
How to form a stamping tree

Shtambovye forms are usually used in regular gardens, forming aesthetic and attractive compositions. But this approach to creating elements of landscape design is not just an expression of the decorator's thoughts. Shrubs and trees, whose crown has a die-shaped form, are actively developing, receive more light and are better ventilated. The uplifted foliage and branches form a spherical shape, more favorable from the point of view of aesthetic perception and adapted to group planting.

Having evaluated the advantages and appearance of such gardens, many gardeners are interested in how to make a stamping tree. Is it possible on your plot or garden? Of course, it is not difficult for an experienced summer resident to decorate your own plot with such green plantations, but newcomers will have to learn in detail about the secrets of the formation of stamping forms.

What is a bast?

A part of the trunk of woody plants, which extends from the soil to the branches, is called a stab. Accordingly, the stamping mold can be applied to all trees and shrubs. The height of this part varies from a couple of centimeters to several meters - the length depends on the particular specimen.

Application of molds

From a decorative point of view, stump trees and shrubs can form different compositions. For example, in the recreation areas and ceremonial places, single plantations of beautifully flowering varieties are popular. No less common and group plantings with avenues in the park areas. For alleys hawthorn, aronia, almonds and other species are suitable. Near the creeks and reservoirs use weeping forms. They can also be used on the backyard, on the playground in the form of an original hut. Also, trees with stems look spectacular in flower gardens and stone gardens.

Which trees are suitable?

The principles of creating stamping vegetation can be applied to a huge number of shrubs and trees, but there are varieties that look most harmoniously in this form. It is noteworthy that such trees are not always grown outdoors - for example, fuchsia (a shabby tree) is quite suitable for development in the home. This is a good option for decorating miniature gardens. Fairly touching and looking weeping trees, among which willow, elm elm, ash leaf, ashberry, weeping, etc. Low umbellate apple and cherry bushes will also please the owner with its appearance, providing it with delicious fruits. Of course, designers achieve the greatest effect in certain periods of flowering. Typically, this is the spring months, when the green array of the crown is diluted with elegant flowers of different shades.

Original foliage

Since the crown in the tree and shrubbery plays a special role, it is important to initially plan what the branches should be and especially the leaves. As an example, with large leaves and sparse branches, you can lead a hibiscus stamping tree, which itself reluctantly releases kidney-leaves. To such "behavior" should be ready. And on the other hand, the purple-leaved cannabis and pear-tree vesicle will show unusual deciduous stems in original forms. In this row, you can put a yellow acacia, which, among other things, will add a characteristic aroma to the atmosphere of the garden. Lovers of exotics should also recommend the variety of Lorberg's kargan. This plant is distinguished by thin elegant leaves and spectacular openwork branches.

Methods for forming a mold

Buying a sham tree, it is necessary to know exactly how it was bred. In the future, this will help to choose the right approach to the maintenance and care of the plant. As a rule, two methods are used: pruning or inoculation. Trees obtained by trimming are formed taking into account their individual needs. However, not every tree or shrub obtained in this way is suitable for creating a stem.

The fact is that the removal of the upper kidney contributes to the process of development and branching of the shoot. On the other hand, for example, the lilac has floral upper buds, so to preserve its ability to bloom pruning should be done very carefully and selectively. Such a stamping tree will require a lifelong pruning - only so you can maintain its shape.

Inoculation as a method of obtaining a binder

Stamp plants obtained in this way have two main parts: a graft and a rootstock. The stock is composed of the same trunk and roots, and the kidney or stalk is exposed to the graft. By means of an inoculation it is possible to create from a shrub a mini-tree. Crohn umbrella, stunted and creeping varieties on the stem looks much more impressive than their original form.

In young grafted seedlings the place of inoculation is noticeable. Usually it is at the very beginning of the branching of the crown. There are also traces of the performed procedure - the remains of putties, paraffin or wrapping film, which is applied to the inoculation. In the lower part, the stamping tree has a rootstock leading to the roots. In the process of the development of the tree it is important to ensure that no shoots appear from the roots (so-called wildfowl) - they must be removed immediately. If the new shoots go directly to the root system, then you should get to the place of education and there already to cut off the shoot. This is important, since the removal of wildfowl at the level of the earth's surface will not stop the development of escape, but on the contrary - will lead to abundant emergence of new processes.

