FinanceThe property

What is the best way to rent a garage?

An empty garage for a long time is a liability. After all, you pay a certain amount for it, although you do not use it. Passive can and should be turned into an asset. To do this, you need to rent a garage. Perhaps the amount will not be too big, but the income will be stable.

Where to begin?

If you want to rent out a garage, first determine - for how long you will take it, permanently or just for a few months. Then do a general cleaning in the garage . Get rid of unnecessary junk, valuables or sell (if not needed), or find a place for storage. Diagnose the condition of the electrical networks and the working order of the lighting devices. And the most important thing - find out how much it costs to rent a garage. Check the ads for garage deliveries in your area to find out the amount that you can count on.

How to find a tenant?

If you rent a garage for friends or acquaintances, you will have to find a tenant on the side. Compose the text of the announcement, which indicate the size of the garage, availability of communications, location, duration and amount of rent. There are two options for finding a tenant: independently conduct a small advertising campaign or seek help from a real estate agency. Choose the latter option if you do not have time to search. In addition, it is safer - realtors will help to form a legally competent contract. At the first communication with the agency's specialists, ask how much it costs to pass the garage. After all, for the service of finding a client you also have to fork out.

Print ads and place them in the authorized places in the area where the garage is located. Also advertise in the newspapers. It will cost about ten dollars. Next, the text of the announcement and the photo of the garage should appear on free Internet boards. If you do not want to spend time searching for such resources, registering with them and posting messages there, then entrust it to a company specializing specifically in such services. For the fact that visitors will see your dozens of thematic resources, you will be charged with 15-20 dollars. The easiest way is to rent a garage in Moscow, where there are many people willing to rent it, and there are much more opportunities for both the independent search and delegation of this business to firms providing such services.

Helpful advice

After the contract is safely drawn up and the tenant has received the keys, do not rush to relax. You still have one more, very important matter. Just rent a garage and do not share the profits with the state will not work. Under the law of the Russian Federation, a citizen who has received any income must pay income tax. In your case, this is 13% of the monthly rent. Provide the territorial tax office with a notice stating that you are renting real estate, as well as a photocopy of the contract. Every month you will not have to visit the fiscal authorities. The tax is charged monthly, and you will pay it only once a year. You can do this on the day you file your income statement.

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