
Implantation of teeth: contraindications and possible complications (reviews)

Diseases or injuries sometimes lead to tooth loss. This affects not only the decrease in functionality of the oral cavity, but also affects aesthetic perception and self-esteem. The quality of life itself can be determined by the quality of the teeth. And you can fill the gap with bridges, crowns and pins, and with implants. At the same time, the latter is indistinguishable from the real tooth visually, does not require grinding of neighboring teeth, does not force to fix special constructions, for which they appreciate it. However, no matter how beautiful the implantation of teeth, contraindications and possible complications are still present.

A short digression into the history

The first dental implants people tried to do in ancient times. Finds of archeologists indicate that gold was in ancient Egypt, the Indian were made of semiprecious stones, ancient Chinese ivory, ancient Roman from metal. But then it was extremely difficult to do, accompanied by high risks. Dental implantation itself was dangerous, complications after implantation were even more deplorable.

The main problem was that the materials used with the human jaw could not simply get used to, so that sooner or later there were problems. But in the sixties of the 20th century, scientists discovered the amazing properties of titanium, which turned out to be biologically inert, and from the 80's already learned to integrate this material into human bone, starting the era of implantation. It is titanium that can grow into the bone, so it was based on the creation of helical cylindrical implants.

Not so simple: contraindications and complications

On the one hand, you can put the implant at any age on any vacant place in the jaw. Even if it has been damaged, then its integrity by modern medicine is restored with the help of the build-up of bone tissue, into which a new tooth is then inserted. But on the other hand, this procedure is not available to everyone. There are a number of contraindications that will not allow you to restore a beautiful smile in this way.

So, consider the categories of customers who do not fit dental implants, who can not perform it for one reason or another.

The level of medicine is now high, the technology is proven, the materials are reliable. It would seem that dentistry is not dangerous, even if it is implantation of teeth. Are there any complications? Some people do not even think about it. In fact, it is still a surgical intervention, which has a number of risks, so it is necessary to take the matter seriously. It is not always possible to envisage everything, but doctors do everything possible to prevent complications.

General absolute contraindications

Do not provide this service to people who have blood diseases, bone marrow cancer, tuberculosis, immunodeficiency disorders and autoimmune diseases, as well as type I diabetics. Do not perform surgery for clients with some congenital or acquired CNS diseases, including mental ones. These diseases are among the absolute contraindications. Even bruxism can become an obstacle; Gnashing of teeth, and hypertonus of masticatory muscles, which will not allow the implant to fix itself normally, but to heal the wounds. Intolerance to anesthesia also becomes an obstacle to the operation.

Among medical contra-indications there are also relative contraindications, which are of a temporary nature. So, if a person has a distress syndrome or he takes medications that negatively affect healing, then the intervention can be denied. Do not perform surgery for patients who have recently been exposed to radio or chemotherapy, but over time, this procedure may become available.

Relative and temporary contraindications

According to the above indications from the point of view of medicine, implantation of teeth is not carried out. Contraindications and possible complications can also be associated not with illnesses, but with a physical condition. A specialist may prevent people who have jaw endings or bone tissue in a bad state of the procedure. This question is individual and reveals itself during a personal examination. Errors with a diagnosis can cause complications. So, if the patient has osteoporosis, i.e. Bone tissue is sparse, implant implantation is difficult.

Relative contraindication is the presence of problems with other teeth. But it is enough to perform sanation of the oral cavity, so that there are no carious teeth and other diseases, so that the issue is reviewed. Also, it is necessary to cure pre-periodontitis, gingivitis. An obstacle can be a pathological bite, arthrosoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint. Implantation is not performed for pregnant women. Alcoholism, smoking and drug addiction are also listed in the list of undesirable phenomena.

Contraindications are not a reason for despair

But under certain conditions, it is still possible to implant the teeth, to whom contraindications were not allowed at first. Many relative and temporary causes can be eliminated, cured, waiting for a certain time, etc. Sometimes it turns out to completely get rid of contraindications, and sometimes enough to minimize their possible impact, so that successful implantation becomes possible.

