to impress an influential person, bright spots on the shoulders and back will negatively affect our image. Development of seborrhea leads to the fact that the scalp quickly fades, the hair becomes dull and brittle. And how would like to have a beautiful hairstyle!

Hair beauty is difficult to create in one day. In order to make them look healthy and alive, they need to constantly feed them, take care of them, and also use various cosmetic and medicines. The beauty of the scalp is not only in volume or length (for each, of course, there is a concept of beauty, but ...), it has several criteria: density, gloss, volume, lack of brittleness and dandruff on the skin. It is this effect gives "Sulsen" for the hair.

What is "Sulsena" and what is it for?

Flaking of scales (dead cells) from the scalp may begin for several reasons:

  • Sharp temperature fluctuations;
  • Stress;
  • Lack of proper hair care;
  • Metabolic disorders, and much more.

This phenomenon is considered not only from the point of view of cosmetology, but also is a dermatological problem. After all, seborrhea - this is not just a lack of care, but a whole pathological process that leads to the loss of a large number of hair.

From a medical point of view, the problem of dandruff formation requires immediate measures to treat the scalp. Perfectly with this task copes pasta "Sulsen" for hair. It can be used as a preventive and curative remedy. "Sulsen" has a bright orange color, but when rubbed into the skin, it brightens. In addition, the preparation has a pleasant smell in some forms of release, it is well washed off with warm water.

Ingredients for hair

The main substance in "Sulsen" is selenium disulphide. This substance very well affects the skin: soothes it, restores the structure, makes it supple, removes peeling, irritation and smoothes wrinkles. But for the treatment of seborrhoea, especially its neglected form, this is not enough, so manufacturers added sodium cetearate sulfate, glycerin, cetyl alcohol, ethyl alcohol, stearyl, cinnamon, extract from burdock root, potassium cesium sulfate and citric acid to the composition. The main effect of the drug is the fight against the fungus, which affects the scalp. "Sulsen" from hair loss not only eliminates dandruff, but also helps restore the structure of the hairline. It also promotes the resumption of the normal functioning of the fatty secretion of the scalp.

In what forms is it produced?

Manufacturers of this miracle cure note that an effective and quick result can be achieved by using several release forms simultaneously. So, in what form is produced "Sulsena"?

  1. Paste.
  2. Shampoo.
  3. Ointment.
  4. Butter.

"Sulsen" (shampoo): instruction

An excellent solution to the problem of dandruff will be the use of this shampoo. He not only externally improves the condition of the hair, but also strengthens the roots. Absorbed inwards, "Sulsen" prevents the appearance of dandruff at the very beginning of its formation. What is the effect of shampoo and how to apply it?

"Sulsen" (shampoo, the instruction of which will be described below) is struggling with such phenomenon as increased production of sebum or sebum. In medicine, this term is defined as the secret that sebaceous glands secrete. Since in its content it has esters and fatty acids, it is thanks to it that our hair fats. Shampoo "Sulsen" helps to normalize the function of highlighting this secret.

The scalp also has its own immunity, in other words, protective properties. They are able to decrease under certain circumstances. This is the yeast fungus that is responsible for the formation of dandruff. Shampoo "Sulsen" increases the protective functions of the scalp, where hair grows, thereby preventing the spread of fungus.

In addition, this drug fights the formation of exogenous toxins, which involve sebum and yeast fungi. It also slows down the life cycle of the epidermal cells, thereby preventing the permanent detachment of dead parts (dandruff).

Instructions for the use of shampoo is quite simple. On damp hair, apply the product lightly in a circular motion and foaming. Leave for 3-5 minutes, then rinse and repeat the procedure. A wonderful effect can be achieved using shampoo along with such a remedy as "Sulsen" paste for hair growth. The feedback of many buyers suggests that such a combination is simply necessary.

