HealthDiseases and Conditions

How to develop a hand after a fracture. We select a set of procedures

Doctors in order to after the fracture of the bone have grown properly, they impose a plaster cast. However, often after the removal of gypsum, there are violations in the accuracy (coordination) of movements and work of muscles, and also there is a restriction in the volume of movements. It is much more difficult to keep in the hands of various household items, parts and tools. To some extent a person becomes less able to work. Of course, this situation causes a lot of inconvenience and immediate rehabilitation is needed after a fracture of the hand.

Most often, such problems occur with fractures of the upper and lower parts of the humerus, the joints of the shoulder, elbow, radial wrist, as well as injuries to the hands and fingers. The complication of the situation is accompanied by damage to the nerve trunks. How to develop a hand after a fracture? Restoration of her motor functions is promoted by moderate employment by a work, a complex of exercises in warm water, physiotherapy exercises and special gymnastics. Doctors recommend starting activities on the second day after the removal of the cast.

How to develop a hand after a fracture? Let's start with exercise therapy. This is one of the most simple and, at the same time, effective ways to return the muscles to the lost tonus. For exercises, a rubber ball, a disc, a sponge, any object is perfect, the main thing is that it is elastic and comfortable placed in the palm of your hand. Clamping-unclamping of similar objects will help to return the hand to the former mobility. Recovery after a fracture of the hand will go faster if the load is gradually increased. Starting with a rubber sponge, you can gradually move to a carpal expander. Do these exercises as often as possible by watching TV or reading a book. But do not get too carried away, do not forget that you had a serious injury and the hand should not be very tired.

How to develop a hand after a fracture, if you do not listen to fingers and exercise therapy, until you get? So, we should start with special gymnastics. First, we'll massage. Ask for help or do it yourself. Vigorously rub the brush, knead and develop each finger. This will improve blood circulation, and rehabilitation after a fracture of the hand will go faster. Put your palms on a table or any other surface, the main thing is that it should be smooth. Do not take your fingers off the table. Spread them to the maximum distance from each other, then return to the previous position. Execute several times. Then start alternately bend and unbend fingers. Imagine that you are playing the piano. Alternately, connect the thumb to the others. Try to do as many repetitions of each exercise as possible. In the end, with force, squeeze your hands into fists and unfasten. It is also good to carry out such exercises by immersing your hands in a container with warm water.

How to develop a hand after a fracture associated with the radius? We rely on the hard surface, table or curb. We hold the forearms vertically. Move the hand around the wrist, bend it and unbend it. Then we repeat the same thing, only with fingers clenched into a fist. Turn your hands to each other. Connect and disconnect them. Swipe forward-back, then left-to-right. Recovery after a fracture of the hand is always slow. To speed up the process, you can apply warm herbal baths. For their preparation use a gold rod, geranium and sea salt. Do not forget about proper nutrition. To quickly restore damaged tissues, they need a large amount of minerals, vitamins and other nutrients. Be sure to add to the diet products containing in its composition, silicon and calcium. Conduct procedures as often as possible, act in a complex manner and very soon the hand will return its former strength.

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