In some cases, treatment can be given, or special preliminaries can be prepared that smooth out the situation. For example, if there is insufficient bone tissue in the right place, then bone grafting can be performed , which will then allow the implant to be delivered. And there are a number of procedures that counteract osteoporosis, stimulate the growth of bone tissue and help it to recover over time.

Possible complications

Has implantation of teeth contraindications and possible complications. Some of them may arise even during the installation of a titanium rod and / or shaper with a crown, others appear in the postoperative period, and some may occur after a rather long time. Very important is the qualification of a specialist and his experience in order to correctly assess the condition of the client's tissues before the operation, and also professionally perform the procedure itself. Judging by some estimates, complications occur in 5% of operations.

It is worth noting that in a number of cases complications arise due to the patients themselves. Medical recommendations must be strictly observed: carefully monitor hygiene, abandon certain bad habits and, importantly, observe the load regimen that occurs on the implant. Do not miss and scheduled periodic examinations to keep under control the process of osseointegration, and in case of complications, identify and eliminate them at the initial stage.

Complications during surgery

When carrying out the procedure itself, soft tissues, alveolar canals or even the facial artery may be damaged. Sometimes there are reviews that perforation of the maxillary sinus or nasal cavity occurred. When working with the lower jaw sometimes there is damage to the nerves, penetration of bone tissue into the mandibular canal. There are also dangerous bleeding, or the bone tissue overheats during the formation of the bed for the future implant.

Sometimes in such cases the procedure has to be simply interrupted, but there is a risk that this implantation of teeth will not be available at all. Contra-indications and possible complications are described here as the most unpleasant. Thus, overheating of bone tissue will no longer allow the titanium rod to settle down in this place. The perforation of bone tissue and penetration into the sinuses are even more dangerous. Fortunately, the risk is minimal, such cases are extremely rare.

Postoperative and long-term complications

Suppose that the implantation of teeth has already passed. What complications can there be after it? At times, the seams divergence, the appearance of pain and inflammation are noted. Titanium rod can simply not take root, without completely fixing or shaking. At times, bone tissue can be destroyed around it, which is called perimplantitis. Sometimes, on the contrary, bone growths appear around the fixation site. It is also possible rejection of the implant in connection with allergy to titanium, osteoporosis or as a result of a bone burn, which does not allow continuing implantation.

Selection of a specialist

Hasty and economical in this matter are unacceptable. The operation is not cheap, but it is also connected with the most expensive - health, and therefore requires the most serious approach. In order to find out for sure whether dental implantation is suitable, contraindications and possible complications should be clarified, it is necessary to contact at least two specialists of good clinics. This advice is given by experienced people regarding all doctors, but here it is also very important. Such an approach will make it possible to better understand the issue, listen to the opinions of different doctors, perhaps to identify some contradictions and to understand them in time.

It is also worthwhile to learn more about the clinic and the doctor both from official sources and from real patients who performed implantation here. Ideally, if they are familiar people, whose word can be fully trusted. But the feedback of others will not be superfluous.

Tips and feedback from real customers

Most owners of new implants, not distinguishable from real teeth, are very pleased with the acquisition. But there are also those who experience pain or discomfort when biting for a long time, and those that have gone through inflammation. By the way, it is necessary to understand immediately what is the implantation of teeth, what are the complications and what should be done in these cases.

So, with the same inflammation, "cleaning" is performed in the clinic, treatment is prescribed, after which problems can be forgotten forever. The process can not be allowed to go by itself in any case. If the anti-inflammatory therapy does not work, the implant can be removed.

The first time after the operation, there is always a numbness associated with anesthesia. But if the sensitivity was not restored after 4 or more hours, then this may indicate a damage to the mandibular nerve. Also in the first hours after the operation, bleeding from the wound can be observed. If after a week it did not stop, we can say that during the operation a vessel was hit. These complications require specialist intervention.

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