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How to reduce mammary glands? How to reduce the size of the mammary glands at home: reviews

Not every girl suits her breast size. Sometimes it is too small, and sometimes, as in our case, large. Cardinal changes you will achieve only through surgical intervention. But how to reduce the size of the mammary glands without surgery, and is it possible?

Why is that?

To begin with, you need to take an objective look at the situation and think about what is causing your problem. Basically there are very few of them.

Features of the figure. Yes, it happens that by inheritance is transmitted a large chest, and it does not matter, thin girl, plump, chest - large.

The advantage, so to speak. Here everything is clear, you yourself know the cause of your problem if you are overweight.

Hormones. You may not have to be overweight or be slim, but have an excessively large breasts. It is necessary to consult. Most often this is an excessive amount of a female hormone. This reason can be confused with the first or vice versa. For confidence in any case, visit the doctor.

1. We are losing weight

To reduce the mammary glands at home, you can very simple way - to lose weight. Not for everyone it's an easy way, but sometimes there's no other way out. Fight yourself, achieve results, get victories over yourself.

This works like this: with each kilogram, the breast is reduced by 20 grams. It is not advisable to use diets in this case, because you will only remove the excess for a while. But if you choose a thorny path and reduce the amount of harmful fatty foods in your diet - you will win.

The fact is that diets protect you from everything delicious, but only for a specific time period, for example, for a week. And this week after the end of the diet you will necessarily want to eat humanly. And you know what? You will gain even more extra pounds. So a disadvantageous option. Much more can be achieved by reducing your usual amount of food throughout the day. More water, we are often confused desire to drink with a desire to eat.

2. Sports

How to reduce the size of the mammary gland Girls who like to play sports? There are certain exercises, after periodic performance of their muscle mass will grow, and fat - decrease. To succeed with this method, do four times a week, no less. Remember that you can not deal with a rested program. Once you begin to get used to the exercise, it will be easy for you to perform it, - replace it with a new one.

So, running on the spot can be used as the beginning of the lesson. Next, you need dumbbells, small, 1 kg is enough, but if you are not new to the sport, and 1-kg dumbbells - for you babbling, then take 3 kg. Lie on your stomach and spread your arms to the sides. Exhale and move your hands to another position - in front of you. Now inhale - hands back. With dumbbells, exercise 3-4 times for 20 repetitions.

The next exercise is done on the bench (you can sofa). You should lie so that with the support there is only a shoulder girdle. Raise your arms above the chest so that the hands are opposite each other. Exhale and slowly carry your hands behind your head. How far, you will understand, because then the pectoral muscles will stiffen. This should be done 3 times for 12 repetitions.

Do you know how to reduce breasts by doing exercises with a special rubber band for exercising? And these exercises can be done and do, until you get tired, you can several times a day, when you will find time. In addition to the rubber band you will need some support for it, through which you will transfer the rubber band. Now move away, thus pulling the elastic band, raise your hands to the level of the chest. Exhale - bring your hands back, inhale - back.

Lie on your back, bend your legs in your knees, lift them, bring them to your chest, lower them. So you need to do 20 times.

We finish again by running. You can use stretching or fast walking to close previous exercises. But in any case, do not forget about such exercises. After all, thanks to them, the body calms down after the loads, and lactic acid, which is formed, goes away.

All these exercises are preferably reinforced with food. Combining the first and second method of breast reduction, you will get an excellent result. It is necessary to help the second method, because the mass decreases, and the skin? What with her? That's why you need to study.

How to reduce the breast gland by granny recipes?

Books on traditional medicine are poor on prescriptions of this kind, but here is one of the few that the ancestors came up with.

To do this, you need to collect more green poppy heads. It will be compresses, and for one it will take about 50 heads. They are poured in water (2 cups), put on fire, and then, when poppies boil, reduce heat and hold for 15 minutes. Such a cool broth should be filtered, and at night put a napkin moistened with this miracle-potion to the breast. Make compresses every evening. You can glue the napkin food film, so as not to get dirty, and put on a T-shirt. In the morning, go to the shower.

