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How to determine the case of the adjective. Determine endings by case

Thanks to this amazing part of speech, language acquires expressiveness and brightness, without it our speech would not be so colorful and rich. The name of the adjective determines the subject by its sign and affiliation. Asked to him are "what?" What? Which one? What? ", And also it answers the questions" whose? whose? whose? whose?"

Secret - depending

In the sentence, the adjective is usually associated with nouns and pronouns. This part of speech is always dependent on them. This connection will tell us how to define the case of the adjective. The cases in the Russian language are nominative, followed by the genitive, then the dative, followed by the accusative, then the instrumental, and then the prepositional. It is not difficult to learn the endings of adjectives with cases by asking them a question from the part of the speech on which they depend. Usually the ending that stands in the question is the same as that of the adjective.

What you need to consider

The variation of adjectives with cases depends on the number and genus of this part of speech. And here you need to remember two things. First, adjectives can be changed by birth only when they stand in the singular. Secondly, they can be changed by numbers. Let's consider both theses on examples.

Endings of adjectives for masculine, feminine and midship

Let's take the phrase "noun + adjective in the singular" and see how the ending of the adjective changes in different genera. The genus adjective always has the same name as the noun to which it refers.

  1. The endings of adjectives in the masculine gender: -oy, -y, -y. Here is an example: a man (what?) Business, smart, sensitive.
  2. The end. Adj. In the female gender: -th, -yaya. For example, clothes (what?) Spacious, summer.
  3. The end. Adj. In the middle genus: -oe, -e. For example, a plant (which?) High, perennial.

Endings of the names of adjectives in different numbers

Adjectives freely vary in numbers. In the singular they denote the sign of one object or group of objects and answer the questions "what, what, what?" For example: a clever question, a broad road, a gentle sun, a cheerful collective, a large congestion, a noisy crowd.

In the plural, adjectives denote a variety of subjects, answering the question "what?" For example: high hopes, little grief. As you can see, the number of the name of the adjective depends on the number of the noun with which it is associated.

Spelling of unstressed endings in the names of adjectives

To determine this point, you can act on a simple algorithm. First you need to ask a question from the noun to the adjective.

If the question is "what?", It is necessary to check whether the ending is under stress. If so, then we write -you, if not, then we write -y (-y).

If the question from the noun sounds like "whose?", Then in the ending it is necessary to write

If from the noun to the adjective you can only ask questions of indirect cases, then you should write the same ending that sounds in the question (taking into account the hard and soft declension). The last statement is considered in more detail.

Change of adjectives by case

Let's get acquainted now with the peculiarities of the declension of adjectives by case. This information will help to understand how to determine the case of the adjective in each specific case.

The first group

These are singular adjectives that are feminine. They tend so:

  • Nominative case: plum (what?) - ripe, early. The end. Adjectives: -th, -yaya.
  • Genitive: plum (which?) - ripe, early. The end. Adjectives: -oh, -y.
  • Dative case: plum (what?) - ripe, early. The end. Adjectives: -oh, -y.
  • Accusative: plum (which?) - ripe, early. The end. Adjectives: -yyu, -yy.
  • The instrumental: plum (what?) Ripe, early. The end. Adjectives: -oh, -y.
  • The prepositional case: about the sink (what?) Ripe, early. The end. Adjectives: -oh, -y.

Note that the endings of adjectives coincide in four cases: genitive, dative, instrumental, prepositional.

The second group

These are adjective names that are in the singular, which have a masculine gender. They tend so:

  • Nominative case: ball (what?) Big, rubber, blue. The endings of adjectives: -oh, -y, -y.
  • Genitive: a ball (of what?) Large, rubber, blue. The end. Adjectives: -oh, -go.
  • Dative case: a ball (which?) Large, rubber, blue. The end. Adjectives: -th, -th.
  • To determine the end of the adjective in the accusative case, we first need to find out whether it refers to animate or inanimate noun. In our example, adjectives refer to an inanimate noun that answers the question "what?". Then the question to the adjective will sound like this: a ball (which?) Is big, rubbery, blue. The endings of adjectives with an inanimate noun: -oy, -y, -y. But if the noun is animate, in the accusative case it is necessary to ask the question "whom?" Accordingly, the form of the adjective will also change. For example, the father (what?) Strict, loving. The endings of the adjectives with the animated noun: -oh, -go.
  • The instrumental: a ball (how?) Large, rubber, blue. The end. Adjectives: -ym, -im.
  • Prepositional: about the ball (which?) Large, rubber, blue. The end. Adjectives: -oh, -em.

Third group

These are adjectives of the singular in the middle genus. They bow so.

  • Nominative case: morning (what?) Solar, summer. The endings of the adjectives: -oe, -e.
  • Genitive case: in the morning (what?) Of the sunny, summer. The end. Adjectives: -oh, -go.
  • Dative case: the morning (which?) Solar, summer. The end. Adjectives: -th, -th.
  • Accusative case: morning (what?) Is solar, summer. The end. Adjectives: -oh, -e.
  • The instrumental: in the morning (what?) Is sunny, summer. The end. Adjectives: -ym, -im.
  • Prepositional: about the morning (which?) Solar, summer. The end. Adjectives: -oh, -em.

We see here that in all three groups the answer to the question of how to determine the case of the name of the adjective is reduced to one - it is recognized from the case of the noun, from which this adjective depends.

Fourth group

These are adjectives that are in the plural. About them we will say the following:

  • Nominative case: flowers (what?) Yellow, autumn. The endings of adjectives: -ie, -ie.
  • Genitive case: colors (what?) Yellow, autumn. The end. Adjectives: -oh, -ih.
  • Dative case: colors (what?) Yellow, autumn. The end. Adjectives: -ym, -im.
  • Accusative: adjectives related to inanimate nouns tend according to the nominative case principle: flowers (what?) Yellow, autumn. Endings: -ie, -ye. Adjectives related to animate nouns are leaning on the principle of the genitive: relatives (what?) Are fun, close. Endings: -h, -h.
  • The instrumental case: flowers (what?) Yellow, autumn. The end. Attached spruce: -emy, -emi.
  • Prepositional case: about flowers (what?) Yellow, autumn. The end. Adjectives: -oh, -ih.

Note that in this group adjectives have similar endings in the genitive, accusative (if refer to animate nouns), prepositional cases.

Definition of the case of the adjective: a sequence of actions

  1. Let's write the adjective on the sheet.
  2. Let us single out the ending in it.
  3. We will determine in what gender, the number is an adjective.
  4. Choose which of the four groups described above applies to this word.
  5. Define the case of the adjective at the end.
  6. If there are doubts, we pay attention to the noun, from which our word depends, we ask a question to it and on it we determine the case of the adjective, since it has the same ending.

If it is difficult to understand whether the noun (and the adjective dependent on it) is used in the nominative or accusative case, one should look at its syntactic role. If the noun in the sentence appears as a subject, then it has the nominative case. The case of adjectives will be the same. If the noun is a secondary member of the sentence, then it is used in the accusative case. Consequently, the adjectives will have the same case.

We examined how to determine the case of the adjective and made sure that it is not difficult.

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