Food and drink, Recipes
Homemade borsch with sauerkraut: the best recipes
Home borsch with sour cabbage is not in vain very popular. Surely every housewife has her own recipe for cooking this simple dish. In today's article will be presented the most interesting options.
The recipe for pork
It should be noted that this variant of cooking borsch involves the use of simple products, which are always available in almost every house. The process itself takes not too much time, so it is possible that in the future you will often cook this dish. To prepare borsch with sauerkraut, the recipe of which is considered in this publication, you need to check in advance whether you have at hand:
- Two hundred grams of pork.
- A couple of tablespoons of tomato sauce.
- Two medium beets and potatoes.
- Head of onions.
- A teaspoon of sugar.
As auxiliary components, salt, any vegetable oil and ground pepper will be used.
Process description
Pre-washed meat is placed in a suitable pan, poured slightly salted cold water, sent to the stove and brought to a boil. After the first bubbles appear on the surface of the liquid, the fire is reduced and cabbage and whole purified beets are added there. All this is covered with a lid and boiled for half an hour.
After about thirty minutes, washed, peeled and cut potatoes are placed in a pot. All together cook for about a quarter of an hour. In a separate frying pan, richly oiled with any vegetable oil, a little fry the chopped onion and add it to the meat. Almost immediately afterwards, tomato sauce is sent to the next borsch with sauerkraut and continue to boil.
From the pot, gently take the beets, cut it with thin straws and return it. Almost ready dish is seasoned with sugar, ground pepper and chopped garlic. After a couple of minutes, turn off the fire and give the borscht a little insisting. Serve it with sour cream and fresh herbs.
Recipe with beef
This incredibly tasty and fragrant white borsch with sauerkraut differs from the previous variant by the absence of beets. Before you approach the stove, be sure to check that you have all the required products. In this case, you should have:
- Seven hundred grams of beef.
- Five or six medium potato tubers.
- Three hundred grams of sour cabbage.
- A pair of medium carrots.
- Two hundred grams of onions.
To prepare a fragrant borsch, in addition you need to stock up a small amount of salt and pepper. You will also need vegetable oil, laurel and parsley root.
In a four-liter pot pour drinking water, send it to the stove and bring to a boil. After the first bubbles appear on the surface of the liquid, washed beef is placed in the dishes and cooked for one and a half hours, remembering periodically to remove the emerging foam. Ready meat is removed from the broth, cut into medium pieces and returned to the pan.
In the boiling liquid carefully lower the prepared potatoes. After seven minutes, cabbage is also put there, and after a quarter of an hour - onion and carrot fry. Following the vegetables in the broth put bay leaf and parsley root. After that, almost ready borsch with sauerkraut is salted, peppered and boiled until the potatoes are soft. After that, it is removed from the plate and poured into plates.
Recipe with celery
It should be noted that this borsch is prepared much faster than the two previous versions. Therefore, it will be a real godsend for busy housewives who do not have a lot of spare time. In order not to spend precious minutes to find the missing ingredients, check in advance whether you have in the kitchen:
- Two hundred grams of sour cabbage.
- Two liters of ready-made meat broth.
- One large beet.
- On a small carrot and onion.
- Three hundred grams of potatoes.
- A pair of stalks of celery.
To cook a substantial borsch with sour cabbage (a recipe with a photo can be seen in this article), in addition you will need salt, any vegetable oil and pepper.
Technology of preparation
First of all, you need to send a plate of broth. While he is boiling, you can do vegetables. They are washed in cool water, peeled and crushed. Prepared in this way, onions and carrots are sent to a frying pan, greased with vegetable oil, and fried a little. After a few minutes, add the sliced celery and the previously washed and wrinkled sauerkraut. All mix well and extinguish at minimum heat. A little later in the frying pan spread the brushed and grated beets.
The potato is cut into cubes and boiled. After it becomes soft, add vegetable roast, salt and spices to the pan. To home borsch with sauerkraut and beetroot has not lost its rich color, it is brought to a boil and removed from the plate. Serve the dish with garlic, sour cream and fresh herbs.
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