Sports and Fitness, Weight loss
How to lose weight without diet and exercise? Lose Weight Forever: Tips
How to lose weight without diet and exercise? This question is often asked by people who are striving for harmony, but - for one reason or another - not having the opportunity or the desire to limit their diet and exercise. In this article, we will tell you what actions you need to take to make the desperate weight loss still take place, and the slender figure remains for a long time, ideally - forever.
Why does your weight grow?
Let's first understand why your weight is far from ideal? It is very important to conduct a thorough analysis of your way of life, to understand what is wrong with you, and only then to make constructive conclusions; Think how to lose weight without diet and exercise and make plans. Take a blank notebook and pen and write down all your thoughts on this. Here are some reasons why your weight can constantly accumulate:
- In the diet there is too much sweet. Cakes, buns, sweets and chocolates are eaten up cheers. This, of course, is very tasty, but do not you know that the sweet get better?
- Oily and fried food is another enemy of a good figure. Do not you often eat fried potatoes, chicken wings and legs, eggs and ham, etc.?
- The amounts consumed at one meal are simply monstrous. Some people do not get up from the table until they are fed up to the dump, to the feeling that a little more - and they will burst. Are you by any chance from their number?
- The main meal is in the evening. That is, the whole day a person can walk half-starved, and at night gorges. From this get fat, do you agree?
Of course, this is far from all possible reasons. You can have some personal secrets of gaining weight. Open them, and then lose weight will be much easier.
Diets - no!
Do not you want to diet? That is great! After all, from them, from these diets, only harm is one. How to effectively lose weight, sitting on a strict diet and suffering from a constant feeling of hunger? Well, you can lose a few pounds, and then what? Usually, after food restrictions, people attack food with such appetite, as if they did not eat for a hundred years. The result is very sad: the lost ones were returned to their places, and even with a couple of additional kg.
Most of the known diets for weight loss have a very bad service to those who believe and follow them. Instead of a slender figure and a good mood, a person gets excess fat, cellulite throughout the body and ... depression. From sitting on a diet you can slow down metabolism and have problems with the endocrine system and digestive organs. Unfortunately, today young people are very keen on strict nutrition systems. And as a girl to lose weight harmoniously and correctly, if she, following the example of girlfriends, every week sits on some kind of diet. Do you know how many of them? Countless numbers: "Drinking", "Chocolate", "Skinny", etc. As a result, the frequent result is anorexia, and not an ideal figure. We hope you are going to lose weight correctly.
Overclocking metabolism
How to lose weight without diet and exercise if your metabolism is too slow? With such an exchange of substances, getting rid of extra pounds will be difficult. That's why you need to disperse it. For this, nutritionists recommend not making long pauses between meals. This does not mean that you need to chew all day, like ruminants. By no means! Let you have breakfast, lunch and dinner, and in between them - small snacks, but not from sweets and cookies, but from something more useful. Apples, low-fat cheese, low-fat yogurt or yogurt - all this is quite suitable in order to "freeze the worm."
What else can contribute to the dispersal of metabolism? But please:
- Massage and self-massage;
- Sauna, steam room;
- Cold dousing;
- dancing;
- walks in the open air;
- Good mood (laughter).
Spices are necessary!
We understand further how to lose weight without diet and exercise. And we look, how you concern to spices and sharp seasonings. This is not about canned salted Bulgarian peppers, but about real spices such as ginger, basil, cinnamon, cloves, chili, cumin, turmeric, rosemary, etc. They all have powerful antioxidant properties, accelerate metabolism and the best way Contribute to getting rid of excess weight.
Teach yourself to use condiments. Take some oriental cookbook and borrow from there culinary recipes. Women, whose husbands have grown a tummy, it will be, by the way, also very useful. Try to feed your spouse with sharpened food - he should like it. After a while you will notice how the figure of the faithful begins to acquire more relief forms. Then tell your girlfriends how to lose weight without a diet, eating tasty and satisfying.
Can I eat after six in the evening?
Perhaps it is too cruel - to demand from a man who spent the whole day at work and plowed there in the sweat of his face, to come home and not have supper. After all, in the free evening hours so want to relax, sit with his family at the table, eat delicious home food, and instead - on you! - Sit and starve! No, we will go the other way!
Dinner after six in the evening is possible and necessary, but the main thing is to determine the range of products that can be present at the evening meal. Remember the golden rule: for the evening are good protein foods and vegetables - from this do not get fat. That is, you can afford to clean up a large steak with blood or eat a whole cooked flounder with a clear conscience, but not with a side dish in the form of fried potatoes or pasta, but with stewed vegetables or a salad.
You certainly will not stay hungry! Allowed for dinner to drink a glass of good dry wine, but not beer. But the fruit is better left for breakfast - they have too much sugar. In the evening meal should not include bakery products and sweets, as well as fatty foods. And again: if you can after 18.00, then after eight o'clock, you should not do it. Of course, if your goal is not to get fat anymore.
Slimming in a dream
Do you know that in our sleep our body spends a whole lot of calories? Of course, one night lose weight on a kilogram is unlikely to work. But a few grams can go. And after all, grams with time add up in kilograms ... True, provided that you will go to bed with a light stomach.
In the event that a person just before bedtime eats up to the heap, the body has nothing left, how to continue storing excess fats. Eating at night, in the morning we wake up not awake and rested, but sluggish and broken.
Physical loads are different
How to effectively lose weight without exercise? Well, if you start eating right, without overeating, then you can easily throw off a couple of pounds and without exhausting sports. And then, physical exertion can be different. So, for example, is a walking tour a sport? Of course not! Nevertheless, if you walk along the street at a good pace, you can burn a lot of calories.
Climbing the stairs, cleaning the apartment, dancing - all this makes the body spend the internal "fuel". Just move, lie less and sit - and, perhaps, in order to lose weight, you will not need to visit a sports club.
To drink or not to drink?
Let's say you are in no hurry, and your goal is very remote: how to lose weight in a year? In this case, you do not want to go for any restrictions. Well, you can try to do what you want with simple water. It should be drunk as much as possible.
Note: it's not about lemonades, juices, coffee and tea, but pure water. She and the toxins from the body will wash, and the feeling of saturation will give. Nutritionists recommend half an hour before a meal to drink a glass of H 2 O. Thanks to such a trick appetite is dulled, and the person as a result eats much less. Try it!
Some priceless tips how to lose weight forever
In order to lose weight once and for all, you will have to choose a diet that you can stick to all your life. So do not twist the nuts too much. The stronger the limitations, the higher the probability of a breakdown. And here are some more tips to help keep weight:
1. Take for yourself the rule of getting up on the scales in the morning. Do this every day, throughout your life. Is it difficult? Be sure to buy an accurate electronic device - with it it will be easier to track the weight. As soon as you notice that the numbers begin to increase, immediately take rescue measures.
2. Hang in the house more mirrors, look at yourself in them more often, look from all sides, admire. Mirrors also help control the slightest changes in the figure.
3. Wear elegant and beautiful clothes. Give up free formless things that fat men like to wear. You're not one of them.
4. Be more at people, go to concerts, to the theater, etc. It helps to keep yourself in good shape.
5. Smile more often, laugh at every opportunity. A good mood contributes to harmony, in contrast to depression - the best friend of excess weight.
6. And this advice specifically for the stronger sex. How to lose weight a man? To be always a real gentleman! Wear your beloved in your arms, care for, give flowers, perform feats for the beautiful lady. From all this burns a lot of calories. A real gentleman just can not be fat!
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