Education, Colleges and Universities
How to write a course quickly and correctly
The writing of coursework often causes a lot of questions from students, especially younger courses. Affects the lack of experience in this difficult, at first glance, case. But, if you try to understand the technology of the process of creating a scientific work, then everything may seem not so difficult.
Asking about how to write a term paper, the student faces many additional questions. For example, such as: "Where can I get the material to write it?", "What exactly should I write in the work?", "How to design it?", "How to write a course paper very quickly?".
These permanent questions, of course, do not have an unambiguous universal answer for each researcher individually.
Everything depends, first of all, on the topic of the course, its goals and those tasks that the researcher of the problem faces.
We will try to divide the entire task into stages and characterize them. And also describe what problems the student faces, and point out mistakes.
First of all, before writing a course, you need:
- clearly define the topic;
- clearly understand what the researcher's goal is;
- concisely and unequivocally formulate tasks;
- understand what needs to be done in order to achieve the result and subsequently display concrete conclusions.
Consider what mistakes the student can make in this, which entails difficulties:
1. The topic is too extensive to reflect all its aspects within the course work. This occurs quite often. Not always, of course, the student is free to formulate and propose a topic, however, the directions suggested by the leader can always be corrected, and there is nothing to worry about if the researcher himself suggests that the scientific adviser narrow the field of research, perhaps somehow interpret it. This will greatly facilitate the work, and this way will be correct.
Let's admit: the theme "Information genres of TV journalism" is not quite correctly formulated, it is very broad, and the student will have to turn the mountains of literature before writing the course, and he can not decide what specifically to write to him. It is easier to navigate the topic, if it will be with clarifications: "The features of creating a television report as one of the main information genres."
2. The goal does not harmonize with the topic, the goal is formulated not exactly, the goal is formulated so that it is knowingly clear that it is unattainable within the framework of the course. That is, when formulating the goal, it is necessary to remember that it must correspond to the stated topic, clearly reflect intentions and be real.
3. There should not be many tasks, simply listing them in a beautiful scientific style does not mean that they can really be implemented in a course. Tasks can be 3-4, but their implementation really should take place in the work, and not only in the report in the conclusions that they are fulfilled.
Then follows the writing of the text of the course, and this, perhaps, is a more creative process than the preparatory stage. At this point, the researcher should already have no hesitation in imagining how to write a term paper, since the object, object, purpose, content is known and approved by the leader.
Errors in the writing phase:
- The desire to "embrace the immensity", the sea of information should be placed on 25-30 pages of typewritten text, taking into account the list of literature, introduction and conclusions. It is not necessary to quote everything and everyone who has already written about the problem. Suffice it to mention the authoritative researchers of your subject and very laconically to indicate what was its feature, innovation, what such a distinctive said this or that author.
- There is no orientation to the object of research. It is necessary to try to discuss the topic not in general about everything little by little, but specifically referring to examples. Suppose, if this description of the reporting genre, it is not about how it should be at all, but it is desirable to give positive and negative examples, systematize the qualitative characteristics, and argue them.
- The desire to do everything yourself and very quickly, without listening to the advice of the leader (no comments).
The last stage is reduced to checking, correct registration of all structural components of scientific work. Conclusions should be very brief and understandable, clearly reflect the result of the work done and not cause doubts, the discussion points should be justified.
Observing the above recommendations, the question of how to write a course is not so difficult and boring.
Creative and professional achievements to you, young researchers!
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