How to choose a seedling for a stem?

If you buy a seedling with vaccination, this place should be carefully examined. There must be no dried areas and constrictions formed by the action of wire or film. The stem must initially be straight, since in the future it will be virtually impossible to give it a vertical form. At once it is necessary to take an interest in the winter hardiness of a woody plant, since creating a shelter in frosts is not an easy job. Do not forget that the stamping tree has a bare trunk, which requires proper care for the bark. Sometimes the plants purchased in containers are not planted on the site, but they are also put on special points, decorating, for example, the front door. Therefore, it is important to take into account the characteristics of the container in which the seedling is purchased.

Care and creation of boles

In the process of growing a seedling, it is necessary to track the development of its trunk. It should be vertical, without forming bends and ringlets. If the trunk deviates from the vertical line, it must be tied to the peg. One of the most important operations that a gardener must perform, who decided to grow stamping trees with his own hands, is the removal of shoots. They should be plucked a year after the third leaflet.

After 3-4 years, a stem of approximately two meters high grows from the seeds. From young seedlings, stems appear after a year. It is advisable to do the vaccination after the middle of April. For this procedure, it is necessary to use cuttings with kidneys (the optimal number is 3-4). About a month later, kidneys appear on the site of the vaccination. Understanding how to grow a stem tree is largely based on the regulation of the growth of the kidneys and branches. By the time of autumn, annual growths are formed on plants. In order to increase the branciness next spring, it is recommended to cut off several buds from them. Further care should be the same as in the maintenance of conventional seedlings.

Stamps and mulching

For those who grow stems as a decorative element on the site, it is worth doing it on the lawn, where the plants look most advantageous, demonstrating all their advantages. It is advisable to open the trunk circles from the lawn and apply mulching. In this case, it is assumed that the soil surface is covered with loose materials, film or suitable paper. In particular, fruit fruit trees can be combined with mulching on the basis of peat, wood chips, and also use gravel with sand. The thickness of the mulched layer is 10-12 cm. In summer, this coating promotes warming of the soil, and in the winter - protects from freezing. Also mulch retains and accumulates moisture in the soil layer and protects the plant from weeds.

Care of fruit bearing boles

The garden with fruit plants assumes special care. In the cracks of the dead cortex pests are often multiplied, because of which mosses and lichens form on the surface of the stem. During the autumn leaves, before starting to process the earth from the stem and the base of the branches, it is necessary to clean off the dead fragments of the cortex. For this, metal scrapers and brushes can be used. But when performing this operation, one should not allow damage to healthy areas of the cortex.

Whitewashing can only be applied to the boles of adult fruit trees that have a coarse crust. Plants that have a smooth surface, whitening is not recommended. From time to time, the resulting shoots must also be removed - this is due not only to the requirements for the support of the form itself, but also to the fact that the fruit stamping tree expends on "extra" kidneys and increases a lot of nutrients that can go directly to the top of the crown.

Restoring the crown

Sometimes, as a result of improper care, the crown of kills perishes. However, the preserved healthy stem releases new buds, from which appears shoots with shoots. It is not necessary to uproot such trees, especially if the root system as a whole is viable. Turning to the sequence of actions with seedlings, one can answer the question of how to form a shaving tree from a seedling. Usually, this cultivation takes less time than the formation of a 2-year-old seedling.

In spring, at least several shoots are formed on the stem. As they grow, you need to keep track of the strongest and most viable - the weak ones need to be cut off at the very bottom. Places of removal and hollows must be treated with special compounds. As a result, only one of the most developed processes should remain, from which a new crown will be formed. But it is important to remember that, despite the intensive growth and external fortress of growth, it needs good protection and nutrition. Therefore, during the first time of growth of shoots, they should not be cut off. The leaf base is required to feed the root system. By the way, sometimes gardeners leave several shoots, forming a multi-stemmed tree crown. True, the bushy shape requires more serious care, in order to get a healthy and externally attractive stem.

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