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Herb heart - five-lobed motherwort: useful properties and contraindications

The similarity of the apical leaves of this perennial herbaceous plant with the tip of the lion's tail was noticed by the ancient Romans. They called it the lion's tail (Leonúrus). He grows in deserted garbage places, hence the Russian name - motherwort. Distinctive features - tetrahedral stem, at the top of which the leaves are tripartite, at the bottom - five-parted to half of their length. Many motherworts are called cardiac grass. And this name is given to him not without reason. There are reports that as a cardiac remedy in the XV century used motherwort. Useful properties and contraindications of plants are described in ancient and modern herbalists. Motherwort enters into the phytosbores, from it is prepared an alcohol tincture, they are released in the form of tablets made of dry carefully crushed raw materials. Official medicine also recognizes as a medicine motherwort.

Useful properties and contraindications

Glycosides, alkaloids of low toxicity (leonuridine, leonurin), tannins, flavonoids (vitamin P, hyperoside, cosmosyne, quercitrin, quinqueloside, glucoramnoside and others), saponins, anthocyanins, vitamins A, C, E contains a plant. The chemical composition and properties of the motherwort continue to be studied. Phytotherapists offer new medicinal fees, which include a motherwort. Useful properties and contraindications of this plant are associated primarily with its sedative (calming) effect (it is stronger than drugs from the valerian root) and hypotensive effect (lowers blood pressure, heart beat slows down). Therefore, motherwort preparations can not be used when:
- the person in the work needs concentration of attention and quick response to the change of actions;
- there is hypotension (low blood pressure) or bradycardia (delayed heart rate).

The medicinal substances of the plant increase urination, stop colic in the gastrointestinal tract, strengthen menstruation, help with epilepsy, neuralgia, neurasthenia, hysteria, widespread vegetovascular dystonia, have a hypnotic effect (without getting used to the drug), reduce the headache. The hypotensive and sedative effect of the motherwort preparations manifests itself in three regular intervals. As a rule, the bitter motherwort acts, albeit slowly, but in the right direction. In pediatric practice with neuroses, neurasthenia and increased excitability, a restless child may be assigned to a motherwort. Useful properties and contraindications are always taken into account by the attending physician. Possible individual intolerance of motherwort preparations, but in very rare cases.

What to use and how to take

For treatment, grass is needed - the leafy tops in the period of full flowering in July-August. From them at home make infusion. Brewed 4 tbsp. L. Herbs freshly (or dry 1 tbsp.) With a glass of boiling water, first 15 minutes warm infusion on a water bath in a container under the lid, then give 45 minutes to infuse, filter - almost a glass of infusion is ready for use. This portion is enough for a day, if you divide it into 3 parts. You need to drink an hour before eating. You can buy ready-made pharmacy tincture "Motherwort". How to take this medication is indicated in the annotation to it, the dosage usually depends on the age.

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