
How to dissolve "Furacilin" in the throat and rinse tablets?

The solution of "Furacilin" is the most excellent remedy for the treatment of various purulent diseases of the skin and mucous membranes. It is often prescribed for rinsing the throat, as well as for washing the mucous eyes, nose and wound surface. Use this tool and when processing the seams after operations. But what if there is no ready-made mortar? How to dilute "Furacilin" in tablets? We will answer these questions in detail.

At what diseases is applied

The "Furacilin" solution, including that prepared from tablets, is one of the most popular and effective remedies for the treatment of sore throats. It is used for gargling adults and children. With the same success it is used to treat purulent diseases of the nose and eyes. This remedy is simply indispensable for conjunctivitis. Due to its excellent antiseptic properties, it gives a positive effect very quickly, literally after 4-5 applications. But the key point here is the knowledge of how to dilute "Furacilin" in the right concentration. It is important to observe all proportions. Means in which not enough tablets will be used, or they will not disperse completely, the desired effect will not bring.

How to dilute Furacilin for rinsing?

This drug is available in tablets of 0.1 and 0.2 grams. The first are intended for oral administration, while the latter are most often used to prepare a solution. In pharmacies, it is easy to find tablets at a concentration of 0.2 grams. They are available almost always. In order to prepare a solution for rinsing the throat or nose, we need only 1 tablet per 100 mm of water. Dry medicine is always dissolved in boiling water. In cold water, it does not dissolve completely.

In order for the dry substance to "disperse" completely, the tablet is crushed. There are several ways to do this. You can split it into pieces with a knife. It is even better to grind it between two spoons. But the most reliable and "clean" method is to crush it in a package. To do this, hit it with a small hammer, and then open the package and pour its contents into the water. Now we are going directly to how to divorce Furacilin. Pour the resulting powder with boiling water. Then stir until all the small pieces are dissolved. The result should be a clean liquid. At the bottom, there is no sediment.

How to gargle with a solution?

Rinse should be done at least 6 times a day. The duration of the procedure is 2-3 minutes. To enhance the effect of rinsing, you can before you dilute Furacilin, clean the mucous membranes with a solution of baking soda. Also, it will not be superfluous to add 2-3 drops of calendula tincture to the water with dissolved tablets.

How to breed "Furacilin" for washing wounds?

For the treatment of postoperative wounds, the solution of "Furacilin" should be strictly sterile. This requirement is mandatory, and it is dangerous to ignore it. In order to achieve sterility, you can boil the solution for 30 minutes. Do not use ordinary tap water. A solution of sodium chloride is required for dilution. Distilled water can also be used.

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