Health, Diseases and Conditions
How to treat an ear at home with folk remedies
The reasons why a lot of ears can get sick are: injuries, and hypothermia, and others. Of course, if you have unpleasant sensations, you should immediately consult a specialist. However, if for some reason this can not be done, the ear disease can be treated with the help of herbal remedies.
Signs of the inflammatory process
Before deciding how to treat the ear at home, it is worthwhile to differentiate the symptoms of the disease. First, it starts not to be heavily pawned, after which it starts to make noise in the ear, and the effect is created, as if a bank is attached to it. Pain may appear much later. These manifestations indicate an inflammatory process. If you do not start on time to heal, then the disease can take a more serious form and go, for example, to the inner ear. And it will be much more difficult to get rid of otitis.
How to treat an ear at home with folk remedies
The first way is very original. To do this, you need to take a large sheet of thick paper, preferably blue. Collapse it with a funnel. Then you need to insert a narrow end to the patient in the ear, and a wide burn. When the funnel is almost all burned, it should be pulled out. Having performed this manipulation and with the second organ of hearing, it is possible to make sure that the pain and
Cake with cumin
The presence of shots, pulsating pain can be tried in the following way. It is necessary to take five large spoons of rye flour, 25 grams of cumin and juniper. The last two components should be preliminarily ground to the state of the powder. Then add water, flour and make a dough. From it bake a cake, remove from it a crust and impregnated with alcohol. While she has not cooled down, her ears cover her. When the crumb cools down, it is removed, and in the ear canal
Vanga's Recipe
Determining how to treat the ear at home, you can pay attention to the following recipe. It is necessary to take a cotton swab and moisten it in an alcohol solution with a mummy. Then lightly squeeze and lay in the diseased organ of hearing. Preparation of the solution: 3 grams of mummy should be poured with a small amount of hot water, wait until dissolved. Then, in equal amounts, mix boric alcohol, albucid, mummy (1 tsp). A small amount of the mixture is heated before use. In the ear, it is necessary to dig in not more than eight drops 4 times in 24 hours.
Means from onions
Inflammation of the ear can be removed and using the usual onions. Freshly squeezed juice is not recommended, as it can cause not only irritation, but also lead to a burn of already damaged tissues. However, mixing its juice with linseed oil, you can cure the disease without harmful effects on the skin. These two components should be used in equal proportions. How to treat an ear at home in this way? It is very simple: you should moisten the cotton swab with a mixture and insert it into your ear for three hours.
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