Health, Vision
Gymnastics for the eyes of Norbekov - a benefit or a waste of time?
Released in 2001, Mirzakarim Norbekov's book "The experience of a fool, or the key to insight. How to get rid of glasses "divided the readership into two camps: those who enthusiastically embraced the new method of improving the eyesight, and those who were skeptical about the theory. And now, 11 years later, among doctors and patients, one can find active discussions of Norbekov's methods.
To understand what the method of improving Norbekov's vision is, it is necessary, first of all, to get acquainted with the book itself. In fact, the method itself is divided into two interrelated parts: the psychological and the physical. The psychological part is devoted to creating the right mood for improving vision with the help of auto-training. The physical part paints a complex of exercises for improving the vision and overall health of the body. As a rule, in publicly available free sources only the second part is presented, namely: gymnastics for the eyes on Norbekov.
However, for successful recovery, the author recommends, at a minimum, to get acquainted with the psychological part. According to Mirzakarim Norbekov, in any process of treatment the main thing is the attitude towards health. It is important to perceive yourself not as a person undergoing treatment, but as a person already healthy. It is not easy to reach such a state, however, it is possible. And, above all, by maintaining a beautiful emotional state, proper posture and perception of the world as a friendly environment.
The gymnastics for Norbekov's eyes includes only 7 exercises: "up-down", "wall-to-wall", "eight", "butterfly", "strabismus exercise", "exercise for widening the axes of vision" and "big circle" . The author emphasizes that each exercise is aimed at causing a soft load on the muscles of the eyes. A person practicing the exercises should clearly monitor the state of the eye, avoiding excessive stress. An important role in the execution of exercises is the maintenance of proper posture.
It is worth noting that the red line through the entire book is the meaning of the correct posture (or, as Mirzakarim Norbekov calls it, "muscle corset"). The whole gymnastics according to Norbekov is based on the thesis about the important role of a healthy spine in the functioning of the whole organism. Therefore, in the course of lessons on Norbekov's book, it is necessary not only to perform exercises for the eyes, but also for all parts of the spine, described in detail by the author. As the author writes, proper posture, or "muscular corset", affects not only the state of vision, but also the entire body as a whole. Also, the Norbekov gymnastics includes a set of exercises for the joints of the feet and hands.
When performing exercises, a person should support not only the right "muscular corset", but also the right emotional mood. In addition, unlike other methods of restoring vision, Norbekov's gymnastics for the eyes includes a special concentration on the sensations of the organ being corrected (cold, warm, tingling), as well as working with a modified ophthalmic table. Combining exercises, emotional mood, posture, control over the corrected organ and additional exercises with an ophthalmic table will allow you to correct your eyesight, spending only twenty minutes a day.
Reviews about how successful in eliminating ophthalmic diseases gymnastics for Norbekov's eyes, vary. Doctors-ophthalmologists note that the complex of exercises for the eyes is suitable for healthy people for the prevention of ophthalmic problems. But with regard to the treatment of diseases express a certain skepticism.
Interesting and reviews of patients. Some of them argue that gymnastics for the eyes on Norbekov gives a tangible result, although, stipulating that the whole complex of exercises should be practiced daily. Others also express skepticism, explaining this by the fact that Norbekov's eye treatment method did not help him get rid of the diseases or the result was short-lived. True, both of them relate for the most part not to the physical component of the method, but to the psychological one.
Therefore, when deciding on the application of the Norbekov method, it is first worth consulting about the health of the ophthalmologist: to make an accurate diagnosis and to find out whether the gymnastics for Norbekov's eyes will harm and will not exacerbate the problem even further. It is advisable to undergo a complete ophthalmological examination before using the method and, in the case of using the method, compare the result with the initial state.
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