
Heel spur. Treatment with folk remedies will help to avoid surgery.

Sometimes on the back of the heel, but more often directly on the sole of the foot is formed heel spurs. Treatment of folk remedies in this case is very effective, includes a number of methods for getting rid of this ailment and preventive measures that preclude its re-emergence.

After various injuries and fractures, wearing uncomfortable and tight shoes, with spine diseases, overweight, flat feet and other orthopedic diseases, bone growth occurs in the form of a knoll, spine or wedge. With the support of the heel or walking, there is a burning sharp pain that affects the overall well-being of the person and his working capacity. If a calcaneal spur appeared , treatment with folk remedies would be an excellent conservative option.

If we talk about traditional therapy, here the specialist will prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs and exercise complex exercise therapy. If the reason for the appearance of the spur is flat feet, another disease or excess weight, they must be disposed of. Treatment spurs includes a set of physiotherapy procedures. This is electrophoresis, ultraviolet, magnetic therapy and ultrasound. To improve blood circulation, but only in the absence of inflammatory processes, massage is useful. In the most extreme case, when all possible means did not bring the desired result, surgical intervention will be applied.

Growing every day painful sensations in the heel area is a clear sign that the calcaneal spur began to form there . Treatment with folk remedies helps reduce the sensitivity of soft tissues, eliminates inflammation and pain. Let's start with the simplest recommendations. Here the opinion of specialists and traditional healers is one. A more rapid destruction of the bone build-up is helped by a prolonged mechanical action with a solid object on the problem area. Simply put, you can simply knock on the floor with your heel while watching TV or working on a computer. This will significantly increase blood circulation, which means that the spur will collapse more quickly.

Treatment with compresses from herbs gives excellent results. For one of the recipes you need freshly harvested leaves of young nettles. They should be scrolled in a meat grinder, lay out the resulting mass in an even layer on the burdock sheet and attach the compress with a bandage to the heel. These manipulations are performed before bedtime, and in the morning the compress is removed. The next procedure takes place every other day. Five to six procedures are sufficient to completely disappear heel spurs.

Treatment with folk remedies gives excellent results. Especially good is the age-old prescription for a therapeutic ointment. Take fresh interior fat, necessarily unsalted, and pour it with the same amount of vinegar. Add the chicken egg with the shell and mix it carefully. Keep the resulting mixture in a cool and dark place for at least twenty days. Be sure to stir every day. After the necessary amount of time, we begin treatment of the spur. The heel is well steamed, we apply a sufficient amount of ointment, we put a cotton pad on top and fix the structure with bandage. On top we dress made of natural materials of a sock and we go to bed. After the first procedure, it becomes noticeable how the spur has shrunk and softened.

Treatment includes the use of medicinal trays. For them, you need a powdered milk thistle, from which for fifteen minutes, cook the broth. We wait until it has cooled to a tolerable temperature, and we soak our feet until the decoction cools down completely. To apply the simplest but effective recipe, you need a fluffy woolen carpet or just a wool thing. As soon as there is a free minute, sit down and rub your heel with your hair. With this method, you can get rid of the spur in three days.

All medical procedures must be combined with the use of special orthopedic insoles and the replacement of fashionable shoes with comfortable ones. Try not to walk, temporarily reduce the load on the feet.

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