Health, Healthy Eating
Health - How I got acquainted with antique food.
Up to 40 years I was, like everyone else, that is, I considered a three-time meal a civilized norm and had no idea that it is possible to eat less often. But gradually I began to appear chronic diseases. At the same time, I did not have money for medicine, time for doctors, plus the fear of losing my job. All that was earned went to the maintenance of the family. Like many Russians, life forced me to self-medicate and to sort out folk and other means, including jogging through the park, yoga, other health improvement systems, etc. Each of these systems required time, persistence and strong-willed efforts, and I did not have any of this. And the illness in the meantime all added up, interfering with the work, emptying the already meager wallet. And I dreamed of finding such a means of recovery, so as not to waste money, time, or strong-willed efforts on health.
And, behold, a eureka, about 15 years ago in the course of these searches, I finally found such a tool, and it turned out to be a Russian peasant model of nutrition of the 16th and 17th centuries, which in turn came from the ancient centuries, and in fact, according to this scheme, thousands Years old the whole ancient world was feeding. And food is both here and there was about one-time.
I then accidentally discovered that if, say, 2-3 days in a row I miss breakfasts and dinners, and only have supper, then my chronic illnesses recede a little, and it becomes easier. It was at that time that the Japanese were praised everywhere for the fact that those in the food preserve their traditions of the 16th century. And I asked myself then, but if they, that is Japanese, can eat in their 16th century, then why can not I do the same. And, here I will take and conduct the experiment, that is, I will also eat on the model of Russian peasants of the 16th century, the more illnesses have already led me to disability. I decided, stepped into the unknown and very soon my chronic illnesses began to go somewhere, and somewhere in half a year I generally forgot about them and simultaneously fell in love with the new old system of my ancestors and to this day remain her passionate adherent and propagandist. Confidence in my rightness was strengthened by very, very rare publications in which the authors claimed that the transition of the European nations of 100-300 years to three meals a day was a huge mistake, which, in time, will lead to the degeneration of these nations and historical disappearance, We observe.
So, 15 years ago, I parted with the "civilized" three meals a day and, like Russian peasants, started eating only once a day.
Today I'm trying to promote new (old) food, and some acquaintances went to him and also parted with a mass of a variety of chronic diseases. There are not many such people yet. Too strong and absolute power over people's consciousness of the current system of three meals a day. In addition, it was found that when in the childhood of each of us the family and the system were taught to eat three meals a day, they spent enormous energy. So, to get out in adulthood from the three meals a day requires the same energy. And where can I get it? Eternal trap for the vast majority.
Myths and truth about the ancient, that is, one-time meals.
When I switched to one-time food familiar and the doctors warned that, skipping breakfasts and dinners, I would have to overeat in the evenings overload the digestive system, which is supposedly very harmful. So this statement turned out to be fair only in part, and even that very short time, for the period of the transition period.
But after 2-3 months my body was rebuilt, and in general there was an amazing paradox. Now in the evenings, I began to consume food unexpectedly less than in the years of three meals a day. More simply does not climb. Warnings turned out to be a real myth.
In addition to my will, food preferences have changed. If before I liked the variety of food, the cuisine of the people, salads, new and new dishes, then with the transition to a one-time evening meal, I just wanted to eat simple and, I emphasize, monotonous food. This is the only favorite and desired dish suddenly became for me a simple Russian soup or pea soup, and I'm gorging myself in the evening with one plate. Love for raznosolam kuda-that has left, though earlier I could not without a variety in meal. And the conclusion from this is that any person who teaches himself to eat only in the evening in time, apart from his will, will inevitably switch to simple peasant food, and eat it in unexpectedly small quantities, and as a result this maleness will give health and save a lot of money . This is a return to its own place, on the ancestral food system.
One of the main arguments of opponents of antique food is, as I found out for myself, the myth that switching to a one-time meal will lose a lot of pleasures from a variety of 3 meals a day. Indeed, food is one of the main sources of pleasure and joy of a person and, in the opinion of the supporters of the three meals a day, a voluntary transition to one-time meals inevitably impoverishes and cuts their size 3-4 times. Then why, you ask, live? Here, unfortunately, lies the universal error from ignorance. Simple arithmetic does not work here. It turned out that when we eat 4 times, we inevitably save time and combine food with other activities (read, talk, argue, iron clothes, etc.), and even so quickly swallow the uneaten food. The pleasure of eating with this in fact is not enough, the more such a manner of eating itself carries a disease. Another thing is a one-time meal only in the evening. You know, when, after becoming habitual abstinence from daytime food, I rush home to a long-awaited supper, but now I feel like that "lover is young at Pushkin's." Every day I'm in a hurry for a real evening meal, the pleasure of which is much higher than from frequent meals. Remember the picture of Plastov "Dinner tractor driver", on which a man dines after work on the age-old peasant order, and this means the first time this day. What a feast of food! This is essentially a hymn to antique food. So I now, when I eat only in the evening, I experience such pleasure, which I did not know before, naturally, while not distracting from food, it means I chew for a long time, which means I'm eating up a small amount of food. Now I understand why Russian peasants ate so little, hitting the people who were used to the city's order (see Chekhov's story "The Guys").
