HealthDiseases and Conditions

How to treat ears in dogs

According to foreign studies, about 20% of diseases in veterinary practice are due to ear diseases. Each dog breeder sooner or later faces this problem, and before him the question arises of how to treat the ears of a pet.

Diseases of the ears (otitis) are divided into inflammation (otitis) of the external ear and inflammation (otitis) of the middle ear. Unfortunately, most owners notice the illness that occurs when the blood from the dog's ears appears due to constant scratching.

Causes of otitis

Among the causes that cause inflammation of the external ear can be listed such as hypothermia due to low temperature, ingestion of foreign particles or water, allergies and various neoplasms. Particular attention should be given to otodectosis (ear scabies). Odejectosis is caused by a parasitizing microscopic mite (Otodectes) in the ear canal. The development of otitis in this case is due to the constant itching caused by the waste products of the mite, and is a secondary phenomenon. Unlike cats, in dogs, otodectosis is less common.

Otitis of the outer ear occurs mainly in long-haired and long-haired dogs, as well as in obese dogs. Care for these dogs is required especially carefully, the cleaning of the ears should be carried out for preventive purposes on a weekly basis.

Inflammation of the external ear. Symptoms and treatment

In order that the dog in the future did not have complications, it is necessary to diagnose the disease in a timely manner. The owner must regularly inspect the dog, this will help to identify the disease at an early stage and decide how to treat the ears. The very first symptom to look out for is the slight reddening of the skin in the ear canal of the external ear. The animal bows its head towards the hearth and shakes its head from side to side.

If the skin develops a flaky thickening, and pressure at the base of the ear causes acute pain and is accompanied by squelching sounds, the disease is in a progressive stage. When the disease passes into the chronic stage, the skin of the auditory canal thickens, becomes rough, while the lumen of the ear narrows considerably. Since chronic otitis is practically not treatable, it remains important to conduct early diagnosis and begin treatment of the disease.

How to treat ears? With what to begin treatment? First of all, you need to contact the veterinarian, he will determine the root cause of the disease. From the ear of the animal is taken scraping and the results of analysis determine the presence of otitis of nonparasitic or parasitic origin. When otodectosis, first apply special anti-malignant drugs, and then treat the otitis directly. To treat otitis caused by allergies or metabolic disorders, a strict diet is necessary, while the liquid from the ear swabs the liquid and the combs are treated with green.

Inflammation of the middle ear. Symptoms and treatment

This type of disease is much more severe than inflammation of the external ear. During an illness, purulent discharge is possible, especially with delayed or incorrect treatment. It is necessary to be afraid of the spread of inflammation into the inner ear and then to the brain. Most often this happens in cats with neglected otodectosis. With purulent inflammation of the ear, there may be an increase in the body temperature of the dog, a pain reaction, a decrease or a lack of appetite. Non-inflammatory inflammation often passes asymptomatically.

Remember, that at the first manifestations of otitis it is necessary to find out from a veterinarian how to treat the ears of a pet.

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