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How to Train a Wavy Parrot: Practical Recommendations

If a new tenant appears in the house - a wavy parrot, the main question immediately arises: "Is it possible to teach a wavy parrot to talk or is this science available to other, more expensive species of birds?". Of course, these birds are amenable to training. Wavy parrots have an excellent memory, they can learn to repeat their name and many other words, whistle, imitate various sounds you like. Everything depends on the rapprochement between the owner and the feathered pet. About how to tame a wavy parrot, we'll talk more specifically.

So, in order for the pet to quickly settle into a new dwelling - his cage - will also take time. It is advisable not to touch the parrot in the first days, do not try to catch it, pat, put your hand in the cage. He must get used to the home environment, understand that no danger threatens him. From the cage the first weeks of its not release, that is, leave the parrot alone. When you come to the cage to feed the bird, talk to him in a not very loud but distinct voice, calling him by name. Do not frighten him with unknown loud sounds, avoid sudden movements.

Whatever the intractable wavy parrots, domestication always succeeds, if you have enough patience and sustain the time. Therefore, the problem of how to tame a wavy parrot is solvable. As the feather gets used to the new housing, his cell, to the people around him, you learn his habits, explore his habits and behavior in different situations. This will come in handy later for training.

When giving a pet food in a cage, it is worthwhile to look closely at what food the parrot prefers. Then you will beckon him with delicacies. But you need to do this carefully, so as not to frighten strongly. After all, a bird has never had the experience of communicating with a person, she is simply afraid of it.

After about a month from the day of the appearance of the feathered at your home, try to teach it. How to tame a wavy parrot, you will learn from the following recommendations.

Rules of domination of undulating parrots

  • When feeding a pet, do not make sudden movements, talk to him, call by name.
  • Tame the wavy parrot with food.
  • Stretch out your palm with your favorite birdie delicacy (which food to choose, you should know). Do not despair if the parrot does not come up to you.
  • The next day, try to repeat, do not raise your voice to your pet, talk to him lovingly.
  • When you try to tame, the bird must be hungry. At one point your parrot will become bolder, he will gently bite your hand. Do not be afraid, do not jerk, endure, and you will find a parrot of your faithful friend in the face.

Over time, the feathered pet without fear will eat from your hand and even sit on your finger (see the photo of a wavy parrot above). He can be so bold as to sit on your shoulder, pull on your hair and feel great and without fear. If the bird understands that you will not do anything bad to her, then you can start her train and teach to talk. But that is another story.

We hope, from this article you learned how to tame a wavy parrot. And since the bird has ceased to be afraid of you, this is a small success on the way to further relationships and even to talk.

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