
Hitler: nationality. Adolf Gitler. History

70 years have passed since the suicide of the bloody Führer of Nazi Germany Adolf Hitler, and the secrets and facts that remained unclear still excite the public today. At the beginning of the new millennium, several researchers decided to find out more details and turn over from head to foot the story and understand who Hitler is. The nationality of this despot and today remains one of the burning issues for discussions among intellectuals.

Parents and ancestors of the future Fuhrer

In the official biography, which, as many of his contemporaries testify, Hitler often kept silent and rewritten in his own way, it is indicated that his ancestors were Austrians. According to unbiased historians, Hitler, whose nationality is no longer a mystery to anyone, was not a representative of the Aryan thoroughbred race, but everything in order.

The official history, adopted back in the Soviet period, spoke only of the mother and father of the future dictator. It is not surprising that the genealogy of this man remains a mystery today. The life of Hitler, like his death, is covered with a lot of myths and rumors that do not have documentary evidence.

It is only known that Adolp's father was Alois Hitler (1837-1903), his mother Clara Pölzl (1860-1907). If everything is clear with the genealogy of Adolphe's mother (it is documented in the documents of that era), then the origin and relatives of the father remain a mystery today. Russian researchers make the assumption that the father of the future conductor of Nazism in Germany was born as a result of incest between relatives of one clan.

European historians name Hitler, or rather, his origin, is associated with Jewish roots, arguing that Alois was born after the abuse of his grandmother Maria Anna Shiklgruber, committed by the son of a Jewish banker (presumably Rothschild), in whose house she worked as a maid. The last conjecture is not confirmed by historical facts.

"Secret" of the name Hitler

The group of researchers claims that the name of Hitler, or rather the surname of his ancestors and even his brothers, was recorded for a long time incorrectly. And only the father of Adolf Alois, as a customs officer, decided to change the family name of Shiklgruber to Hitler. According to some researchers, the reason for this was the dark past of the Shiklgruber clan, possibly engaged in smuggling and looting in the border areas with Germany. And in order to completely disown his past and have the opportunity to make a career, Alois has taken such a step. This version also has only indirect evidence.

Childhood and youth

But the birthday of Hitler, as well as the place of his birth, are an indisputable fact. In the border town of Braunnau-on-Inna on April 20, 1889, a boy was born in one of the hotels, baptized by Adolf two days later.

My father managed to get out of poverty - he became a petty official. Due to the nature of the host's activities, the family was constantly moving. Hitler remembered the childhood years with special trepidation, considering them a start on the way to his greatness. Parents paid much attention to the child, and before the birth of his younger brother Edmund, he was in general the center of the universe for the mother, who had previously lost three children. In 1896, his sister Paula was born, and Adolf was tied to her all his life.

At school, the boy was successful in his studies, he drew well, but as modern historians testify, he did not receive a certificate of graduation from the middle classes, because of which his attempt to enter the Art Academy failed several times.

Adolf Hitler spent the years of the First World War mainly at the headquarters. As his colleagues testify, he was distinguished by frail health and sycophancy to his superiors. Among the ordinary soldiers did not use respect.

Take-off on the career ladder

Adolf Hitler was a nature addict, which is why he could sit for hours in a cafe for a cup of coffee, reading the literature he was interested in. But, fortunately (or unfortunately), all his knowledge was superficial. But in the oratory, the future leader of the nation was not denied. This gift and he is obliged to advance on the career ladder.

After the defeat in the First World War in the state there were a lot of dissatisfied Germans. Massive formed secret groups and societies, which organized putsches and riots in Munich. At this time, Adolf was sent to the political education courses and for a while worked as a "bastard", exposing the leftist gatherings and communists. The times of Hitler and the heyday of his Nazi ideology were not far off. At one of the meetings of the group, which called itself the German Workers' Party, Hitler was imbued with the ideas of the people he was following, and, in accordance with the decision of the top leadership, was introduced into its ranks. Thanks to his leadership qualities and oratory, he soon gathered numerous admirers and attracted like-minded people into the ranks of the party. As a result, this group decided to shift the government in Berlin. After this clash with the capital's police, 14 Nazis were killed, Hitler broke his collarbone, was arrested and sent to prison. In conclusion, he spent 13 months, where he published his work "My Struggle", which made him a wealthy man.

It was in this work that he characterized the basic principles of Nazism and designated the main enemy of the Germans - a Jew. It was from this moment on, Hitler, whose nationality at that time was of little interest to anyone, began to keep silent about his father and grandmother, and the last name Schicklgruber, which could compromise the new "Messiah of Germany," was not mentioned at all.

Adolf Hitler and the purity of the race

Being a very clever man, Hitler correctly decided that the image of a single enemy and scapegoat in the form of Jews would rally around him all offended and offended. So it turned out. In 1923, an unsuccessful attempt to seize power led him to prison, but not behind bars in the truest sense of the word, but in a sanatorium with a garden and soft beds, where Adolf was able to reflect on the purity of the nation.

The main postulates of the Nazi ideology were the accusation of Jews in all "deadly sins" regarding Germany and the desire of this race to weaken the Germans and drive them out of their territories by assimilation and debt obligations.

Aryans - legendary blonde people with blue eyes - became the object of adoration and imitation. Scientists of Germany worked on reproductive issues of this race. Thousands of Jews, blind, deaf, black and gypsies were deprived of the right and opportunity to bear children by sterilization.

Surprisingly, as modern historians say, Hitler, whose nationality was henceforth treated as an Aryan, was friendly with a Jew in his childhood, and, according to historians, came to power, relying on the capital of the Jews. The surrounding surrounding Hitler, whose nationality was supposed to worry him, were Jews. What are Himmler, Goering, Goebbels alone ...

"I decide who is Jewish"

The fact that Hitler was a Jew was known even during his ascension to the "throne" Churchill and Roosevelt, who are also representatives of Jewish nationality. Perhaps the Jews were chosen as bait for the uneducated poor. Although today there are facts that in the army of fascist Germany in high places people who did not hide their Jewish past served. It's just that at that time it was not accepted to shout about it on all corners. The facts were hushed up, and the hordes of Jews were killed by order of this tyrant.

The coronal phrase of Himmler "I decide who is Jewish" masks the policy for the objectionable. As practice shows, at that time any unwanted person could become a Jew, and no matter how national he was.

As they say declassified documents, only European Jews were destroyed. Perhaps Hitler, with his anti-Semitic theory, was not fighting for the purity of the Aryan race, but for the purity of the Jewish nation? There is evidence that German Jews, who are being trained, were sent to Palestine to protect a new future state.

Adolf Hitler is a descendant of Jews and African Americans?

Thus, we can conclude that Hitler, whose nationality was long held back, was a cog in a huge machine that was trying to create an ideal Jewish nation. How to know, perhaps, in the words of the theory of a large Jewish conspiracy, does it make sense?

Whatever it was, Hitler's birthday in the projection of history was a tragic day for all European Jews, Slavs, Gypsies and African Americans. Perhaps the top of the Zionist organizations saw in him exactly that murder weapon, to which millions obeyed.

The journalist of the German edition of Knack Jean-Paul Mulders for a long time was trying to find out who Hitler was. The Führer's nationality worried him especially. In order to collect the necessary material, the figure took a sample of the saliva of several relatives of the dictator, resulting in a haplogroup, which is found only among Jews and African Americans. So, most likely, Hitler was just a pawn in the bloody games of the powerful.

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