Many remember how in the 50-70s of the 20th century Russians were simply shocked by flocks of gypsy children who barefoot in the early spring wandering around the stations, over the icy puddles, and none of them strongly felt anything. Such phenomenal immunity of gypsy children to colds and in general to any illnesses then simply amazed Russians, and no one could explain the true cause of this miracle. And the secret of this protection of gypsies from all chronic diseases actually lies in the principles of antique nutrition, which they preserved in the 18-20th centuries, defended in their communities, closed from all sorts of innovations over human nature. After all, the Gypsies are the oldest and, therefore, the wisest nation of Russia, in which the technology of food almost does not change. That's how gypsies continue to feed their children since childhood, as Hippocrates actually bequeathed to people, that is, only when they ask, and it turns out not more often 1-1,5 per day, that is, according to the ancient scheme. And all the children of them from generation to generation grow up strong, healthy, intelligent people. Even today, despite the ecology, Roma do not have infertility, premature babies, childhood diseases, bad habits, etc. While the Russians massively suffer from these ailments, and even from mass inadequacy, early impotence, the collapse of the family. And all these problems, if the eyes of the Gypsies, are due to a multiple overeating, which is forcefully imposed on every European since childhood. And, this reusable overeating is the main reason for the extinction of Russians, as a large northern ethnos. And the validity of this hypothesis indirectly proves the extinction of the northern nationalities in the 20th century from the reusable power scheme imposed by the authorities of the USSR.
The people of the North and Siberia and ancient food.
In 1960, a large edition of the culinary book with hundreds of dishes was published in the USSR in mass circulation, as a kind of start of the culinary revolution. After all, some 30-40 years before, Russia was a country of peasants in bast shoes, who never tried more than 5-10 dishes, and here they were hundreds and from all over the world. This culinary revolution affected all the nations of the USSR, including the peoples of the North and Siberia, who had always ate 3-4 dishes before. The Russian culinary revolution coincided with the epidemic of alcoholism, which has taken about 100 million lives since 1960, although no one has yet figured out how to connect these phenomena. And, as far as the peoples of Siberia and the North are concerned, during this period they lost 70% of the alcoholic surge, despite the multibillion-dollar Northern programs in the USSR, stone settlements, medicine, etc. As a result, in the late 80s of the 20th century, the authorities restored their right to feed by tradition, that is, in fact recognized the connection between the culinary revolution and degeneration from bad habits. At the same time, Russians did not recognize such a connection, because only 30% of them have died out so far, and they can still be experimented with, that is, 70% is 70% before the threshold.
Today, the peoples of Siberia and the North, living in isolation, eat traditionally and have nothing to suffer from without needing medicine. And the main reason for this immunity is the combination of their age-old food with the ancient scheme of nutrition. Otherwise, the main factor in the health of the Northern and Siberian nationalities is not that they eat their fish, but that they do not eat this fish more often than 1-1.5, like the ancient Greeks, like the same A.V. Suvorov.
After all, for example, chronically ill Europeans can also switch to their age-old food, but their diseases will not disappear from this, since this food will be civilized, that is, 4-6 times a day, and health will only come from The combination of age-old food with the age-old regime, that is, folk food is not more often 1-1,5 times a day (antique food on a mono-diet).
Today, the Russians, like the great northern people, degenerate regardless of the rise in the standard of living according to the same laws as the small peoples of Siberia and the North in the 1960s and 1980s of the 20th century, because by their nature they remained eternal peasants in bast shoes who believed in culinary Revolution, as in the main religion. Really, in order to understand the saving need to return to the age - old diet, Russians will need to die out by 70%, that is, in principle, until the end, to go the way of small northern nationalities, who eventually were culinary revolution canceled.
Ancient food in the years of the war of 1941-45.
The harsh reality forced the Soviet people at the front, in the rear, and in the occupation to eat very often not more than one and a half times a day, that is, as in ancient times. But, interestingly, on this background, people have stopped to suffer from chronic diseases. All the usual illnesses in these difficult years simply left the USSR. Doctors treated mostly the wounded, other medical help was not required, since no one was practically sick at that time. After the war, reusable meals returned as a norm, but with him returned, and his companions, that is, chronic illnesses and bad habits and doctors again needed everything.
First, I will immediately note that the doctors promised the danger of overeating with antique food, if it works, it's only the first time. Then comes the restructuring of the body, in which less and less food is required for supper, and as a result, in 3-5 months the dinner turns into a plate of soup, it just does not climb like that of a woman from Lviv.
Secondly, at the same time, dinner becomes a holiday of food, from which you receive a previously unknown aesthetic pleasure, and the craving for simple food, that is, for cabbage soup and porridge, awakens, and you do not want to look at any foreign food any more. That is, the evening meal turns into a strong stimulator of joy, which was not enough before, and which filled up bad habits. Many remember the picture of Plastov's "Dinner tractor driver," which depicts the delight of a one-night meal after a day's work. The hero in the picture can not be an alcoholic and a chronicle by definition. A picture-anthem to a one-time antique food.
Thirdly, the desire to prolong the evening meal simply makes you chew food for a long time and not be distracted, as before on reading, eating food, which means eating up a small amount of food, and healthy food is fully absorbed, does not give slag, and hence health. After all, the human psyche is not designed for 4-5 meals a day, so often there is he just never had time because of the eternal state of village suffering, when the food was collected just in the evening. There are 4-5 times we are simply bored, and, therefore, we eat quickly without respect for food, violating the ancient food energy, and the food is not digested, it goes to the detriment.
That is, the ancient evening meal is a psychologically earned meal, in which any person without urging on for a long time, slowly with great respect to food and a holiday in the shower chewing simple folk food, to which he wakes up love and craving and from slow chewing gorges on a small amount of this Fine food. And from here, such food turns into a panacea for all diseases, from bad habits, including alcoholism, impotence, impotence, mental illnesses, etc., if only because the Russian peasants of the 16th and 18th centuries do not have such food on such food Did not hurt.
And, today, when people ask me how to eat so as not to get sick, I tell people about the ancient food that great Suvorov called for to be kept and to which Russia must return in order to restore the health of the nation and its numerical strength.
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