Means in the form of paste

Very often the product is available as a paste. This is because it is convenient to apply to the hair, and it can not only treat the disease, but also prevent it. Sulsen paste for hair is a powerful immunostimulating agent. It helps to protect ourselves from the harmful effects of ecology, weather, microorganisms and irritants, which make our hair faded and lifeless.

The paste "Sulsen", the use of which does not take long, is recommended for:

  • Prevention of increased sebum secretion;
  • Preventing the appearance of itching and dandruff;
  • Preservation of the integrity and functioning of hair follicles;
  • Increase of tone of hair;
  • Life support and health of the hair.

Based on these characteristics of the drug, we can conclude that the paste "Sulsen" for hair growth, reviews of which are mostly positive, helps not only to quickly get rid of dandruff, but also to restore the health of your hair. There are two types of paste, which differ in the amount of selenium disulphide contained in them.

"Sulsen" (paste): instructions for the use of 1% of the formulation

First of all, it is necessary to wash the hair with shampoo (ideally the same brand, but you can also to others), type a quantity of paste on the fingertips, apply it to the scalp (hairy part) and gently rub it into the roots. After application, wait 10-15 minutes, then remove the product with running water.

To protect the hair from the appearance of fungus, dandruff and itching, it is necessary to use the "Sulsen" paste twice a week, for one month. Repeat a series of such procedures can be in six months. It is important to remember that such a remedy does not heal, but protects, that is, it is used only to prevent the occurrence of problems with the scalp. If the paste gets on the mucous membrane of the eyes, it is necessary to rinse the eyes with water immediately. If there is an individual intolerance to any of the components of the drug, it should not be used.

How to use 2% composition

The percentage of active substance in this product is slightly different from the previous, although the dosage form is the same. "Sulsen" (paste), the instruction on which application is simple enough, is a strong curative and prophylactic agent that can be used in all cases of strengthening and improving the condition of the hair. The drug contains a 2% sulfuric compound of selenium disulphide, which gives it almost miraculous functions to restore the scalp.

This remedy should be used in close connection with the "Sulsen" shampoo. Only with such a tandem the effect will be rapid and qualitative. To apply it is necessary on pure damp hair, keeping 10-15 minutes after rubbing in a skin. Then, as in the previous time, the product is washed off.

For the treatment of seborrhea, the paste is applied to the scalp twice a week, the duration of application is 3 months, but when to use it the next time depends on the recurrence of the disease. If the condition of the hair allows, such treatment can be done every 1-2 years. For the prevention of paste is recommended to apply once a week for a month. You can repeat the course every six months. Paste "Sulsen" for hair growth, reviews of which significantly increase the demand for this drug, copes well with its task, preventing the destruction of hair bulbs.

If you want to not only get rid of dandruff and hair loss, but also give them shine, the paste is recommended to use with the cream of this series. Such a tool is available to most of the population of the country. It should be noted that "Sulsen" (pasta, the price of which varies from 70 to 140 rubles, depending on the amount in the tube) costs several times less than other anti-dandruff products.

We are treated with oil

Many people know that to stimulate hair growth, oils are most often used. First, they soften the effect of other substances, and secondly, soften the bulbs, which promotes more active absorption of the main components, and third, they create a protective shell at the roots of the hair, which has a beneficial effect on their condition.

"Sulsen" (oil) has in its composition not only selenium, but also many other useful substances. The drug is used as a stimulator of hair growth, by strengthening their roots. It is recommended to use oil for:

  • Excessive hair loss,
  • Their slow growth,
  • Violation of the function of the formation of new hair follicles,
  • Accelerated life cycle of the scalp,
  • Thin and rare hair.

To use the oil, you need to know that it is applied only to the roots of the hair, it is kept with a polyethylene cap 1,5-2 hours, and then thoroughly washed off. To suck in faster, it can be heated on a water bath to heal this remedy.

