Self improvement, Oratoan art
How to develop a chest voice?
A voice is a tool by which a person can achieve very much. Yes, it really is - it's not about what you are saying, but about how you do it. Imagine a person who speaks in a squeaky raspy voice - it is unlikely that he will cause you respect or respect, you do not think that his opinion is really important. Naturally, if you get to know a person more closely, you can be sure that he is different from the idea that made him. However, the first impression is always very strong, and it's not just about appearance. The chest voice is a much more impressive tool that can give you much more. Many people mistakenly believe that it is impossible for them to speak if you were not born with it. In fact, you can work on yourself and develop exactly what you would like. In this article, you will find the basic exercises and techniques that will allow you to develop a chest voice.
What is that voice?
So, do you want your voice to sound more authoritative, influential and generally impressive? If yes, then the high and squeaky option you definitely will not do, since it does not set people positive in relation to you. The chest voice is exactly what you need. It sounds deep, booming, velvety, literally penetrates the head of the interlocutor, setting it extremely positive for you. Accordingly, it is on his acquisition that you need to be aimed. Many people will immediately ask the question: "How to get a chest voice, if it is not?" It turns out that this is possible, so assumptions about the fact that a person can live a whole life with only one version of the vocal data is erroneous. You can directly influence how your speech will sound. Due to what is this happening? Now you will find out about it.
Change your voice
In their lives, almost everyone, most likely, met a person who would have a nice low chest voice. And its sound really fascinates, making you dream that you have it too. But it's time to stop dreaming and get down to business - in this article you will be able to learn techniques that will allow you to master the chest voice in perfection. Does this seem impossible? Now you will find out why this is possible.
To do this, it will be easiest for you to compare your body with a musical instrument. Which tool sounds the most powerful? Big pipe, of course. In most cases, it is the size of the instrument that determines the power of its sound - the same goes for your body. No, this does not mean that the chest voice will be accessible only to large people - it is about the space inside the body that is used during the conversation. Simply put, the vast majority of people breathe extremely light, without thinking about the muscles that are responsible for their speech. This is the simplest way to talk, and it will be used by you automatically, that is, you will not even think about the process of sound production. However, you can control the process by increasing the volume that your body uses to process air.
You can often hear about "belly breathing" - this is the key to success. Due to this, it is possible to increase the volume of the "instrument", thereby affecting the sound that can be produced during the conversation. Now you have to learn in detail about how to speak with a chest voice. There are several exercises that you should pay special attention to.
Breathing belly
You could already understand that the most important criterion is the breathing of the belly, not just the chest. It does not matter, it's said about a woman's chest voice or a man's voice - the first step should always be one. You need to learn to breathe not from the chest, but from the stomach. This is not as easy as it seems, but everyone can learn this. In this case, you will gain more control over your vocal data, as well as a greater supply of oxygen, which is useful, for example, when singing - which is why all singers first learn to breathe belly. However, one breath will not be enough - it is also about the muscles. How to develop a chest voice? To do this you will have to try hard.
Soft sky
The soft sky is present at all - it is at the base of the throat and is most often in a completely relaxed state, but it strains slightly when you start talking. Training of the chest voice will require complete control over the sky. At first glance, this may seem impossible, since straining this muscle seems an impossible task. The reason for this lies in the fact that people talk on the machine, and the soft sky almost never strains more than the required level. To change your voice, you will have to learn to shorten this muscle - due to this, the exit from the throat to the mouth will expand, and this will provide you with a deeper and low sound.
Muscle Clamps
As you already understood, very much in this case depends on the muscles, and the main among them, of course, are the vocal cords. It's time again to compare the human body with a musical instrument. If you've ever played the guitar, you know that the stronger the string is, the higher the sound will turn out, and if it's relaxed, then the sound will be lower. This is what you need to achieve in the matter of the chest voice - the muscles responsible for the production of sound should be relaxed. You can relax them yourself, but still you will not achieve the desired result. Why? The fact that in the human body in itself are formed muscle clamps, that is, some muscles are constantly in a state of tension. As a result, even if you try to relax them, nothing will come of it, and your voice will remain high. Now you will find out what can be done with this.
The first thing you need to do is stretch. It is enough ordinary head inclinations in all directions, during which the muscle tension will subside. If the effect is invisible, you can help yourself by tilting your head in one direction or another.
It is also necessary to relax the neck muscles in natural conditions - you can do this in many ways, but it's easiest to bend forward, relaxing the entire upper part of the trunk. Your hands and your neck should hang freely, it is extremely necessary to feel that the neck is completely relaxed. For this, you can periodically shake your body so that your neck does not strain in the process. If you strain the neck muscles, then you do everything wrong and you will not be able to achieve the desired effect.
Sound processing
If you try to make a sound in a relaxed state, without straining your throat, it will come out clean and low. This is what you need to achieve. Therefore, you need to constantly train - find the position in which the muscles of the neck and back will be relaxed and in which you will be most comfortable. You can use the position from the previous exercise, and you can choose another - for example, lying on the floor. In the process of relaxation, issue a long low sound, trying to achieve its maximum purity. Take care that the muscles do not strain, and then you can gradually master a low chest voice.
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