
Home first-aid kit - a basic necessity in your home

A home first aid kit is an item that is needed in every home. Without it, you can not do it when you need medical help immediately or if you can not go to a medical institution.

The first-aid kit for a home should have a permanent place in order not to waste time searching for it in case of emergency. It will be more correct to allocate for it a small box in a cabinet or a separate cardboard box. In any case, one must bear in mind that drugs do not tolerate light, heat, and some of them must be stored in the refrigerator.

If the family has small children, then the home medicine chest should be out of reach for them. Remember the numerous cases of poisoning of children with medicines left in accessible places.

Do not stock up on drugs in large quantities. Carefully follow the expiration dates, because the delayed medicine will not only not have the proper therapeutic effect, but it can do harm. Preparations with erased labels, on which it is impossible to read the name and expiration date, are replaced by new analogues.

So, your home medicine chest should contain the following tools:

- To lower the temperature. Suitable domestic drugs are acetylsalicylic acid, paracetamol, as well as foreign analogues (preparations "Aspirin-ups", "Panadol", "Efferalgan").

- To relieve headaches and dental pain. With this, the preparations "Spazmalgon", "Trigan" are well managed. The drug "No-shpa" will remove spasms in the abdomen and liver colic.

- From heartaches. Drugs validol, corvalol in drops or tablets, as well as foreign analogue preparation valocordin.

- From intestinal disorders. Adsorption preparations activated charcoal, Smecta will absorb toxins. The agent "Enterodesis" will restore the water-salt balance of the body.

- To improve digestion. With the effects of overeating, eating, the preparations "Mezim-forte", "Festal" will quickly cope.

- From heartburn and pains in the stomach. You can buy any antacids, neutralizing hydrochloric acid in the stomach (preparations "Maalox", "Gastal", "Fosfalugel").

- To relieve allergy symptoms . Medicines Zodak, Zetrin, Claritin will relieve itching, swelling, rhinitis and redness caused by allergies. In addition, they do not cause drowsiness.

"Sore throat." You can choose preparations in the form of tablets "Tharyngosept", "Neo-angin", "Strepsils". Among the anti-inflammatory aerosols, the most effective are Ingalipt, Kameton, Geksoral, Bioparox.

"From the cold." The preparation "Pinosol" from an extract of grasses does not irritate and does not overdry the nasal mucosa due to the oil base. The popular preparation "Galazolin" is available in various forms - in the form of drops, spray and gel.

- From burns. Aerosol preparations "Pantenol", "Olazol" instantly relieve pain and swelling.

- For the treatment of wounds. Hydrogen peroxide will stop bleeding. Iodine and diamond green solutions disinfect the wound.

- Dressings. Bandages are sterile, non-sterile of different widths. Wadding, plasters, cotton wands.

- Thermometer, heating pad, tweezers, pipette, tonometer - a device for measuring pressure.

- The drug that you take all the time because of a chronic illness. Do not forget to buy it at the pharmacy on time and in sufficient quantity.

In addition, you should have a separate first aid kit for your child. We especially recommend it to families with children of preschool age. It is made taking into account medicines for children, in which the concentration of drug substance is less than in adult preparations. This will avoid unwanted confusion in adults and children's medicines.

You must remember that a competent home first aid kit can save lives in some cases. But does not exclude further treatment in a medical institution.

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