
How to grow primrose from seeds?

Among a large number of domestic and street plants, the primula is distinguished by its prevalence and external attractiveness. For it, you just need the right content at the right temperature and humidity. There are several standard ways to grow this plant, among which there is also the easiest way - seeding primrose seeds. Its simplicity is in choosing any kind of bush with the help of a regular purchase. By the way, even with this method you can take out a lot of planting material. Still, how to grow primrose from seeds?

Selection and sowing of seeds

You need to choose, based on where exactly these primroses will be grown. The fact is that the primula differs in its need for cool air, and in order to know how to grow primrose from seeds and increase the period of its flowering - the required temperature should be within ten degrees Celsius.

Therefore, when selecting seeds, these factors should also be taken into account. For example, if you are going to sprout them at home, feel free to buy some unpretentious species of this plant. The most famous species is common primrose, or bezostelenaya. To determine exactly how to grow primrose from seeds, when buying, be sure to pay attention to the expiration date of the sachet with seeds. Until the time of the sowing, you should store them correctly: put them in the refrigerator or even in the freezer on the lower shelf (this method of storage will significantly increase your chances of normal germination). Also do not forget to buy a special fertilizer and a seedlings mixture (in principle, you can make it yourself). The primula, seeded with which it is recommended to produce somewhere in the middle of January, will have to blossom already this spring. If you sow a couple of months later, most likely you will see flowers only for the next year.

To learn how to grow primrose from seeds, you must first remember all the first and basic stages of germination. One - two days, let them lie on a light window sill, then place them on a slightly moist soil surface, wrap them in a plastic bag and place them in the refrigerator. If you can not germinate for a long time - place the seeds for a couple of days in the freezer at a temperature almost minus ten degrees. Also do not forget about the soil moistening in the package, therefore, you need to look in time in time. About ten days later, the first shoots should be cut. Do not worry too much if not all sprout immediately (sometimes the seeds are hollow or simply with a slightly belated effect). After about 2 - 3 weeks, our seedlings can already be put on the windowsill, but not under direct sunlight (in the shaded part). When the very first two leaves appear, the plants should be planted.

Further, the seedlings must be gradually accustomed to open air. To do this, they open the package in the shade, and after another ten days the polyethylene can be completely removed. To avoid direct sunlight, seedlings should be placed in a cool place on the east side of the room. After that, it should be poured a little in small doses (you can use a pipette or spoon), and pour a very little special mixture bought into the store under a small stalk. Feeding should not be more than once a week, adding there also fertilizers in small doses. If early warming has already occurred, then it is necessary to take care of the correct location of sprouts: during the day you can take them out to the balcony and leave them inside at night.

Transplant our seedlings should only after the complete disappearance of the threat of frost in a specially prepared soil.

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