However, for a greater probability of improving the condition of the chest, do special exercises. Everyone has his own view on this matter, but from one lotions only the breast can not decrease. But if the compresses do in the evening, after a good workout of the muscles of the chest and shoulder girdle, they will obviously cheer you up and give confidence.

Do not forget about leaving!

The process of breast reduction consists not only of directly reducing it, but also of nursing, namely, tightening and supporting the tone. You can use both shop creams, and home-made masks and creams of your own preparation. In the cream manufacturers add special ingredients that promote lifting, you also try the mask of yolk and honey, cucumber. You can also help yourself right in the shower. A contrast shower with a massage for the breast will work perfectly on the skin.

Now you know not only how to reduce breasts, but also about skin care during this reduction. And this is not unimportant at all. So, many women in stupidity would have achieved a good result if they supported the chest in a tone, and not just leaned fast, without even doing physical exercises. You, if you will lose weight and tighten the chest exercises, just do not stay with saggy skin. And adding to the whole complex also such pleasant procedures - 100% will remain satisfied.

How to reduce the breast glands at least visually?

As long as you work on reducing the breast, and this is a rather long process, you can make the breast size seem smaller than it actually is. Precisely you will achieve this with the help of minimasers - underwear, which is designed specifically for ladies with a large bust size, it helps to pull more or less unnecessary.

You can also use clothes. For example, a V-shaped cutout will look good on a large chest, it will optically reduce it. But the high neck, which according to the popular myth visually makes the breast size smaller, just the opposite accentuates all attention to it.

Choose non-tight clothes, but not baggy blouses, which generally make you fitseless and inexpressive. And less accents on gudi: bright colors in this area, ruches and flounces, any other elements - you need to get rid of them. Although variations with light scarves and beads are possible.


The desire to reduce the breasts arose not only from you, there are women who managed to achieve results. It's not enough to just know how to reduce the size of the mammary glands at home, the reviews also matter in this case. So you can find out how other women coped with their, in a literal sense, big problem.

There are women who are terribly big breasts, if one can say so, nature rewards. At first it may like, but later there are problems. Breast constantly hinders, too disproportionately looks on the background of the figure. When they decide to learn how to reduce breast cancer at home, reviews Inspire. There are so many ways that are associated with physical exertion. You can choose yourself exercises, if there is no special weight to the weight. However, reduce the amount of fatty foods in your diet. Remember, you will not be able to reduce your breasts after a month. To this you need to go, go and go. The main thing is not to throw everything, even if the obvious result is not visible at first. After all, you are not wasting your time unnecessarily. A lot of information is presented on how to reduce the mammary glands. Reviews add even more confidence that everything will turn out. So your chest is in your hands.

There are women who face the problem of a large breast after the birth of children. As a gift to their little joys, they get a good amount of excess weight. While moms are in the decree, they rarely think about the problem, the big problem that has arisen. And then you need to look for work, and then you understand the seriousness of what happened: clothes are not at all in store, not only in the priest, but also in the chest. Then they begin to look for ways to reduce the breasts in the complex, see how to reduce the size of the mammary glands at home, testimonials about how well the women managed to work on themselves. Many directly from the reviews find out that it is impossible to hope for diets, it is necessary to start eating right. And here it is - the numbers on the scales with each time fall. The main thing - in time to learn that you need not only to lose weight, but also to engage in physical education, and then the skin will simply look awful after losing weight. If you follow all the rules, and the results are usually stunning! The breast looks chic, taut, and as if there were no deliveries.


Girls are strongly advised to visit a doctor if the chest, to put it mildly, is more than a bush. Many have been found (after thousands of tests) health problems on a hormonal background. It is better to do this earlier, rather than when the state of health will make it happen. In addition, the doctor can tell you how to reduce your breasts at home. Reviews, by the way, have added girls determination to go to the doctor.

Therefore, do not hesitate to contact the doctor. If you worry that you go to the hospital, and in the end it turns out that you were in vain worried, and the doctor has an opinion about you there, throw it all out of your head. He is a doctor - this is his destiny. Someone he upsets, and then heals, and in your case, on the contrary, he will please you, he will say that the alarm was false. In the end, it's wonderful, you are worried about your health, there you will not be understood anywhere.

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