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Growth spikes in infants: features, rates and abnormalities

During the first twelve months, parents can observe growth spikes in infants. They are absolutely natural stages of development of babies. This is not only their physical growth. But the development of mental. True, they do not always coincide with each other (physical growth increases much more). The development of all the carapaces occurs in jumps. Somehow by accident, suddenly they start doing something new, which they could not do yesterday. Then in their development there is a short pause, and then - the next jump.

It is important for parents to remember that for a crumb every such jump is a difficult period, because he only learns to adjust to new impressions and feelings for him. Many babies are slightly afraid of the changes that are happening to them. Adults, too, can not be sweet. To calm their chadushki, moms and dads need time. Parents are obliged to help carp in this period of their life. When there are growth spikes in infants before the year, they suddenly need to be closer to their mother all the time.

What is this race?

Exceptionally, all babies are experiencing difficult periods. This occurs at 5, 8, 12, 19, 26, 27, 46, 55, 64 and 75 weeks. Kids often fuss, cry, cope with them quite hard. Each jump in the growth in infants, the symptoms of which will be indicated below, brings with it an ever greater independence of the baby, and it must somehow get used to it.

But such difficult life periods pass as suddenly as they do. Parents can finally take a breath, because the kid is completely busy with the newly acquired skills. But this does not last as long as you want, because in the first year of life there are a lot of such crashes.

Breastfeeding in horse racing

Experiencing growth spikes in infants, moms should not panic. Being in the first month of life, crumbs usually suck mother's breast for a much longer time and much more often. It is good for increasing the amount of milk, so that it is enough to provide an actively growing body of the youngster.

Mom should not resist. It is better to feed the baby as much as he needs. Refusal in this period of life of the baby in milk will be the grossest mother's mistake.

Everyone knows that the longer a baby sucks, the more milk will be produced in it, which, in fact, is what he needs. In just a few days, the milk will become larger, and the baby will eat as before.

What are the growth rates of babies?

In order not to worry, parents can trace how their baby develops according to such parameters:

  • When the crumb reaches 4-5 months old, its weight should double;
  • By the first year the weight should increase threefold;

  • In the first six months of a normal increase in weight, 800 g are considered every month;
  • In the second half a year, a normal increase in weight is considered to be 400 g. Every month.

While still in my mother's tummy, the baby grows by about 2.5 cm for every 7 days (this is from 4 to 6 months of pregnancy). During the first year of life, the growth rate decreases slightly (about a quarter of a meter is the growth jump in infants.) The calendar provides the following figures: by two years - by 8-12 cm, to three the baby grows only by 10 cm, and then The norm is an increase in growth every year by about 4 centimeters.

Possible causes of a violation of the norm

The standard can be broken due to some changes in the development of the baby, for example, rickets, anemia, diseases of the central nervous system, endocrine system ... If the baby is breastfeeding, that the mother should make sure that the baby has enough milk. If not, you may need to supplement the formula.

Indicators of development of children under one year - height, weight, volume of the head and chest circumference are recorded in the children's card. They are checked against the generally accepted norm of indicators, which will allow the doctor to detect a possible deviation in time. There are many factors that influence how the weight and height of the baby changes (the specialist must take them into account).

1. The sex of the child. Girls usually recover and grow slower than boys (about a couple of centimeters in height and a half a kilogram in weight).

2. Heredity (if the parents were large, it is not surprising that their parameters will repeat and the baby).

3. It is necessary to take into account the height and weight at birth of crumbs.

4. The state of health of the baby - teething, experiences, infections ...

5. The type of feeding (the artisans gain weight faster).

6. Congenital abnormalities in the work of internal organs.

All this should be taken into account when drawing up a general picture of a child's health.

Recognize the horse racing correctly

When the first month of life begins, the first stage begins. It's like a jump in growth (the body of a newborn develops very quickly), and the jump in the development of its sense organs. Now the little one gradually draws attention to the fact that something is changing around him, something is happening. But the fact that he develops senses does not at all mean that the ability to process new sensations is also growing. And the result is expected - the child is frightened by what is happening.

Using his instinct, he tries to find protection from everything that happens in his mother, and since he can not yet say about it with words, he does what he knows: he screams.