"Sulsen" in the form of oil contains not only the main active substance of selenium. It also contains sea-buckthorn, castor and mink oils, as well as extracts of sea-buckthorn, chamomile, lavender, geranium and red pepper. Thanks to this amount of nutrients, oil has more benefit than the "Sulsen" paste for hair growth. The opinions of many people confirm this fact.

Use this form of the drug should be as follows: to effectively grow hair and strengthen their roots, oil should be applied to the scalp 3 times a week for 3 months. If you just want to prevent hair loss, it is recommended to apply the medication once a week for 1 month. In six months, this procedure can be repeated.

"Sulsen" in the form of ointment

Most often, this form is called a hair cream. It has a certain composition, somewhat different from other types of the drug. "Sulsen" (paste, the price of which is low) allows you to strengthen the roots of hair, while the cream can not only treat seborrhea, high fatty hair and excessive loss of hair, but also maintain the health of the hair along the entire length, giving it a healthy shine and volume. In addition, the creamy texture of the preparation perfectly moisturizes the hair, preventing them from drying out, due to the content of D-panthenol. It should also be noted that the "Sulsen" ointment contains several other vital elements for the scalp: cyclomethicone (prevents splitting of the tips), creatine (gives energy to the hair), natural fats (protect against brittleness), and so on.

Cream "Sulsen" - the guarantee of health of your hair

First, you need to wash and dry your hair a little, so that they are wet. Then you should apply the cream on the roots and distribute it to the very tips to cover the entire length of the hair. Further it is recommended to withstand the cream mask for 15-20 minutes, then rinse it with running water.

The peculiarity of this form of the remedy is that the cream is suitable for absolutely all types of hair. If you have a desire to make them beautiful and healthy, then the remedy can be used every time after washing your head. To achieve the best preventative results in the care of hair and scalp, it is necessary to combine the cream with the "Sulsen" paste. The instruction recommends alternating the form data of the preparation.

What problems does the hair remedy help to get rid of?

So, let's sum up: under what problems does the "Sulsen" remedy in different forms help? Let's start with the most complex and unpleasant pathologies of hair, as well as the skin of the head.

  1. Seborrhea is a pathologically large number of dead cells of the epidermis.
  2. Increased sebum secretion, as a result of which hair quickly become fleshy.
  3. Reducing the protective properties of the skin of the scalp, in which there is a favorable environment for the reproduction of fungi and other harmful microorganisms.
  4. Increased hair loss.
  5. Freakiness and fragility.
  6. Dissection of tips.

If you carefully look at the entire spectrum of the drug, you can see that its various forms restore the hair, starting from their beginning under the skin, and ending with their tips.

Customer Reviews

Few people treat the problem of dandruff seriously, but this is the first time. Many note that only after the hair begins to fall out, there is a continuous itch and white flakes falling on the clothes, I want to get rid of this problem as soon as possible.

People of all ages note that the effective way to overcome problems with the scalp is "Sulsen" from dandruff. The feedback of many customers attests to the high effectiveness of this drug. Someone it helps at once, someone has to periodically return to its use. But all are united in that the remedy really helps. It should be noted that it is the "Sulsen" that allows you to get rid of dandruff in a short time, which has worried a person for more than one year. To fix the result, experts recommend that people suffering from seborrhea and brittle hair, eat right. After all, obedient, voluminous and healthy hair need a sufficient supply of trace elements: minerals and vitamins.

Why is "Sulsen" sometimes not as effective as I would like? The fact that people have different skin scalp. In some, it is too susceptible to various environmental influences and cosmetics, while others find it difficult to choose the right shampoo. Often there are problems with the drying of hair and skin (when using a hair dryer after each washing of the head). In addition, great harm is caused by the constant use of such products and accessories as hair spray, paint, gel, foam, hair curlers, curling irons and more. All this contributes to the emergence of previously identified problems. To permanently preserve the health of your hair, it is better to avoid harmful chemical and physical effects. And for the prevention of it is recommended to use such a miraculous and indispensable tool, as "Sulsena".

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