Spiritual developmentChristianity

Icon of the "Unbreakable Wall": meaning and history

The icon "The Unbreakable Wall", whose meaning can be easily identified even by an unbeliever (intercession), is one of the preserved mosaics of Sophia of Kiev. This cathedral, built by the son of Prince Vladimir Yaroslav the Wise, still surprises with the magnificence of its decoration. And today its majestic premises, decorated with mosaics and frescoes, please the eye of all believers and connoisseurs of beauty.

While the icon is still standing, stand and Kiev

Many of the images have survived to the present day with those that were originally created. Including the icon "The Unbreakable Wall". The meaning of this name is known from ancient times. Many still believe that for the time being this mosaic will be intact, and Kiev will also be there. Such a belief actually has a reasonably good basis. The fact is that the Kiev Sophia Cathedral was repeatedly destroyed in the raids of the Pechenegs and Polovtsians. Especially the temple suffered when capturing Kiev by the Tatar-Mongols. However, while the wall above the main altar on which the Virgin of Oranta is depicted, has not suffered even once.

Oranta the Protector

The icon "The Unbreakable Wall", whose meaning in the sacred plane is unequivocal - the protection of the house and family, made by Byzantine and Russian masters, was a prototype for many later Christian images of the Blessed Virgin. Literally all the mosaics of this first Christian church are the standard of Orthodox religious painting. Orans call the Virgin without a baby, standing in full growth and stretching out their hands in a gesture of protection.

The Icon of the Mother of God "Inviolable Wall" of St. Sophia of Kiev is made of smalt on technology, which was later forgotten for many years. The Virgin is depicted wearing a heavenly blue garment and is surrounded by a "radiance" of a golden smalt symbolizing the Holy Spirit. At the waist, she is plugged in the boards, which she, according to the beliefs of Christian believers, wipes tears for the mourners. Raised hands mean intercession before the Most High.

Home Protection

In our time, such icons are recommended by believers to be hung at home on the wall directly opposite the front door. In this case, the Virgin will reliably protect the dwelling from all enemies. The ill-wisher, having entered the house and having seen the strict sight of the Virgin, will be ashamed of his wicked intentions and leave the apartment. Also this icon is hung on the wall in the event that they are going to leave the dwelling unattended for a while. At the same apartment or house will be under reliable protection until the return of the owners. Only for this it is necessary to pray also to this image. These are the properties of the icon "The Unbreakable Wall". Prayer to the Virgin sounds like this: "Lady Immaculate, not without reason being called" Inviolable Wall ", be an obstacle for all those who plot enmity and evil against me, my loved ones and my house. Become an inviolable fortress for us, protecting us and our dwelling from all troubles and difficult circumstances. Amen".

Of course, those who believe in the power of the Christian church should buy this icon in the shop of a church. It will surely become a reliable barrier from all troubles and troubles. The "Unbreakable Wall" icon, the meaning of which is protection, will certainly help any praying and sincerely believing.

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