This period is different in that the crumb sleeps much worse, especially if he is alone in his crib. Quietly and without tears the child can lie, for example, on the abdomen of one of the parents, even if before that he did not recognize it. Now he increasingly needs mother's breast as a comfort from adversity. His appearance and behavior the newborn gives his mother to understand that he really needs it and the greatest comfort.

What should mom do when there is a jump in development?

Most importantly, do not be afraid of developmental jumps. The first thing that comes to mind is that mother wants to eat, and she does not have enough milk to satisfy all the growing needs for food. The second is that the tummy has a stomachache. Then he is taken to the doctor.

But during this period the most important thing that a kid needs is a mother who is always near. Only she can calm him and give her a sense of security. Therefore, the growth rate in infants Do not have to scare mom, because only she is at this time the most important for the baby person.

Assistance during this period is quite simple:

  • As much as possible to wear crumbs on the hands: mother's voice, smell, warmth, the habit of keeping a newborn baby - everything is very important for him.
  • Do not stop breastfeeding, even if mom thinks that milk is not enough.
  • Calm the little creature: press it to itself so that the priest's arm lies on one hand, and the other hand holds his head, which will lie on the elbow bend. So the baby can hear mom's heartbeat. He will quickly calm down, especially when his mother shakes it, sings a song or gently pats the ass.

Feelings of the kid during developmental jumps

So, we figured out that every new skill and skill brings every jump in growth in infants. The calendar and symptoms of what is happening during this period will help young and inexperienced mothers to know at what age their children will have the first difficult phases. After all, all the children experience them at the same time (with minor amendments). There are eight such phases. And they appear in the first fourteen months after the birth of the baby.

The main thing that my mom should pay attention to is the increasing appetite of the baby. His behavior becomes demanding and capricious. Consider growth spikes in infants by week.

The first crisis begins about the 4th week (this was mentioned above). The kid learns to feel much new, but can not yet explain his feelings.

The second jump occurs at the beginning of the 8th week. The kid sees, hears, distinguishes taste, sniffs. And again all this novelty scares him. Just like before, he really needs a mother.

The third jump (12th week) - smooth transitions. Now the little one learns to own his body and the objects surrounding him. He can feel his movements, can take a toy and move it to another place.

The fourth leap (19th week of the first year of life) gives the child the opportunity to realize the world around him. Now the karapuz knows that he can not just stretch out the handle to his favorite toy, but also take it, turn it, taste it.

The fifth jump (the beginning of the 26th week) allows the baby to understand the interconnection of objects around him. He realizes what a distance is. During this period, the baby can calm down in the arms of his mother, and switch to some book or toy .

The sixth jump occurs on the 37th week. This is a world of categories. The kid understands that all the items are different. The rapid development of speech abilities of crumbs begins.

The seventh jump "catches up" with the baby on the 46th week. This is a world of sequences. Karapuzik for the first time in his life begins to collect something, something to construct.

The eighth jump occurs on the 55th week (some kids can start on the 51st). This is a world of programs. Kroha already perfectly understands who his parents are, grandmothers-aunts, and who is a stranger (doctor or neighbor, for example). He is able to produce simple actions, in comparison with the first jump, the baby is already almost independent. But he still needs mom.

Jump or check?

What are the jumps of growth in infants and how to behave to mom at this time, we have already figured out. It remains to make some important accents. The time frame of the jumps may vary slightly. It depends on the fact that each kid is individual and the development of it happens in its own way. As a rule, each jump lasts two or three days. In rare cases, dragged on for a whole week. Therefore, parental patience will be very helpful.

These periods can simultaneously destroy the entire created regime of the day, the schedule of sleep and nutrition. But do not panic. This should be simply experienced, giving the child these days as much as possible attention. Mom should be calm, patient and try to fully focus on the needs of her child.

A completely natural process of changing physical and mental development should be considered a jump in growth in infants. The table can give a general idea, but we should not forget about the features of development and their ilk (this was mentioned above).

And another important point: mothers should recognize such a crisis on time and do not confuse it with checking the baby's limits for the permitted (after all, even the karapuzes often arrange such tests for their parents). If, judging by the developed calendar of crises, the baby is just at the age when the next leap must take place, this means that the new critical period in his life did come after all.

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