HomelinessDo it yourself

How to make a spear yourself

The history of the spear is rooted in ancient times, when primitive people made this weapon from a stick ground at the end, after which its tip was heated over an open fire. Over time, people discovered metal, after which the spear became iron. It was actively used by the warriors of Antiquity and the Middle Ages.

Today the spear is used extremely rarely, mainly as an attribute for role-playing games. But beyond that, it can come in handy even in extreme conditions. But how to make a spear, not everyone knows.

Types of self-made spears


  • An ordinary spear of a wooden stick;
  • A spear with an iron tip;
  • The point attached to the handle.

Let us consider each manufacturing method in more detail.

Simple spear

Almost everyone knows from childhood how to make a spear without a metal tip. The main thing is to find an even branch of the required length and diameter. The length should match your height or be a few inches longer. With this size, you can easily handle it. The diameter should be about 2.5-3.0 centimeters. Ideally, the workpiece should be cut from a young, and better recently deceased tree. For the manufacture of a spear, trees such as ash or oak trees are suitable.

Next, you should sharpen the stake at the end with an ax or knife. The incisions for the tip should be clear and light. Excess wood should be cut away from you. You should be careful. This will protect you from possible serious injuries while manufacturing.

After the tip is made, it should be heated over the fire, which must be previously diluted. It is necessary to place above the flame and gradually turn until the tip is darkened and completely baked. It should not be feared that the spear will burn, as this treatment removes moisture from the wood, the material becomes firmer and stronger. Now consider how to make a spear made of wood with a metal tip.

Spear with an iron tip

First of all, as with the manufacture of a simple spear, you should find a branch with a diameter of 2.5 centimeters. It is best to cut it from dead trees. In addition, you will need to use a sturdy handle to ensure that the knife is firmly attached to it.

First of all, the branch must be cleaned smoothly. Then you need to make a couch where the knife will be placed. To do this, cut the wood from the selected end of the tree so that the tip of the stick becomes half-way. This will be the place for the bed, which will help put the knife on the handle. To make the spear more secure, you can restrain the branch, for example, in the stump.

For a more reliable fixing of the knife, you can use a rope or a rope. For convenience, the end of the rope should be fixed on the trunk of the tree, and the other end used to wrap the handle with a knife. Then you should go to get the rope stretched properly. Then, using the weight of the body and holding the rope tight, wrap it around the handle with the knife. If necessary, you can wind the second rope layer. After finishing the winding, tie the rope with a simple knot. Now you know how to make a spear with a tip.

Spear with acquired point

Such a tip is purchased at any weapons store. How to make a spear with him, we will consider. Thus it is necessary to check up, that the tip has been ground under an installation of an edge. You can either sharpen it yourself, or you can entrust this business to a professional.

As for the hilt, you can make it yourself or buy it in the same store as the point. In any case, one of the ends will need to be slightly narrowed so that the point is fixed as safely as possible.

If you narrow the end of the stick too much, then a gap may form. To remove it, you need to mark the spot with a marker and make a small hole with a drill. Then the tip will be securely fastened with a nail or bolt. And in the case of a nail, it will be sufficient to use a hammer. If, on the other side of the handle, the nail will stick out, it can be bent using pliers or the same hammer.


Now you know how to make a spear with your own hands. But when using it, the following recommendations should be observed.

After making the spear, you can immediately start using it. On the handle, you can cut out a shape or pattern that matches your beliefs or worldview. And that the handle does not injure the skin of the hands, you can wrap it with some material, for example, skin.

In order not to tear the tip of the stick for the point, you can make a groove. It should be wide, so that the point is close to the stick.

Required material and tools

You will need:

  • Pole or stick length from 180 to 250 centimeters;
  • a hammer;
  • Rope or rope about a meter in length;
  • Sharp knife or hatchet;
  • Short nails;
  • pliers.

You can start work.

Precautionary measures

When handling a spear, the following rules must be observed, which will ensure the safety of both you and others.

Before the throw, one should exclude the presence of someone in the flight path of the spear.

Care should be taken when using any kind of weapon and in general any piercing-cutting objects.

Before using a spear, a person should make sure that he is mentally healthy and will not harm anyone, because this is a weapon that can cause injuries, including deaths.

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