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Days of the angel and the name-day in May

As in any month, in May, almost every day the memory of one or another saint is celebrated in the Orthodox tradition. Accordingly, almost every day of this month, someone celebrates birthday. In May, as is known, day 31, and the number of saints, which the church honors at this time, is quite large. Therefore, we list only those names that are the most common and familiar.

Name days in May according to the church calendar

  1. Anton. Ivan.
  2. George. Ivan. Matron.
  3. Alexander. Athanasius. Gregory. Fedor.
  4. Alexander. Denis. Fedor. Philip.
  5. Vsevolod. Fedor.
  6. Alexander. Anatoly. Athanasius.
  7. Alexey. Valentine. Elizabeth. Innocent. Leonty. Nicholas. Stanislav.
  8. Mark.
  9. Basil. Stepan.
  10. George. Ivan. Semyon. Stepan.
  11. Vitaly.
  12. Arseny. Artem. Basil.
  13. Basil. Ignat. Yakov. Maksim.
  14. Ignatius. Tamara.
  15. Athanasius. Boris. Gleb. David. Zoe. Michael. Novel.
  16. Paul. Peter. Timothy.
  17. Anton. Athanasius. Kirill. Leonty. Maria.
  18. Irina. Yakov.
  19. Denis. Ivan.
  20. Ivan. Caroline.
  21. Arseny. Ivan.
  22. Nicholas.
  23. Basil.
  24. Joseph. Kirill.
  25. Hermann. Ivan. Fedor. Philip.
  26. Alexander. George. Irina.
  27. Alexander. Ivan. Leonty. Maksim. Nikita. Yakov.
  28. Anastasia. Dmitriy.
  29. Alexander. Arkady. George. Nicholas. Peter. Fedor.
  30. Athanasius. Evdokia. Stepan.
  31. Alexandra. Andrei. David. Denis. Claudia. A lion. Paul. Peter. Semyon. Fedor. Christina. Yuliya.

Now we will discuss the church celebrations in May concerning the most important and widely revered saints.

May 2. Matrona Moscow

In the Russian Orthodoxy of Matron Moscow is one of the most revered saints. She was born in 1885 in the Tula province in a family of peasants. From the birth of the Matron was blind. It is believed that she received the gift of foresight as a child. Anyway, the glory of her spread, and people from all over the country began to flock to the Matrona for advice. She died in 1952. And glorified her as a saint in 1998.

the 6th of May. The Great Martyr George the Victorious

Name days in May are celebrated by those who are named after this saint who, among other things, is both a national symbol and a patron of Moscow. The places in his life are rather fantastic. For example, the episode of the battle with the dragon is difficult to take on faith. However, such a person really existed and lived in the II-III centuries. During his lifetime Georgy carried military service and was one of the favorites of the Emperor Diocletian, occupying a high post under him. However, when the ruler of the empire learned of his belonging to Christianity, he ordered to torture the saint, and then to be executed.

8 May. The Evangelist Mark

Name days in May are marked by those who bear the name of Mark in honor of the eponymous apostle and evangelist. According to the Christian tradition, Mark was the closest assistant to the first-ever apostle Peter and recorded his gospel from his words. In addition, he is considered the founder of the first Christian community in Egypt. The apostle Mark died , according to the life, in 63 in Alexandria at the hands of pagan radicals.

may 13. The Apostle James the Zebedee

Those who bear the name Jacob (Jacob) in honor of one apostle of the twelve, also celebrate their name-day in May. This man was called to the apostleship by Christ, as his brother - John, who later became Saint John the Theologian. Jacob was among the nearest circle of Christ, even within the apostolic community. Along with John and Peter, he received special revelations and was given special attention to his teacher. It is believed that after the death and resurrection of Jesus, he bypassed the preaching of Spain and a number of other countries, and then returned to Jerusalem. According to legend, he was executed by the Jewish king Agrippa at the insistence of the Jewish spiritual authorities in the year 44.

22nd of May. The transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

Nikolai the Sinner is one of the most revered saints in the Russian church. There are two days of his memory - in winter and in spring. In May, the day is celebrated when the holy remains of this man were transferred from the World of Lycians to the Italian city of Bari.

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