Food and drinkSalads

How to prepare a salad 'Shishka'

More often on the tables of most housewives there are dishes with original design. Aesthetic appeal makes them the most popular. In addition, it creates an additional atmosphere, making a cheerful and bright holiday from the usual feast.

So, the salad "Shishka" will look good on any table, and even more so on New Year's. He will need 200 grams of pine nuts (peeled), cream cheese (100 grams), ham (200 grams), greens, mayonnaise, garlic (2 cloves), almonds. Cheese is beaten in a blender along with garlic, mayonnaise and herbs, a pinch of salt is put here. The ham is cut in small cubes, connected to the received mass. The mixture is laid out with pine nuts. For a few minutes she is put in the refrigerator. The dish is laid out with a salad mass in the shape of a cone. Dried almonds in the microwave or oven should be stuck with sharp ends up. The New Year's salad "Shishka" is decorated with greens, crackers are placed around it.

In addition, you can make a variant of the dish with boiled beef. For this meat (300 g) is broken up into fibers. At this amount, take a green apple, boiled potatoes (2 pieces of medium size) and a salted cucumber, the ingredients are cut into cubes. All this is mixed, dressed with mayonnaise. The received weight is laid out by a hill on a dish. You can even cover it with extra mayonnaise. The almonds are cut in half (you need about 200 grams, but this amount can vary) and spreads a thick layer on top. It is recommended to decorate with salmon rosemary before serving. If the mass is too much, you can break it into two parts, each of which is drawn up separately. For an everyday budget option, almonds can be replaced with peanuts.

Another option on which you can make a salad "Shishka", includes boiled chicken fillet (300 grams), one boiled carrot, 3 eggs, a can of canned mushrooms, 200 grams of cheese. All the ingredients are crushed, combined and dressed with mayonnaise. The design principle here remains the same as in the previous versions.

Decoration of any festive table can be a salad "Pine cone". For him, potatoes (3 pieces of medium size) and the same number of eggs are boiled, rubbed on the grater. Also come with cheese (you can take any variety, traditionally take a fused, enough 2 packs). Nuts (walnuts, almonds, peanuts or others) are crushed. Their number is taken depending on the desire. Smoked chicken breast is cut into cubes. Two onions are cleaned, finely chopped, scalded with boiling water. On prepared dishes, preferably shallow, the salad is laid out in layers, each of which will be smeared with mayonnaise, in the form of small "cutlets". First put the potatoes, on top of it a chicken, then onions, canned corn, eggs and cheese, pre-mixed with nuts. Above, the salad is decorated with almonds. Instead of corn, you can take green peas or pickled cucumbers, depending on your preferences. Also for decoration take the feathers of green onions.

The next option, which simply prepare a salad "Shishka", will be like this. It will take a melted cheese "Kosichka", about 200 grams, it is gently cut through the fibers into small pieces. The head of garlic of small size is cleaned, passed through the press. Walnut kernels (100 grams) are finely chopped. Fresh carrots are cleaned and rubbed on a grater. All the ingredients are mixed and dressed with mayonnaise. The mass is laid out in the form of a cone, it is made out with almonds.

It should be noted that there are a lot of variations of this salad. One indispensable condition is its ornamentation with the help of nuts for giving the necessary form. At the same time, the ingredients most often combine the most diverse. It is preferable to take the processed cheese, since it allows to give the desired shape. You can put a dish on the leaves of a green salad or simply decorate with branches of rosemary, reminiscent of pine branches. In any case, this salad can become one of the most important and bright dishes on the festive table, especially during the New Year holidays.

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