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How seers see the world. How cats see our world

I wonder how I see the world? This question has been asked to itself by every person for once. Now we will answer it in detail. So, as seers see the world ...

The eye is located in the orbital cavity of the skull, where it is attached with the help of muscles. This fragile and sensitive organ of vision is in great need of protection, which nature itself took care of. So, the hairs of the eyebrows protect it from sweat and other liquids that drain from the forehead, and eyelashes - from the dust in the air.

The lacrimal gland secretes a liquid, the eyelids help with uniform blurring at blinking. This is to ensure that the external mucosa does not dry out. In addition, the tear flushes out all the foreign particles trapped in the eye, and flows along with them through the tear duct to the nasal cavity.

How do seers see the world?

The eye has three shells - outer, middle and inner. The outer shell, performing a protective role, a dense sclera, in front passes into a transparent cornea. The middle membrane is vascular. Its name speaks for itself. The vascular membrane is responsible for metabolic processes. It consists of three parts - the iris (in front), the ciliary body (with the lens attached to it) and the vascular membrane itself, which supplies the eye cells with nutrients and displays the products of metabolic processes. In the iris there is a hole - the pupil, which acts as a diaphragm.

Its magnitude is regulated by the muscles located on the iris. The inner shell of the eye is the retina. This is the sensory apparatus of the visual organ, which converts the image into nerve impulses and transmits them to the brain. The retina consists of 10 layers, but only one is responsible for the perception of the image, which is represented by rods and cones - photosensitive cells. The sticks are responsible for twilight vision, and the cones are color-coded and irritated only by bright light. The largest cluster of cones is a yellow spot. The image that falls on this site is transmitted most clearly and completely. A place where there are no sticks or cones is a blind spot. Here the ocular nerve goes to the other side of the retina and goes through all the other shells to the brain.

How do seers see the world? A ray of light, reflected from objects pointed at by the eye, passes through the cornea, chamber fluid and the pupil. Refracted with the lens, which has the form of a biconvex lens, passes through the vitreous and finally reaches the retina. As a result, the resulting image comes in a reduced and inverted form up to the receptors, through which the information will arrive already in the central nervous system.

Vision of Toddlers

How do children see the world? Vision in children, especially newborns, is very different from that of the adult's visual system. Immediately after birth, vision is almost unrelated to consciousness, so babies react weakly to visual stimuli. The vision itself is weak at this time, and the yellow spot has not yet formed. This state lasts about two weeks. Then the child begins to follow a large bright toy, gradually fixing her eyes on it. By two months, babies can already distinguish the basic colors and watch the toy, which moves up and down and right-left.

How is the baby's vision formed?

At 3-4 months the child sees much better. Visual acuity increases. The more the bright moving objects in the field of view of the kid, the better and faster his visual system will develop. But the child knows the size and volume of objects only when he starts moving in space. And while he can catch a sunny bunny, try to grab a flower on my mother's dress or reach for the shadow from the object. In addition, at this time, not only the perception of volume is difficult, but also the sense of distance is erroneous.

In the period from two to six months, the baby forms the first perception of the color scale. He first starts to distinguish yellow, orange and red colors, and blue and green tint - later. Complete formation of color vision ends by five years.

At six months, the child develops grasping reflexes. They become more accurate. At the same time, the idea of the distance and size of the object begins to form. The kid actively studies the world around him, creeps crawly and learns to sit. In this period, in addition to visual acuity, other visual skills are actively developing.

Since eight months the child begins to look for a toy, if she disappeared from the field of vision, pays attention to its details.

Do not be afraid if the newborn baby's eyes can look in different directions. This is normal and usually passes through 1-2 months. The doctor should be consulted only if the child's strabismus persists after three months.

At home, it's easy to check the eyesight of children 1-2 years old. Parents watch the baby, his coordinated movements of hands and eyes. Such children already see well and take small things in their hands. Vision in a child 3-4 years can be checked with a doctor on a special table with pictures. At this age, visual acuity fluctuates within 92%.

How does a cat see?

We figured out how the seers see the world, and also how the surrounding children perceive. Now let's talk about animals.

But animals see the world a little differently than man. How much charm the cat has! What an expressive look, according to which sensitive owners can easily guess what it feels at the moment: pleasure, fear, curiosity or anger. And how do cats see our world? Now we'll figure it out.

All kittens, like children, are born with blue eyes. But in adult cats you can meet a variety of shades - blue, yellow, gray, green. Sometimes a cat has eyes of different colors, for example, one is blue, and the other is green. The pupils of the animal are vertical. With an abundance of light, they turn into a narrow strip, and at twilight they can expand to a centimeter. Since the nerve cells of the retina in a cat are much more sensitive than a human, then the sight in her in the dark is better. Because of the reflective layer of the retina, the eyes of animals, and not just cats, glow in the dark, if you send a source of light to them. And yet a furry favorite can not, as a person, distinguish between small parts of objects or accurately consider things that are very close to it. And all because of the inability to focus the vision. She sees best at a distance of 2-6 meters.

The cat has a well developed hunting instinct. She perfectly notices the slightest movements and can accurately estimate the distance for the jump. But if the potential victim is left alone, the cat may lose sight of it from surprise. And in order to find an object again, she will have to change the angle of view a little, either by shifting or slightly raising herself.

Recently, scientists agreed that the cat distinguishes some colors, and do not see the world in black and white, as was previously thought. These are blue, green and gray tones. But the shades of red are not available to her.

Interesting body

In addition to the eyes, the cat is able to "see" and the whiskers - vibrissae, which are on the upper lip, above the eyes, chin and elbows. They very much help her when the circle is too dark or the cat has a weak vision. If the animal does not have a mustache, it moves uncertainly, and the pupils are maximally expanded. But in most cases the vibrissae quickly grow. Some cat owners may notice that their pet is moving, often shaking his head from side to side. This can serve as a signal of poor vision in the animal, and it uses a mustache, like a blind man with a cane.

Expressiveness of the eyes and graceful movements often make the cat an object for photo shoots and video shoots, not only amateur, but also professional.


Now you know how a person sees the world, also we examined in detail how cat eyes are arranged. We hope that this information will be helpful. You can now explain to everyone who asks you how the seers see the world.

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