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How to make a skeleton-desiccant in "Maynkraft", how to deal with it and why

When you travel around the world of "Maincraft", you meet a variety of mobs. Some of them are very weak and are easy prey for you, others are more difficult, and they have to tinker with. There are also creatures that will make you flee or invent an intricate tactic that you can use to overcome them. But everything changes if you decide to visit the Lower World, which is also called Hell. The fact is that everything is much more complicated there, and even the simplest mobs are very strong. One of the most unpleasant opponents is the skeleton-scavenger, which can bring you a lot of trouble. Many players are wondering how to make the skeleton-desiccant in the "Minecraft" less dangerous. For this you need to understand what he is like.

Who is the skeleton-scavenger

You can safely say that all the mobs in the Lower World look a little more frightening than usual. How to make the skeleton-desiccant in "Maynkraft" less frightening? A difficult question, because it really inspires fear. It starts with the fact that it is slightly higher than ordinary skeletons, and its growth can reach as many as three blocks. Moreover, it has a black color, which gives its belonging to the Lower World. Also worth noting is that this skeleton is always armed with a powerful stone sword, and you will have to try to defeat it. Therefore, many gamers are trying to find an answer to the question of how to make a skeleton-dehumidifier in "Meincraft" with their own hands, how to call it in the standard world?

Spawn and the call of the skeletons of desiccants

Unfortunately, we should immediately disappoint those who would like to equip the position and call the enemy to where it will be easier to overcome - this kind of mobs can not be appealed. Therefore, there is simply no answer to how to make a skeleton-dehumidifier in Maynkraft. But you can find a place where he will spawn. It is not necessary to say that it will necessarily be in the Lower World.

Most of the time, these mobs live in hellish fortresses, so you need to go there if you are going to confront them. But you need to look for the darkest places, since such skeletons prefer not to be selected to the light and, accordingly, they do not spawn there. Naturally, this does not apply to cases where a mob is after you - then it does not matter where it is. The skeleton-scavenger is very dangerous, so you should develop your own tactics to fight it.

How to deal with a scrawny skeleton

For each strong mob you must have your own tactics, which you need to adhere to to most effectively overcome the enemy. The skeleton-scavenger in Minecraft requires special preparation, since it can cause you very serious damage in a fairly short time. Immediately worth noting the speed of this mob - it is incredibly high, so do not get involved in it in mid-range combat. Either you are already completely confident in yourself and go to it with a sword in your head, or attack with a bow from a safe distance.

The most dangerous thing in the skeleton-desiccant is his ability to desiccate. When struck, he casts these spells on you, and this deals you a damage unit in two seconds. The most terrible thing is that you can die from this - after all, death does not come from poisoning. Sears, although acting on a similar principle, but can lead to death. Therefore, it is quite understandable why you should keep the distance from the skeleton-scavenger as much as possible. There are already many people will think about whether they need such an enemy in the universe "Meincraft." "How to summon a skeleton-desiccant?" - this issue will immediately become less relevant. But completely avoid meeting with this mob will not work, if you want to see as a result one of the strongest bosses of the game, the Desiccator, and get the Star of the Lower World out of it.

Drop from skeletons

The importance of these mobs lies in the drop from them. More often than not, you will get coal and bone for killing such a skeleton, but this is not something you need to strive for. Even a stone sword, which falls much less often, should not be your goal. The most important thing that falls from the skeleton of the desiccant is his head. The skull of this mob is used to create an altar for summoning the Desiccator himself, and you will need three whole pieces. But the whole hitch is that the chance to knock the skull out of the skeleton is two to three percent, so you'll have to try to get the result.

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