HealthDiseases and Conditions

Skin cancer: how to detect the disease in time?

Skin cancer is a generalized concept that is used to refer to a group of malignant neoplasms of the epidermis. In particular, there are three types of malignant tumors of the skin:

  • Basalioma . This is the most common form of skin tumors, which is formed from the basal cells of the epithelium and most often affects open areas of the body. This type of cancer is characterized by slow growth and lack of metastases. In the initial stages of the basal cell, a pinkish knot with a diameter of up to 5 mm, which gradually develops, is covered with erosion and can grow to 5 cm.
  • Squamous cell carcinoma (squamous cell carcinoma). This type of cancer is characterized by more rapid development and often metastasizes. The tumor is a formation rising above the skin, which can cover with ulcers, bleed and flake off.
  • Melanoma . This is the most dangerous form of skin cancer, which is formed from moles. The main signs of melanoma are a change in the color, shape or boundaries of the mole. Melanoma can metastasize to other organs and tissues.

Causes of Skin Cancer

The exact causes of skin cancer are not known to date. However, there are risk factors that contribute to the development of this disease. For example, it has been proven that exposure to the skin of solar radiation and ultraviolet radiation increases the risk of developing skin cancer. Therefore, people who work or spend a lot of time in the sun (farmers, fishermen) are more prone to this disease.

Symptoms of skin cancer

If you do not pay attention to the condition of your own skin, then the cancer can develop for a long time asymptomatically. Therefore, it is so important to conduct regular self-examination for unusual neoplasms or changes in moles. In later stages, in addition to external manifestations, skin cancer is characterized by such symptoms:

  • A constant feeling of fatigue and increased fatigue
  • Unreasonable weight loss and loss of appetite
  • Increase in temperature (usually up to 37 ° C)
  • Enlargement of lymph nodes.

How to detect skin cancer?

For the timely detection of skin cancer, it is recommended to perform a monthly self-examination of the skin from head to toe. Early diagnosis of the disease at times increases the chances of a successful cure. If you notice any kind of neoplasm or change of the skin on examination, consult a doctor.

Carry out self-examination better in front of a full-length mirror. Start with a face, pay special attention to the nose, lips and ears. Then examine the scalp. You can ask someone from your family to help you with this. Carefully examine the palms, wrists, elbows and shoulders, axillary hollows. After that, go to the examination of the neck, chest and trunk. When examining the back of the neck and back, you can use two mirrors. Finally, examine the genital area and legs. A full examination will take you no more than 15 minutes, however, this is the most effective method of preventing skin cancer .

Here are the main signs that may indicate a skin pathology and should be an occasion to call a doctor:

  • Skin discoloration
  • Any changes in birthmarks or moles (change in color, size, texture, or surrounding skin)
  • The appearance of new skin formations
  • An open wound or an ulcer that does not heal for more than three weeks

Only an oncologist can make an accurate diagnosis, so if you find any warning signs, seek medical help immediately.

Treatment of skin cancer

Treatment of skin cancer is selected by the doctor depending on the stage and type of the disease. The main methods of treatment include chemotherapy, radiation, laser therapy, cryotherapy and surgical treatment.

Early stages of skin cancer respond well to treatment, but in general the prognosis depends on the stage and type of the disease, as well as on the timeliness of the treatment started.

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